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# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for"""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
from anta.tests.stp import VerifySTPBlockedPorts, VerifySTPCounters, VerifySTPForwardingPorts, VerifySTPMode, VerifySTPRootPriority, VerifyStpTopologyChanges
from tests.units.anta_tests import test
DATA: list[dict[str, Any]] = [
"name": "success",
"test": VerifySTPMode,
"eos_data": [
{"spanningTreeVlanInstances": {"10": {"spanningTreeVlanInstance": {"protocol": "rstp"}}}},
{"spanningTreeVlanInstances": {"20": {"spanningTreeVlanInstance": {"protocol": "rstp"}}}},
"inputs": {"mode": "rstp", "vlans": [10, 20]},
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "failure-no-instances",
"test": VerifySTPMode,
"eos_data": [
{"spanningTreeVlanInstances": {}},
{"spanningTreeVlanInstances": {}},
"inputs": {"mode": "rstp", "vlans": [10, 20]},
"expected": {"result": "failure", "messages": ["STP mode 'rstp' not configured for the following VLAN(s): [10, 20]"]},
"name": "failure-wrong-mode",
"test": VerifySTPMode,
"eos_data": [
{"spanningTreeVlanInstances": {"10": {"spanningTreeVlanInstance": {"protocol": "mstp"}}}},
{"spanningTreeVlanInstances": {"20": {"spanningTreeVlanInstance": {"protocol": "mstp"}}}},
"inputs": {"mode": "rstp", "vlans": [10, 20]},
"expected": {"result": "failure", "messages": ["Wrong STP mode configured for the following VLAN(s): [10, 20]"]},
"name": "failure-both",
"test": VerifySTPMode,
"eos_data": [
{"spanningTreeVlanInstances": {}},
{"spanningTreeVlanInstances": {"20": {"spanningTreeVlanInstance": {"protocol": "mstp"}}}},
"inputs": {"mode": "rstp", "vlans": [10, 20]},
"expected": {
"result": "failure",
"messages": ["STP mode 'rstp' not configured for the following VLAN(s): [10]", "Wrong STP mode configured for the following VLAN(s): [20]"],
"name": "success",
"test": VerifySTPBlockedPorts,
"eos_data": [{"spanningTreeInstances": {}}],
"inputs": None,
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "failure",
"test": VerifySTPBlockedPorts,
"eos_data": [{"spanningTreeInstances": {"MST0": {"spanningTreeBlockedPorts": ["Ethernet10"]}, "MST10": {"spanningTreeBlockedPorts": ["Ethernet10"]}}}],
"inputs": None,
"expected": {"result": "failure", "messages": ["The following ports are blocked by STP: {'MST0': ['Ethernet10'], 'MST10': ['Ethernet10']}"]},
"name": "success",
"test": VerifySTPCounters,
"eos_data": [{"interfaces": {"Ethernet10": {"bpduSent": 99, "bpduReceived": 0, "bpduTaggedError": 0, "bpduOtherError": 0, "bpduRateLimitCount": 0}}}],
"inputs": None,
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "failure",
"test": VerifySTPCounters,
"eos_data": [
"interfaces": {
"Ethernet10": {"bpduSent": 201, "bpduReceived": 0, "bpduTaggedError": 3, "bpduOtherError": 0, "bpduRateLimitCount": 0},
"Ethernet11": {"bpduSent": 99, "bpduReceived": 0, "bpduTaggedError": 0, "bpduOtherError": 6, "bpduRateLimitCount": 0},
"inputs": None,
"expected": {"result": "failure", "messages": ["The following interfaces have STP BPDU packet errors: ['Ethernet10', 'Ethernet11']"]},
"name": "success",
"test": VerifySTPForwardingPorts,
"eos_data": [
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {"Mst10": {"vlans": [10], "interfaces": {"Ethernet10": {"state": "forwarding"}, "MplsTrunk1": {"state": "forwarding"}}}},
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {"Mst20": {"vlans": [20], "interfaces": {"Ethernet10": {"state": "forwarding"}, "MplsTrunk1": {"state": "forwarding"}}}},
"inputs": {"vlans": [10, 20]},
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "success-vlan-not-in-topology", # Should it succeed really ? TODO - this output should be impossible
"test": VerifySTPForwardingPorts,
"eos_data": [
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {"Mst10": {"vlans": [10], "interfaces": {"Ethernet10": {"state": "forwarding"}, "MplsTrunk1": {"state": "forwarding"}}}},
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {"Mst10": {"vlans": [10], "interfaces": {"Ethernet10": {"state": "forwarding"}, "MplsTrunk1": {"state": "forwarding"}}}},
"inputs": {"vlans": [10, 20]},
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "failure-no-instances",
"test": VerifySTPForwardingPorts,
"eos_data": [{"unmappedVlans": [], "topologies": {}}, {"unmappedVlans": [], "topologies": {}}],
"inputs": {"vlans": [10, 20]},
"expected": {"result": "failure", "messages": ["STP instance is not configured for the following VLAN(s): [10, 20]"]},
"name": "failure",
"test": VerifySTPForwardingPorts,
"eos_data": [
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {"Vl10": {"vlans": [10], "interfaces": {"Ethernet10": {"state": "discarding"}, "MplsTrunk1": {"state": "forwarding"}}}},
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {"Vl20": {"vlans": [20], "interfaces": {"Ethernet10": {"state": "discarding"}, "MplsTrunk1": {"state": "forwarding"}}}},
"inputs": {"vlans": [10, 20]},
"expected": {
"result": "failure",
"messages": ["The following VLAN(s) have interface(s) that are not in a forwarding state: [{'VLAN 10': ['Ethernet10']}, {'VLAN 20': ['Ethernet10']}]"],
"name": "success-specific-instances",
"test": VerifySTPRootPriority,
"eos_data": [
"instances": {
"VL10": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 32768,
"systemIdExtension": 10,
"macAddress": "00:1c:73:27:95:a2",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"VL20": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 32768,
"systemIdExtension": 20,
"macAddress": "00:1c:73:27:95:a2",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"VL30": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 32768,
"systemIdExtension": 30,
"macAddress": "00:1c:73:27:95:a2",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"inputs": {"priority": 32768, "instances": [10, 20]},
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "success-all-instances",
"test": VerifySTPRootPriority,
"eos_data": [
"instances": {
"VL10": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 32768,
"systemIdExtension": 10,
"macAddress": "00:1c:73:27:95:a2",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"VL20": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 32768,
"systemIdExtension": 20,
