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# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Fixtures for benchmarking ANTA."""
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
import pytest
import respx
from _pytest.terminal import TerminalReporter
from anta.catalog import AntaCatalog
from anta.result_manager import ResultManager
from .utils import AntaMockEnvironment
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Used to globally configure the benchmarks by specifying parameters for inventories
pytest.param({"count": 1, "disable_cache": True, "reachable": True}, id="1-device"),
pytest.param({"count": 2, "disable_cache": True, "reachable": True}, id="2-devices"),
@pytest.fixture(name="anta_mock_env", scope="session") # We want this fixture to have a scope set to session to avoid reparsing all the unit tests data.
def anta_mock_env_fixture() -> AntaMockEnvironment:
"""Return an AntaMockEnvironment for this test session. Also configure respx to mock eAPI responses."""
global TEST_CASE_COUNT # noqa: PLW0603
eapi_route ="/command-api", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json-rpc"})
env = AntaMockEnvironment()
TEST_CASE_COUNT = env.tests_count
eapi_route.side_effect = env.eapi_response
return env
@pytest.fixture # This fixture should have a scope set to function as the indexing result is stored in this object
def catalog(anta_mock_env: AntaMockEnvironment) -> AntaCatalog:
"""Fixture that return an ANTA catalog from the AntaMockEnvironment of this test session."""
return anta_mock_env.catalog
@pytest.fixture(name="session_results", scope="session") # We want this fixture to be reused across test modules within tests/benchmark
def session_results_fixture() -> defaultdict[str, ResultManager]:
"""Return a dictionary of ResultManger objects for the benchmarks.
The key is the test id as defined in the pytest_generate_tests in this module.
Used to pass a populated ResultManager from one benchmark to another.
return defaultdict(lambda: ResultManager())
def results(request: pytest.FixtureRequest, session_results: defaultdict[str, ResultManager]) -> ResultManager:
"""Return the unique ResultManger object for the current benchmark parameter."""
return session_results[]
def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter: TerminalReporter) -> None:
"""Display the total number of ANTA unit test cases used to benchmark."""
terminalreporter.write_sep("=", f"{TEST_CASE_COUNT} ANTA test cases")
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc: pytest.Metafunc) -> None:
"""Parametrize inventory for benchmark tests."""
if "inventory" in metafunc.fixturenames:
for marker in metafunc.definition.iter_markers(name="parametrize"):
if "inventory" in marker.args[0]:
# Do not override test function parametrize marker for inventory arg
elif "results" in metafunc.fixturenames: