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# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module related to Multi-chassis Link Aggregation (MLAG) tests."""
# Mypy does not understand AntaTest.Input typing
# mypy: disable-error-code=attr-defined
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar
from anta.custom_types import MlagPriority, PositiveInteger
from anta.models import AntaCommand, AntaTest
from anta.tools import get_value
from anta.models import AntaTemplate
class VerifyMlagStatus(AntaTest):
"""Verifies the health status of the MLAG configuration.
Expected Results
* Success: The test will pass if the MLAG state is 'active', negotiation status is 'connected',
peer-link status and local interface status are 'up'.
* Failure: The test will fail if the MLAG state is not 'active', negotiation status is not 'connected',
peer-link status or local interface status are not 'up'.
* Skipped: The test will be skipped if MLAG is 'disabled'.
- VerifyMlagStatus:
categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = ["mlag"]
commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaCommand(command="show mlag", revision=2)]
def test(self) -> None:
"""Main test function for VerifyMlagStatus."""
command_output = self.instance_commands[0].json_output
if command_output["state"] == "disabled":
self.result.is_skipped("MLAG is disabled")
keys_to_verify = ["state", "negStatus", "localIntfStatus", "peerLinkStatus"]
verified_output = {key: get_value(command_output, key) for key in keys_to_verify}
if (
verified_output["state"] == "active"
and verified_output["negStatus"] == "connected"
and verified_output["localIntfStatus"] == "up"
and verified_output["peerLinkStatus"] == "up"
self.result.is_failure(f"MLAG status is not OK: {verified_output}")
class VerifyMlagInterfaces(AntaTest):
"""Verifies there are no inactive or active-partial MLAG ports.
Expected Results
* Success: The test will pass if there are NO inactive or active-partial MLAG ports.
* Failure: The test will fail if there are inactive or active-partial MLAG ports.
* Skipped: The test will be skipped if MLAG is 'disabled'.
- VerifyMlagInterfaces:
categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = ["mlag"]
commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaCommand(command="show mlag", revision=2)]
def test(self) -> None:
"""Main test function for VerifyMlagInterfaces."""
command_output = self.instance_commands[0].json_output
if command_output["state"] == "disabled":
self.result.is_skipped("MLAG is disabled")
if command_output["mlagPorts"]["Inactive"] == 0 and command_output["mlagPorts"]["Active-partial"] == 0:
self.result.is_failure(f"MLAG status is not OK: {command_output['mlagPorts']}")
class VerifyMlagConfigSanity(AntaTest):
"""Verifies there are no MLAG config-sanity inconsistencies.
Expected Results
* Success: The test will pass if there are NO MLAG config-sanity inconsistencies.
* Failure: The test will fail if there are MLAG config-sanity inconsistencies.
* Skipped: The test will be skipped if MLAG is 'disabled'.
* Error: The test will give an error if 'mlagActive' is not found in the JSON response.
- VerifyMlagConfigSanity:
categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = ["mlag"]
commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaCommand(command="show mlag config-sanity", revision=1)]
def test(self) -> None:
"""Main test function for VerifyMlagConfigSanity."""
command_output = self.instance_commands[0].json_output
if command_output["mlagActive"] is False:
self.result.is_skipped("MLAG is disabled")
keys_to_verify = ["globalConfiguration", "interfaceConfiguration"]
verified_output = {key: get_value(command_output, key) for key in keys_to_verify}
if not any(verified_output.values()):
self.result.is_failure(f"MLAG config-sanity returned inconsistencies: {verified_output}")
class VerifyMlagReloadDelay(AntaTest):
"""Verifies the reload-delay parameters of the MLAG configuration.
Expected Results
* Success: The test will pass if the reload-delay parameters are configured properly.
* Failure: The test will fail if the reload-delay parameters are NOT configured properly.
* Skipped: The test will be skipped if MLAG is 'disabled'.
- VerifyMlagReloadDelay:
reload_delay: 300
reload_delay_non_mlag: 330
categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = ["mlag"]
commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaCommand(command="show mlag", revision=2)]
class Input(AntaTest.Input):
"""Input model for the VerifyMlagReloadDelay test."""
reload_delay: PositiveInteger
"""Delay (seconds) after reboot until non peer-link ports that are part of an MLAG are enabled."""
reload_delay_non_mlag: PositiveInteger
"""Delay (seconds) after reboot until ports that are not part of an MLAG are enabled."""
def test(self) -> None:
"""Main test function for VerifyMlagReloadDelay."""
command_output = self.instance_commands[0].json_output
if command_output["state"] == "disabled":
self.result.is_skipped("MLAG is disabled")
keys_to_verify = ["reloadDelay", "reloadDelayNonMlag"]
verified_output = {key: get_value(command_output, key) for key in keys_to_verify}
if verified_output["reloadDelay"] == self.inputs.reload_delay and verified_output["reloadDelayNonMlag"] == self.inputs.reload_delay_non_mlag:
self.result.is_failure(f"The reload-delay parameters are not configured properly: {verified_output}")
class VerifyMlagDualPrimary(AntaTest):
"""Verifies the dual-primary detection and its parameters of the MLAG configuration.