"macAddress": "00:1c:73:27:95:a2",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"VL30": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 32768,
"systemIdExtension": 30,
"macAddress": "00:1c:73:27:95:a2",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"inputs": {"priority": 32768},
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "success-MST",
"test": VerifySTPRootPriority,
"eos_data": [
"instances": {
"MST0": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 16384,
"systemIdExtension": 0,
"macAddress": "02:1c:73:8b:93:ac",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"inputs": {"priority": 16384, "instances": [0]},
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "failure-no-instances",
"test": VerifySTPRootPriority,
"eos_data": [
"instances": {
"WRONG0": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 16384,
"systemIdExtension": 0,
"macAddress": "02:1c:73:8b:93:ac",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"inputs": {"priority": 32768, "instances": [0]},
"expected": {"result": "failure", "messages": ["Unsupported STP instance type: WRONG0"]},
"name": "failure-wrong-instance-type",
"test": VerifySTPRootPriority,
"eos_data": [{"instances": {}}],
"inputs": {"priority": 32768, "instances": [10, 20]},
"expected": {"result": "failure", "messages": ["No STP instances configured"]},
"name": "failure-wrong-priority",
"test": VerifySTPRootPriority,
"eos_data": [
"instances": {
"VL10": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 32768,
"systemIdExtension": 10,
"macAddress": "00:1c:73:27:95:a2",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"VL20": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 8196,
"systemIdExtension": 20,
"macAddress": "00:1c:73:27:95:a2",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"VL30": {
"rootBridge": {
"priority": 8196,
"systemIdExtension": 30,
"macAddress": "00:1c:73:27:95:a2",
"helloTime": 2.0,
"maxAge": 20,
"forwardDelay": 15,
"inputs": {"priority": 32768, "instances": [10, 20, 30]},
"expected": {"result": "failure", "messages": ["The following instance(s) have the wrong STP root priority configured: ['VL20', 'VL30']"]},
"name": "success-mstp",
"test": VerifyStpTopologyChanges,
"eos_data": [
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {
"Cist": {
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1723990624.735365},
"Port-Channel5": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1723990624.7353542},
"NoStp": {
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1723990624.735365},
"Ethernet1": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 15, "lastChange": 1723990624.7353542},
"inputs": {"threshold": 10},
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "success-rstp",
"test": VerifyStpTopologyChanges,
"eos_data": [
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {
"Cist": {
"interfaces": {
"Vxlan1": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1723990624.735365},
"PeerEthernet3": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1723990624.7353542},
"NoStp": {
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1723990624.735365},
"Ethernet1": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 15, "lastChange": 1723990624.7353542},
"inputs": {"threshold": 10},
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "success-rapid-pvst",
"test": VerifyStpTopologyChanges,
"eos_data": [
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {
"NoStp": {
"vlans": [4094, 4093, 1006],
"interfaces": {
"PeerEthernet2": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727151356.1330667},
"Vl1": {"vlans": [1], "interfaces": {"Port-Channel5": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0615358}}},
"Vl10": {
"vlans": [10],
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0673406},
"Vxlan1": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0677001},
"Port-Channel5": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0728855},
"Ethernet3": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 3, "lastChange": 1727326730.255137},
"Vl1198": {
"vlans": [1198],
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.074386},
"Vxlan1": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0743902},
"Port-Channel5": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0743942},
"Vl1199": {
"vlans": [1199],
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0744},
"Vxlan1": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.07453},
"Port-Channel5": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.074535},
"Vl20": {
"vlans": [20],
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.073489},
"Vxlan1": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0743747},
"Port-Channel5": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0743794},
"Ethernet3": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 3, "lastChange": 1727326730.2551405},
"Vl3009": {
"vlans": [3009],
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.074541},
"Port-Channel5": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0745454},
"Vl3019": {
"vlans": [3019],
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0745502},
"Port-Channel5": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1727326710.0745537},
"inputs": {"threshold": 10},
"expected": {"result": "success"},
"name": "failure-unstable-topology",
"test": VerifyStpTopologyChanges,
"eos_data": [
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {
"Cist": {
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 15, "lastChange": 1723990624.735365},
"Port-Channel5": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 15, "lastChange": 1723990624.7353542},
"inputs": {"threshold": 10},
"expected": {
"result": "failure",
"messages": [
"The following STP topologies are not configured or number of changes not within the threshold:\n"
"{'topologies': {'Cist': {'Cpu': {'Number of changes': 15}, 'Port-Channel5': {'Number of changes': 15}}}}"
"name": "failure-topologies-not-configured",
"test": VerifyStpTopologyChanges,
"eos_data": [
"unmappedVlans": [],
"topologies": {
"NoStp": {
"interfaces": {
"Cpu": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 1, "lastChange": 1723990624.735365},
"Ethernet1": {"state": "forwarding", "numChanges": 15, "lastChange": 1723990624.7353542},
"inputs": {"threshold": 10},
"expected": {"result": "failure", "messages": ["STP is not configured."]},