# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc. # Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0 # that can be found in the LICENSE file. """test anta.runner.py.""" from __future__ import annotations import logging import resource import sys from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from anta.catalog import AntaCatalog from anta.inventory import AntaInventory from anta.result_manager import ResultManager from anta.runner import adjust_rlimit_nofile, main, prepare_tests from .test_models import FakeTest, FakeTestWithMissingTest DATA_DIR: Path = Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve() / "data" FAKE_CATALOG: AntaCatalog = AntaCatalog.from_list([(FakeTest, None)]) async def test_empty_tests(caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, inventory: AntaInventory) -> None: """Test that when the list of tests is empty, a log is raised.""" caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) manager = ResultManager() await main(manager, inventory, AntaCatalog()) assert len(caplog.record_tuples) == 1 assert "The list of tests is empty, exiting" in caplog.records[0].message async def test_empty_inventory(caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture) -> None: """Test that when the Inventory is empty, a log is raised.""" caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) manager = ResultManager() await main(manager, AntaInventory(), FAKE_CATALOG) assert len(caplog.record_tuples) == 3 assert "The inventory is empty, exiting" in caplog.records[1].message @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("inventory", "tags", "devices"), [ pytest.param({"count": 1, "reachable": False}, None, None, id="not-reachable"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml", "reachable": False}, {"leaf"}, None, id="not-reachable-with-tag"), pytest.param({"count": 1, "reachable": True}, {"invalid-tag"}, None, id="reachable-with-invalid-tag"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml", "reachable": True}, None, {"invalid-device"}, id="reachable-with-invalid-device"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml", "reachable": False}, None, {"leaf1"}, id="not-reachable-with-device"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml", "reachable": False}, {"leaf"}, {"leaf1"}, id="not-reachable-with-device-and-tag"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml", "reachable": False}, {"invalid"}, {"invalid-device"}, id="reachable-with-invalid-tag-and-device"), ], indirect=["inventory"], ) async def test_no_selected_device(caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, inventory: AntaInventory, tags: set[str], devices: set[str]) -> None: """Test that when the list of established devices is empty a log is raised.""" caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING) manager = ResultManager() await main(manager, inventory, FAKE_CATALOG, tags=tags, devices=devices) msg = f'No reachable device {f"matching the tags {tags} " if tags else ""}was found.{f" Selected devices: {devices} " if devices is not None else ""}' assert msg in caplog.messages def test_adjust_rlimit_nofile_valid_env(caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture) -> None: """Test adjust_rlimit_nofile with valid environment variables.""" with ( caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG), patch.dict("os.environ", {"ANTA_NOFILE": "20480"}), patch("anta.runner.resource.getrlimit") as getrlimit_mock, patch("anta.runner.resource.setrlimit") as setrlimit_mock, ): # Simulate the default system limits system_limits = (8192, 1048576) # Setup getrlimit mock return value getrlimit_mock.return_value = system_limits # Simulate setrlimit behavior def side_effect_setrlimit(resource_id: int, limits: tuple[int, int]) -> None: _ = resource_id getrlimit_mock.return_value = (limits[0], limits[1]) setrlimit_mock.side_effect = side_effect_setrlimit result = adjust_rlimit_nofile() # Assert the limits were updated as expected assert result == (20480, 1048576) assert "Initial limit numbers for open file descriptors for the current ANTA process: Soft Limit: 8192 | Hard Limit: 1048576" in caplog.text assert "Setting soft limit for open file descriptors for the current ANTA process to 20480" in caplog.text setrlimit_mock.assert_called_once_with(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (20480, 1048576)) def test_adjust_rlimit_nofile_invalid_env(caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture) -> None: """Test adjust_rlimit_nofile with valid environment variables.""" with ( caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG), patch.dict("os.environ", {"ANTA_NOFILE": "invalid"}), patch("anta.runner.resource.getrlimit") as getrlimit_mock, patch("anta.runner.resource.setrlimit") as setrlimit_mock, ): # Simulate the default system limits system_limits = (8192, 1048576) # Setup getrlimit mock return value getrlimit_mock.return_value = system_limits # Simulate setrlimit behavior def side_effect_setrlimit(resource_id: int, limits: tuple[int, int]) -> None: _ = resource_id getrlimit_mock.return_value = (limits[0], limits[1]) setrlimit_mock.side_effect = side_effect_setrlimit result = adjust_rlimit_nofile() # Assert the limits were updated as expected assert result == (16384, 1048576) assert "The ANTA_NOFILE environment variable value is invalid" in caplog.text assert caplog.records[0].levelname == "WARNING" assert "Initial limit numbers for open file descriptors for the current ANTA process: Soft Limit: 8192 | Hard Limit: 1048576" in caplog.text assert "Setting soft limit for open file descriptors for the current ANTA process to 16384" in caplog.text setrlimit_mock.assert_called_once_with(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (16384, 1048576)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("inventory", "tags", "tests", "devices_count", "tests_count"), [ pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml"}, None, None, 3, 27, id="all-tests"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml"}, {"leaf"}, None, 2, 6, id="1-tag"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml"}, {"leaf", "spine"}, None, 3, 9, id="2-tags"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml"}, None, {"VerifyMlagStatus", "VerifyUptime"}, 3, 5, id="filtered-tests"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml"}, {"leaf"}, {"VerifyMlagStatus", "VerifyUptime"}, 2, 4, id="1-tag-filtered-tests"), pytest.param({"filename": "test_inventory_with_tags.yml"}, {"invalid"}, None, 0, 0, id="invalid-tag"), ], indirect=["inventory"], ) async def test_prepare_tests( caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, inventory: AntaInventory, tags: set[str], tests: set[str], devices_count: int, tests_count: int ) -> None: """Test the runner prepare_tests function with specific tests.""" caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING) catalog: AntaCatalog = AntaCatalog.parse(str(DATA_DIR / "test_catalog_with_tags.yml")) selected_tests = prepare_tests(inventory=inventory, catalog=catalog, tags=tags, tests=tests) if selected_tests is None: msg = f"There are no tests matching the tags {tags} to run in the current test catalog and device inventory, please verify your inputs." assert msg in caplog.messages return assert selected_tests is not None assert len(selected_tests) == devices_count assert sum(len(tests) for tests in selected_tests.values()) == tests_count async def test_dry_run(caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, inventory: AntaInventory) -> None: """Test that when dry_run is True, no tests are run.""" caplog.set_level(logging.INFO) manager = ResultManager() await main(manager, inventory, FAKE_CATALOG, dry_run=True) assert "Dry-run mode, exiting before running the tests." in caplog.records[-1].message async def test_cannot_create_test(caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture, inventory: AntaInventory) -> None: """Test that when an Exception is raised during test instantiation, it is caught and a log is raised.""" caplog.set_level(logging.CRITICAL) manager = ResultManager() catalog = AntaCatalog.from_list([(FakeTestWithMissingTest, None)]) # type: ignore[type-abstract] await main(manager, inventory, catalog) msg = ( "There is an error when creating test tests.units.test_models.FakeTestWithMissingTest.\nIf this is not a custom test implementation: " "Please reach out to the maintainer team or open an issue on Github: https://github.com/aristanetworks/anta.\nTypeError: " ) msg += ( "Can't instantiate abstract class FakeTestWithMissingTest without an implementation for abstract method 'test'" if sys.version_info >= (3, 12) else "Can't instantiate abstract class FakeTestWithMissingTest with abstract method test" ) assert msg in caplog.messages