{% extends "_base/class.html.jinja" %} {% set anta_test = namespace(found=false) %} {% for base in class.bases %} {% set basestr = base | string %} {% if "AntaTest" == basestr %} {% set anta_test.found = True %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% block children %} {% if anta_test.found %} {% set root = False %} {% set heading_level = heading_level + 1 %} {% include "anta_test.html.jinja" with context %} {# render source after children - TODO make add flag to respect disabling it.. though do we want to disable?#}
Source code in {%- if class.relative_filepath.is_absolute() -%} {{ class.relative_package_filepath }} {%- else -%} {{ class.relative_filepath }} {%- endif -%} {{ class.source|highlight(language="python", linestart=class.lineno, linenums=True) }}
{% else %} {{ super() }} {% endif %} {% endblock children %} {# Do not render source before children for AntaTest #} {% block source %} {% if not anta_test.found %} {{ super() }} {% endif %} {% endblock source %}