# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. """test anta.models.py.""" # Mypy does not understand AntaTest.Input typing # mypy: disable-error-code=attr-defined from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import sys from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar import pytest from anta.decorators import deprecated_test, skip_on_platforms from anta.models import AntaCommand, AntaTemplate, AntaTest from anta.result_manager.models import AntaTestStatus from tests.units.anta_tests.conftest import build_test_id from tests.units.conftest import DEVICE_HW_MODEL if TYPE_CHECKING: from anta.device import AntaDevice class FakeTest(AntaTest): """ANTA test that always succeed.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success() class FakeTestWithFailedCommand(AntaTest): """ANTA test with a command that failed.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaCommand(command="show version", errors=["failed command"])] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success() class FakeTestWithUnsupportedCommand(AntaTest): """ANTA test with an unsupported command.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [ AntaCommand( command="show hardware counter drop", errors=["Unavailable command (not supported on this hardware platform) (at token 2: 'counter')"], ) ] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success() class FakeTestWithKnownEOSError(AntaTest): """ANTA test triggering a known EOS Error that should translate to failure of the test.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [ AntaCommand( command="show bgp evpn route-type mac-ip aa:c1:ab:de:50:ad vni 10010", errors=["BGP inactive"], ) ] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success() class FakeTestWithInput(AntaTest): """ANTA test with inputs that always succeed.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] class Input(AntaTest.Input): """Inputs for FakeTestWithInput test.""" string: str @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success(self.inputs.string) class FakeTestWithTemplate(AntaTest): """ANTA test with template that always succeed.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaTemplate(template="show interface {interface}")] class Input(AntaTest.Input): """Inputs for FakeTestWithTemplate test.""" interface: str def render(self, template: AntaTemplate) -> list[AntaCommand]: """Render function.""" return [template.render(interface=self.inputs.interface)] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success(self.instance_commands[0].command) class FakeTestWithTemplateNoRender(AntaTest): """ANTA test with template that miss the render() method.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaTemplate(template="show interface {interface}")] class Input(AntaTest.Input): """Inputs for FakeTestWithTemplateNoRender test.""" interface: str @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success(self.instance_commands[0].command) class FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender1(AntaTest): """ANTA test with template that raises a AntaTemplateRenderError exception.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaTemplate(template="show interface {interface}")] class Input(AntaTest.Input): """Inputs for FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender1 test.""" interface: str def render(self, template: AntaTemplate) -> list[AntaCommand]: """Render function.""" return [template.render(wrong_template_param=self.inputs.interface)] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success(self.instance_commands[0].command) class FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender2(AntaTest): """ANTA test with template that raises an arbitrary exception in render().""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaTemplate(template="show interface {interface}")] class Input(AntaTest.Input): """Inputs for FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender2 test.""" interface: str def render(self, template: AntaTemplate) -> list[AntaCommand]: """Render function.""" raise RuntimeError(template) @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success(self.instance_commands[0].command) class FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender3(AntaTest): """ANTA test with template that gives extra template parameters in render().""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaTemplate(template="show interface {interface}")] class Input(AntaTest.Input): """Inputs for FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender3 test.""" interface: str def render(self, template: AntaTemplate) -> list[AntaCommand]: """Render function.""" return [template.render(interface=self.inputs.interface, extra="blah")] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success(self.instance_commands[0].command) class FakeTestWithTemplateBadTest(AntaTest): """ANTA test with template that tries to access an undefined template parameter in test().""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaTemplate(template="show interface {interface}")] class Input(AntaTest.Input): """Inputs for FakeTestWithTemplateBadTest test.""" interface: str def render(self, template: AntaTemplate) -> list[AntaCommand]: """Render function.""" return [template.render(interface=self.inputs.interface)] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" # The following line must raise AttributeError at runtime self.result.is_success(self.instance_commands[0].params.wrong_template_param) class SkipOnPlatformTest(AntaTest): """ANTA test that is skipped.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] @skip_on_platforms([DEVICE_HW_MODEL]) @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success() class UnSkipOnPlatformTest(AntaTest): """ANTA test that is skipped.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] @skip_on_platforms(["dummy"]) @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success() class SkipOnPlatformTestWithInput(AntaTest): """ANTA test skipped on platforms but with Input.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] class Input(AntaTest.Input): """Inputs for SkipOnPlatformTestWithInput test.""" string: str @skip_on_platforms([DEVICE_HW_MODEL]) @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success(self.inputs.string) class DeprecatedTestWithoutNewTest(AntaTest): """ANTA test that is deprecated without new test.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] @deprecated_test() @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success() class DeprecatedTestWithNewTest(AntaTest): """ANTA test that is deprecated with new test.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] @deprecated_test(new_tests=["NewTest"]) @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: """Test function.""" self.result.is_success() class FakeTestWithMissingTest(AntaTest): """ANTA test with missing test() method implementation.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] ANTATEST_DATA: list[dict[str, Any]] = [ { "name": "no input", "test": FakeTest, "inputs": None, "expected": {"__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": {"result": "success"}}, }, { "name": "extra input", "test": FakeTest, "inputs": {"string": "culpa! veniam quas quas veniam molestias, esse"}, "expected": { "__init__": { "result": "error", "messages": ["Extra inputs are not permitted"], }, "test": {"result": "error"}, }, }, { "name": "no input", "test": FakeTestWithInput, "inputs": None, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "error", "messages": ["Field required"]}, "test": {"result": "error"}, }, }, { "name": "wrong input type", "test": FakeTestWithInput, "inputs": {"string": 1}, "expected": { "__init__": { "result": "error", "messages": ["Input should be a valid string"], }, "test": {"result": "error"}, }, }, { "name": "good input", "test": FakeTestWithInput, "inputs": {"string": "culpa! veniam quas quas veniam molestias, esse"}, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": { "result": "success", "messages": ["culpa! veniam quas quas veniam molestias, esse"], }, }, }, { "name": "good input", "test": FakeTestWithTemplate, "inputs": {"interface": "Ethernet1"}, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": {"result": "success", "messages": ["show interface Ethernet1"]}, }, }, { "name": "wrong input type", "test": FakeTestWithTemplate, "inputs": {"interface": 1}, "expected": { "__init__": { "result": "error", "messages": ["Input should be a valid string"], }, "test": {"result": "error"}, }, }, { "name": "wrong render definition", "test": FakeTestWithTemplateNoRender, "inputs": {"interface": "Ethernet1"}, "expected": { "__init__": { "result": "error", "messages": ["AntaTemplate are provided but render() method has not been implemented for tests.units.test_models.FakeTestWithTemplateNoRender"], }, "test": {"result": "error"}, }, }, { "name": "AntaTemplateRenderError", "test": FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender1, "inputs": {"interface": "Ethernet1"}, "expected": { "__init__": { "result": "error", "messages": ["Cannot render template {template='show interface {interface}' version='latest' revision=None ofmt='json' use_cache=True}"], }, "test": {"result": "error"}, }, }, { "name": "RuntimeError in render()", "test": FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender2, "inputs": {"interface": "Ethernet1"}, "expected": { "__init__": { "result": "error", "messages": ["Exception in tests.units.test_models.FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender2.render(): RuntimeError"], }, "test": {"result": "error"}, }, }, { "name": "Extra template parameters in render()", "test": FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender3, "inputs": {"interface": "Ethernet1"}, "expected": { "__init__": { "result": "error", "messages": [ "Exception in tests.units.test_models.FakeTestWithTemplateBadRender3.render(): ValidationError: 1 validation error for AntaParams\n" "extra\n" " Extra inputs are not permitted [type=extra_forbidden, input_value='blah', input_type=str]\n" ], }, "test": {"result": "error"}, }, }, { "name": "Access undefined template param in test()", "test": FakeTestWithTemplateBadTest, "inputs": {"interface": "Ethernet1"}, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": {"result": "error", "messages": ["AttributeError: 'AntaParams' object has no attribute 'wrong_template_param'"]}, }, }, { "name": "unskip on