# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. """Tests for anta.cli.get.commands.""" from __future__ import annotations import filecmp from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from unittest.mock import ANY, patch import pytest import requests from cvprac.cvp_client_errors import CvpApiError from anta.cli._main import anta from anta.cli.utils import ExitCode if TYPE_CHECKING: from click.testing import CliRunner from cvprac.cvp_client import CvpClient DATA_DIR: Path = Path(__file__).parents[3].resolve() / "data" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("cvp_container", "verify_cert", "cv_token_failure", "cvp_connect_failure"), [ pytest.param(None, True, False, False, id="all devices - verify cert"), pytest.param(None, True, True, False, id="all devices - fail SSL check"), pytest.param(None, False, False, False, id="all devices - do not verify cert"), pytest.param("custom_container", False, False, False, id="custom container"), pytest.param(None, False, False, True, id="cvp connect failure"), ], ) def test_from_cvp( tmp_path: Path, click_runner: CliRunner, cvp_container: str | None, verify_cert: bool, cv_token_failure: bool, cvp_connect_failure: bool, ) -> None: # ruff: noqa: C901 """Test `anta get from-cvp`. This test verifies that username and password are NOT mandatory to run this command """ output: Path = tmp_path / "output.yml" cli_args = [ "get", "from-cvp", "--output", str(output), "--host", "", "--username", "anta", "--password", "anta", ] if cvp_container is not None: cli_args.extend(["--container", cvp_container]) if not verify_cert: cli_args.extend(["--ignore-cert"]) def mock_get_cv_token(*_args: str, **_kwargs: str) -> None: if cv_token_failure: raise requests.exceptions.SSLError def mock_cvp_connect(_self: CvpClient, *_args: str, **_kwargs: str) -> None: if cvp_connect_failure: raise CvpApiError(msg="mocked CvpApiError") # always get a token with ( patch("anta.cli.get.commands.get_cv_token", autospec=True, side_effect=mock_get_cv_token), patch( "cvprac.cvp_client.CvpClient.connect", autospec=True, side_effect=mock_cvp_connect, ) as mocked_cvp_connect, patch("cvprac.cvp_client.CvpApi.get_inventory", autospec=True, return_value=[]) as mocked_get_inventory, patch( "cvprac.cvp_client.CvpApi.get_devices_in_container", autospec=True, return_value=[], ) as mocked_get_devices_in_container, ): result = click_runner.invoke(anta, cli_args) if not cvp_connect_failure and not cv_token_failure: assert output.exists() if cv_token_failure: assert "Authentication to CloudVison failed" in result.output assert result.exit_code == ExitCode.USAGE_ERROR return mocked_cvp_connect.assert_called_once() if cvp_connect_failure: assert "Error connecting to CloudVision" in result.output assert result.exit_code == ExitCode.USAGE_ERROR return assert "Connected to CloudVision" in result.output if cvp_container is not None: mocked_get_devices_in_container.assert_called_once_with(ANY, cvp_container) else: mocked_get_inventory.assert_called_once() assert result.exit_code == ExitCode.OK def test_from_cvp_os_error(tmp_path: Path, click_runner: CliRunner, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture) -> None: """Test from_cvp when an OSError occurs.""" output: Path = tmp_path / "output.yml" cli_args = ["get", "from-cvp", "--output", str(output), "--host", "", "--username", "anta", "--password", "anta"] with ( patch("anta.cli.get.commands.get_cv_token", autospec=True, side_effect=None), patch("cvprac.cvp_client.CvpClient.connect", autospec=True, side_effect=None) as mocked_cvp_connect, patch("cvprac.cvp_client.CvpApi.get_inventory", autospec=True, return_value=[]) as mocked_get_inventory, patch("cvprac.cvp_client.CvpApi.get_devices_in_container", autospec=True, return_value=[]), patch("anta.cli.get.utils.Path.open", side_effect=OSError("Permission denied")), ): result = click_runner.invoke(anta, cli_args) mocked_cvp_connect.assert_called_once() mocked_get_inventory.assert_called_once() assert not output.exists() assert "Could not write inventory to path" in caplog.text assert result.exit_code == ExitCode.USAGE_ERROR @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("ansible_inventory", "ansible_group", "expected_exit", "expected_log"), [ pytest.param("ansible_inventory.yml", None, ExitCode.OK, None, id="no group"), pytest.param("ansible_inventory.yml", "ATD_LEAFS", ExitCode.OK, None, id="group found"), pytest.param( "ansible_inventory.yml", "DUMMY", ExitCode.USAGE_ERROR, "Group DUMMY not found in Ansible inventory", id="group not found", ), pytest.param( "empty_ansible_inventory.yml", None, ExitCode.USAGE_ERROR, "is empty", id="empty inventory", ), ], ) def test_from_ansible( tmp_path: Path, click_runner: CliRunner, ansible_inventory: Path, ansible_group: str | None, expected_exit: int, expected_log: str | None, ) -> None: """Test `anta get from-ansible`. This test verifies: * the parsing of an ansible-inventory * the ansible_group functionaliy The output path is ALWAYS set to a non existing file. """ output: Path = tmp_path / "output.yml" ansible_inventory_path = DATA_DIR / ansible_inventory # Init cli_args cli_args = [ "get", "from-ansible", "--output", str(output), "--ansible-inventory", str(ansible_inventory_path), ] # Set --ansible-group if ansible_group is not None: cli_args.extend(["--ansible-group", ansible_group]) result = click_runner.invoke(anta, cli_args) assert result.exit_code == expected_exit if expected_exit != ExitCode.OK: assert expected_log assert expected_log in result.output else: assert output.exists() # TODO: check size of generated inventory to validate the group functionality! @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("env_set", "overwrite", "is_tty", "prompt", "expected_exit", "expected_log"), [ pytest.param( True, False, True, "y", ExitCode.OK, "", id="no-overwrite-tty-init-prompt-yes", ), pytest.param( True, False, True, "N", ExitCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Aborted", id="no-overwrite-tty-init-prompt-no", ), pytest.param( True, False, False, None, ExitCode.USAGE_ERROR, "Conversion aborted since destination file is not empty (not running in interactive TTY)", id="no-overwrite-no-tty-init", ), pytest.param(False, False, True, None, ExitCode.OK, "", id="no-overwrite-tty-no-init"), pytest.param(False, False, False, None, ExitCode.OK, "", id="no-overwrite-no-tty-no-init"), pytest.param(True, True, True, None, ExitCode.OK, "", id="overwrite-tty-init"), pytest.param(True, True, False, None, ExitCode.OK, "", id="overwrite-no-tty-init"), pytest.param(False, True, True, None, ExitCode.OK, "", id="overwrite-tty-no-init"), pytest.param(False, True, False, None, ExitCode.OK, "", id="overwrite-no-tty-no-init"), ], ) def test_from_ansible_overwrite( tmp_path: Path, click_runner: CliRunner, temp_env: dict[str, str | None], env_set: bool, overwrite: bool, is_tty: bool, prompt: str | None, expected_exit: int, expected_log: str | None, ) -> None: """Test `anta get from-ansible` overwrite mechanism. The test uses a static ansible-inventory and output as these are tested in other functions This test verifies: * that overwrite is working as expected with or without init data in the target file * that when the target file is not empty and a tty is present, the user is prompt with confirmation * Check the behavior when the prompt is filled The initial content of the ANTA inventory is set using init_anta_inventory, if it is None, no inventory is set. * With overwrite True, the expectation is that the from-ansible command succeeds * With no init (init_anta_inventory == None), the expectation is also that command succeeds """ ansible_inventory_path = DATA_DIR / "ansible_inventory.yml" expected_anta_inventory_path = DATA_DIR / "expected_anta_inventory.yml" tmp_output = tmp_path / "output.yml" cli_args = [ "get", "from-ansible", "--ansible-inventory", str(ansible_inventory_path), ] if env_set: tmp_inv = Path(str(temp_env["ANTA_INVENTORY"])) else: temp_env["ANTA_INVENTORY"] = None tmp_inv = tmp_output cli_args.extend(["--output", str(tmp_inv)]) if overwrite: cli_args.append("--overwrite") # Verify initial content is different if tmp_inv.exists(): assert not filecmp.cmp(tmp_inv, expected_anta_inventory_path) with patch("sys.stdin.isatty", return_value=is_tty): result = click_runner.invoke(anta, cli_args, env=temp_env, input=prompt) assert result.exit_code == expected_exit if expected_exit == ExitCode.OK: assert filecmp.cmp(tmp_inv, expected_anta_inventory_path) elif expected_exit == ExitCode.INTERNAL_ERROR: assert expected_log assert expected_log in result.output @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("module", "test_name", "short", "count", "expected_output", "expected_exit_code"), [ pytest.param( None, None, False, False, "VerifyAcctConsoleMethods", ExitCode.OK, id="Get all tests", ), pytest.param( "anta.tests.aaa", None, False, False, "VerifyAcctConsoleMethods", ExitCode.OK, id="Get tests, filter on module", ), pytest.param( None, "VerifyNTPAssociations", False, False, "VerifyNTPAssociations", ExitCode.OK, id="Get tests, filter on exact test name", ), pytest.param( None, "VerifyNTP", False, False, "anta.tests.system", ExitCode.OK, id="Get tests, filter on included test name", ), pytest.param( None, "VerifyNTP", True, False, "VerifyNTPAssociations", ExitCode.OK, id="Get tests --short", ), pytest.param( "unknown_module", None, True, False, "Module `unknown_module` was not found!", ExitCode.USAGE_ERROR, id="Get tests wrong module", ), pytest.param( "unknown_module.unknown", None, True, False, "Module `unknown_module.unknown` was not found!", ExitCode.USAGE_ERROR, id="Get tests wrong submodule", ), pytest.param( ".unknown_module", None, True, False, "`anta get tests --module ` does not support relative imports", ExitCode.USAGE_ERROR, id="Use relative module name", ), pytest.param( None, "VerifySomething", True, False, "No test 'VerifySomething' found in 'anta.tests'", ExitCode.OK, id="Get tests wrong test name", ), pytest.param( "anta.tests.aaa", "VerifyNTP", True, False, "No test 'VerifyNTP' found in 'anta.tests.aaa'", ExitCode.OK, id="Get tests test exists but not in module", ), pytest.param( "anta.tests.system", "VerifyNTPAssociations", False, True, "There is 1 test available in 'anta.tests.system'.", ExitCode.OK, id="Get single test count", ), pytest.param( "anta.tests.stun", None, False, True, "There are 3 tests available in 'anta.tests.stun'", ExitCode.OK, id="Get multiple test count", ), ], ) def test_get_tests( click_runner: CliRunner, module: str | None, test_name: str | None, *, short: bool, count: bool, expected_output: str, expected_exit_code: str ) -> None: """Test `anta get tests`.""" cli_args = [ "get", "tests", ] if module is not None: cli_args.extend(["--module", module]) if test_name is not None: cli_args.extend(["--test", test_name]) if short: cli_args.append("--short") if count: cli_args.append("--count") result = click_runner.invoke(anta, cli_args) assert result.exit_code == expected_exit_code assert expected_output in result.output def test_get_tests_local_module(click_runner: CliRunner) -> None: """Test injecting CWD in sys. The test overwrite CWD to return this file parents and local_module is located there. """ cli_args = ["get", "tests", "--module", "local_module"] cwd = Path.cwd() local_module_parent_path = Path(__file__).parent with patch("anta.cli.get.utils.Path.cwd", return_value=local_module_parent_path): result = click_runner.invoke(anta, cli_args) assert result.exit_code == ExitCode.OK # In the rare case where people would be running `pytest .` in this directory if cwd != local_module_parent_path: assert "injecting CWD in PYTHONPATH and retrying..." in result.output assert "No test found in 'local_module'" in result.output