163 lines
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163 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Exec CLI helpers."""
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import itertools
import json
import logging
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal
from click.exceptions import UsageError
from httpx import ConnectError, HTTPError
from anta.custom_types import REGEXP_PATH_MARKERS
from anta.device import AntaDevice, AsyncEOSDevice
from anta.models import AntaCommand
from asynceapi import EapiCommandError
from anta.inventory import AntaInventory
EOS_SCHEDULED_TECH_SUPPORT = "/mnt/flash/schedule/tech-support"
INVALID_CHAR = "`~!@#$/"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
async def clear_counters(anta_inventory: AntaInventory, tags: set[str] | None = None) -> None:
"""Clear counters."""
async def clear(dev: AntaDevice) -> None:
commands = [AntaCommand(command="clear counters")]
if dev.hw_model not in ["cEOSLab", "vEOS-lab"]:
commands.append(AntaCommand(command="clear hardware counter drop"))
await dev.collect_commands(commands=commands)
for command in commands:
if not command.collected:
logger.error("Could not clear counters on device %s: %s", dev.name, command.errors)
logger.info("Cleared counters on %s (%s)", dev.name, dev.hw_model)
logger.info("Connecting to devices...")
await anta_inventory.connect_inventory()
devices = anta_inventory.get_inventory(established_only=True, tags=tags).devices
logger.info("Clearing counters on remote devices...")
await asyncio.gather(*(clear(device) for device in devices))
async def collect_commands(
inv: AntaInventory,
commands: dict[str, str],
root_dir: Path,
tags: set[str] | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Collect EOS commands."""
async def collect(dev: AntaDevice, command: str, outformat: Literal["json", "text"]) -> None:
outdir = Path() / root_dir / dev.name / outformat
outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
safe_command = re.sub(rf"{REGEXP_PATH_MARKERS}", "_", command)
c = AntaCommand(command=command, ofmt=outformat)
await dev.collect(c)
if not c.collected:
logger.error("Could not collect commands on device %s: %s", dev.name, c.errors)
if c.ofmt == "json":
outfile = outdir / f"{safe_command}.json"
content = json.dumps(c.json_output, indent=2)
elif c.ofmt == "text":
outfile = outdir / f"{safe_command}.log"
content = c.text_output
logger.error("Command outformat is not in ['json', 'text'] for command '%s'", command)
with outfile.open(mode="w", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
logger.info("Collected command '%s' from device %s (%s)", command, dev.name, dev.hw_model)
logger.info("Connecting to devices...")
await inv.connect_inventory()
devices = inv.get_inventory(established_only=True, tags=tags).devices
logger.info("Collecting commands from remote devices")
coros = []
if "json_format" in commands:
coros += [collect(device, command, "json") for device, command in itertools.product(devices, commands["json_format"])]
if "text_format" in commands:
coros += [collect(device, command, "text") for device, command in itertools.product(devices, commands["text_format"])]
res = await asyncio.gather(*coros, return_exceptions=True)
for r in res:
if isinstance(r, Exception):
logger.error("Error when collecting commands: %s", str(r))
async def collect_show_tech(inv: AntaInventory, root_dir: Path, *, configure: bool, tags: set[str] | None = None, latest: int | None = None) -> None:
"""Collect scheduled show-tech on devices."""
async def collect(device: AntaDevice) -> None:
"""Collect all the tech-support files stored on Arista switches flash and copy them locally."""
# Get the tech-support filename to retrieve
cmd = f"bash timeout 10 ls -1t {EOS_SCHEDULED_TECH_SUPPORT}"
if latest:
cmd += f" | head -{latest}"
command = AntaCommand(command=cmd, ofmt="text")
await device.collect(command=command)
if not (command.collected and command.text_output):
logger.error("Unable to get tech-support filenames on %s: verify that %s is not empty", device.name, EOS_SCHEDULED_TECH_SUPPORT)
filenames = [Path(f"{EOS_SCHEDULED_TECH_SUPPORT}/{f}") for f in command.text_output.splitlines()]
# Create directories
outdir = Path() / root_dir / f"{device.name.lower()}"
outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Check if 'aaa authorization exec default local' is present in the running-config
command = AntaCommand(command="show running-config | include aaa authorization exec default", ofmt="text")
await device.collect(command=command)
if command.collected and not command.text_output:
logger.debug("'aaa authorization exec default local' is not configured on device %s", device.name)
if not configure:
logger.error("Unable to collect tech-support on %s: configuration 'aaa authorization exec default local' is not present", device.name)
commands = []
# TODO: @mtache - add `config` field to `AntaCommand` object to handle this use case.
# Otherwise mypy complains about enable as it is only implemented for AsyncEOSDevice
# TODO: Should enable be also included in AntaDevice?
if not isinstance(device, AsyncEOSDevice):
msg = "anta exec collect-tech-support is only supported with AsyncEOSDevice for now."
raise UsageError(msg)
if device.enable and device._enable_password is not None: # pylint: disable=protected-access
commands.append({"cmd": "enable", "input": device._enable_password}) # pylint: disable=protected-access
elif device.enable:
commands.append({"cmd": "enable"})
{"cmd": "configure terminal"},
{"cmd": "aaa authorization exec default local"},
logger.warning("Configuring 'aaa authorization exec default local' on device %s", device.name)
command = AntaCommand(command="show running-config | include aaa authorization exec default local", ofmt="text")
await device._session.cli(commands=commands) # pylint: disable=protected-access
logger.info("Configured 'aaa authorization exec default local' on device %s", device.name)
logger.debug("'aaa authorization exec default local' is already configured on device %s", device.name)
await device.copy(sources=filenames, destination=outdir, direction="from")
logger.info("Collected %s scheduled tech-support from %s", len(filenames), device.name)
except (EapiCommandError, HTTPError, ConnectError) as e:
logger.error("Unable to collect tech-support on %s: %s", device.name, str(e))
logger.info("Connecting to devices...")
await inv.connect_inventory()
devices = inv.get_inventory(established_only=True, tags=tags).devices
await asyncio.gather(*(collect(device) for device in devices))