platforms", "test": UnSkipOnPlatformTest, "inputs": None, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": {"result": "success"}, }, }, { "name": "skip on platforms, unset", "test": SkipOnPlatformTest, "inputs": None, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": {"result": "skipped"}, }, }, { "name": "skip on platforms, not unset", "test": SkipOnPlatformTestWithInput, "inputs": None, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "error", "messages": ["Field required"]}, "test": {"result": "error"}, }, }, { "name": "deprecate test without new test", "test": DeprecatedTestWithoutNewTest, "inputs": None, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": {"result": "success"}, }, }, { "name": "deprecate test with new test", "test": DeprecatedTestWithNewTest, "inputs": None, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": {"result": "success"}, }, }, { "name": "failed command", "test": FakeTestWithFailedCommand, "inputs": None, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": { "result": "error", "messages": ["show version has failed: failed command"], }, }, }, { "name": "unsupported command", "test": FakeTestWithUnsupportedCommand, "inputs": None, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": { "result": "skipped", "messages": ["'show hardware counter drop' is not supported on pytest"], }, }, }, { "name": "known EOS error command", "test": FakeTestWithKnownEOSError, "inputs": None, "expected": { "__init__": {"result": "unset"}, "test": { "result": "failure", "messages": ["BGP inactive"], }, }, }, ] BLACKLIST_COMMANDS_PARAMS = ["reload", "reload --force", "write", "wr mem"] class TestAntaTest: """Test for anta.models.AntaTest.""" def test__init_subclass__(self) -> None: """Test __init_subclass__.""" with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as exec_info: class _WrongTestNoCategories(AntaTest): """ANTA test that is missing categories.""" commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: self.result.is_success() assert exec_info.value.args[0] == "Class tests.units.test_models._WrongTestNoCategories is missing required class attribute(s): categories" with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as exec_info: class _WrongTestNoCommands(AntaTest): """ANTA test that is missing commands.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: self.result.is_success() assert exec_info.value.args[0] == "Class tests.units.test_models._WrongTestNoCommands is missing required class attribute(s): commands" with pytest.raises( AttributeError, match="Cannot set the description for class _WrongTestNoDescription, either set it in the class definition or add a docstring to the class.", ): class _WrongTestNoDescription(AntaTest): # ANTA test that is missing a description and does not have a doctstring. commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: self.result.is_success() class _TestOverwriteNameAndDescription(AntaTest): """ANTA test where both the test name and description are overwritten in the class definition.""" name: ClassVar[str] = "CustomName" description: ClassVar[str] = "Custom description" commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [] categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: self.result.is_success() assert _TestOverwriteNameAndDescription.name == "CustomName" assert _TestOverwriteNameAndDescription.description == "Custom description" def test_abc(self) -> None: """Test that an error is raised if AntaTest is not implemented.""" with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exec_info: FakeTestWithMissingTest() # type: ignore[abstract,call-arg] msg = ( "Can't instantiate abstract class FakeTestWithMissingTest without an implementation for abstract method 'test'" if sys.version_info >= (3, 12) else "Can't instantiate abstract class FakeTestWithMissingTest with abstract method test" ) assert exec_info.value.args[0] == msg def _assert_test(self, test: AntaTest, expected: dict[str, Any]) -> None: assert test.result.result == expected["result"] if "messages" in expected: assert len(test.result.messages) == len(expected["messages"]) for result_msg, expected_msg in zip(test.result.messages, expected["messages"]): # NOTE: zip(strict=True) has been added in Python 3.10 assert expected_msg in result_msg @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", ANTATEST_DATA, ids=build_test_id) def test__init__(self, device: AntaDevice, data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Test the AntaTest constructor.""" expected = data["expected"]["__init__"] test = data["test"](device, inputs=data["inputs"]) self._assert_test(test, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("data", ANTATEST_DATA, ids=build_test_id) def test_test(self, device: AntaDevice, data: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Test the AntaTest.test method.""" expected = data["expected"]["test"] test = data["test"](device, inputs=data["inputs"]) asyncio.run(test.test()) self._assert_test(test, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("command", BLACKLIST_COMMANDS_PARAMS) def test_blacklist(self, device: AntaDevice, command: str) -> None: """Test that blacklisted commands are not collected.""" class FakeTestWithBlacklist(AntaTest): """Fake Test for