Expected Results
* Success: The test will pass if the dual-primary detection is enabled and its parameters are configured properly.
* Failure: The test will fail if the dual-primary detection is NOT enabled or its parameters are NOT configured properly.
* Skipped: The test will be skipped if MLAG is 'disabled'.
- VerifyMlagDualPrimary:
detection_delay: 200
errdisabled: True
recovery_delay: 60
recovery_delay_non_mlag: 0
description = "Verifies the MLAG dual-primary detection parameters."
categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = ["mlag"]
commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaCommand(command="show mlag detail", revision=2)]
class Input(AntaTest.Input):
"""Input model for the VerifyMlagDualPrimary test."""
detection_delay: PositiveInteger
"""Delay detection (seconds)."""
errdisabled: bool = False
"""Errdisabled all interfaces when dual-primary is detected."""
recovery_delay: PositiveInteger
"""Delay (seconds) after dual-primary detection resolves until non peer-link ports that are part of an MLAG are enabled."""
recovery_delay_non_mlag: PositiveInteger
"""Delay (seconds) after dual-primary detection resolves until ports that are not part of an MLAG are enabled."""
def test(self) -> None:
"""Main test function for VerifyMlagDualPrimary."""
errdisabled_action = "errdisableAllInterfaces" if self.inputs.errdisabled else "none"
command_output = self.instance_commands[0].json_output
if command_output["state"] == "disabled":
self.result.is_skipped("MLAG is disabled")
if command_output["dualPrimaryDetectionState"] == "disabled":
self.result.is_failure("Dual-primary detection is disabled")
keys_to_verify = ["detail.dualPrimaryDetectionDelay", "detail.dualPrimaryAction", "dualPrimaryMlagRecoveryDelay", "dualPrimaryNonMlagRecoveryDelay"]
verified_output = {key: get_value(command_output, key) for key in keys_to_verify}
if (
verified_output["detail.dualPrimaryDetectionDelay"] == self.inputs.detection_delay
and verified_output["detail.dualPrimaryAction"] == errdisabled_action
and verified_output["dualPrimaryMlagRecoveryDelay"] == self.inputs.recovery_delay
and verified_output["dualPrimaryNonMlagRecoveryDelay"] == self.inputs.recovery_delay_non_mlag
self.result.is_failure(f"The dual-primary parameters are not configured properly: {verified_output}")
class VerifyMlagPrimaryPriority(AntaTest):
"""Verify the MLAG (Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation) primary priority.
Expected Results
* Success: The test will pass if the MLAG state is set as 'primary' and the priority matches the input.
* Failure: The test will fail if the MLAG state is not 'primary' or the priority doesn't match the input.
* Skipped: The test will be skipped if MLAG is 'disabled'.
- VerifyMlagPrimaryPriority:
primary_priority: 3276
description = "Verifies the configuration of the MLAG primary priority."
categories: ClassVar[list[str]] = ["mlag"]
commands: ClassVar[list[AntaCommand | AntaTemplate]] = [AntaCommand(command="show mlag detail", revision=2)]
class Input(AntaTest.Input):
"""Input model for the VerifyMlagPrimaryPriority test."""
primary_priority: MlagPriority
"""The expected MLAG primary priority."""
def test(self) -> None:
"""Main test function for VerifyMlagPrimaryPriority."""
command_output = self.instance_commands[0].json_output
# Skip the test if MLAG is disabled
if command_output["state"] == "disabled":
self.result.is_skipped("MLAG is disabled")
mlag_state = get_value(command_output, "detail.mlagState")
primary_priority = get_value(command_output, "detail.primaryPriority")
# Check MLAG state
if mlag_state != "primary":
self.result.is_failure("The device is not set as MLAG primary.")
# Check primary priority
if primary_priority != self.inputs.primary_priority:
f"The primary priority does not match expected. Expected `{self.inputs.primary_priority}`, but found `{primary_priority}` instead.",