blacklist.""" categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaCommand(command=command)] @AntaTest.anta_test def test(self) -> None: self.result.is_success() test = FakeTestWithBlacklist(device) asyncio.run(test.test()) assert test.result.result == AntaTestStatus.ERROR assert f"<{command}> is blocked for security reason" in test.result.messages assert test.instance_commands[0].collected is False def test_result_overwrite(self, device: AntaDevice) -> None: """Test the AntaTest.Input.ResultOverwrite model.""" test = FakeTest(device, inputs={"result_overwrite": {"categories": ["hardware"], "description": "a description", "custom_field": "a custom field"}}) asyncio.run(test.test()) assert test.result.result == AntaTestStatus.SUCCESS assert "hardware" in test.result.categories assert test.result.description == "a description" assert test.result.custom_field == "a custom field" class TestAntaCommand: """Test for anta.models.AntaCommand.""" # ruff: noqa: B018 def test_empty_output_access(self) -> None: """Test for both json and text ofmt.""" json_cmd = AntaCommand(command="show dummy") text_cmd = AntaCommand(command="show dummy", ofmt="text") msg = "There is no output for command 'show dummy'" with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg): json_cmd.json_output with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg): text_cmd.text_output def test_wrong_format_output_access(self) -> None: """Test for both json and text ofmt.""" json_cmd = AntaCommand(command="show dummy", output={}) json_cmd_2 = AntaCommand(command="show dummy", output="not_json") text_cmd = AntaCommand(command="show dummy", ofmt="text", output="blah") text_cmd_2 = AntaCommand(command="show dummy", ofmt="text", output={"not_a": "string"}) msg = "Output of command 'show dummy' is invalid" with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg): json_cmd.text_output with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg): text_cmd.json_output with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg): json_cmd_2.text_output with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg): text_cmd_2.json_output def test_supported(self) -> None: """Test the supported property.""" command = AntaCommand(command="show hardware counter drop", errors=["Unavailable command (not supported on this hardware platform) (at token 2: 'counter')"]) assert command.supported is False command = AntaCommand( command="show hardware counter drop", output={"totalAdverseDrops": 0, "totalCongestionDrops": 0, "totalPacketProcessorDrops": 0, "dropEvents": {}} ) assert command.supported is True command = AntaCommand(command="show hardware counter drop") with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exec_info: command.supported assert exec_info.value.args[0] == "Command 'show hardware counter drop' has not been collected and has not returned an error. Call AntaDevice.collect()." def test_requires_privileges(self) -> None: """Test the requires_privileges property.""" command = AntaCommand(command="show aaa methods accounting", errors=["Invalid input (privileged mode required)"]) assert command.requires_privileges is True command = AntaCommand( command="show aaa methods accounting", output={ "commandsAcctMethods": {"privilege0-15": {"defaultMethods": [], "consoleMethods": []}}, "execAcctMethods": {"exec": {"defaultMethods": [], "consoleMethods": []}}, "systemAcctMethods": {"system": {"defaultMethods": [], "consoleMethods": []}}, "dot1xAcctMethods": {"dot1x": {"defaultMethods": [], "consoleMethods": []}}, }, ) assert command.requires_privileges is False command = AntaCommand(command="show aaa methods accounting") with pytest.raises( RuntimeError, match="Command 'show aaa methods accounting' has not been collected and has not returned an error. Call AntaDevice.collect()." ): command.requires_privileges @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("command_str", "error", "is_known"), [ ("show ip interface Ethernet1", "Ethernet1 does not support IP", True), ("ping vrf MGMT source Management0 size 100 df-bit repeat 2", "VRF 'MGMT' is not active", True), ("ping vrf MGMT source Management1 size 100 df-bit repeat 2", "No source interface Management1", True), ("show bgp evpn route-type mac-ip aa:c1:ab:de:50:ad vni 10010", "BGP inactive", True), ("show isis BLAH neighbors", "IS-IS (BLAH) is disabled because: IS-IS Network Entity Title (NET) configuration is not present", True), ("show ip interface Ethernet1", None, False), ], ) def test_returned_known_eos_error(self, command_str: str, error: str | None, is_known: bool) -> None: """Test the returned_known_eos_error property.""" # Adding fake output when no error is present to mimic that the command has been collected command = AntaCommand(command=command_str, errors=[error] if error else [], output=None if error else "{}") assert command.returned_known_eos_error is is_known def test_returned_known_eos_error_failure(self) -> None: """Test the returned_known_eos_error property unset.""" command = AntaCommand(command="show ip interface Ethernet1") with pytest.raises( RuntimeError, match="Command 'show ip interface Ethernet1' has not been collected and has not returned an error. Call AntaDevice.collect()." ): command.returned_known_eos_error