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417 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Arista Networks, Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
ANTA Device Abstraction Module
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterator, Literal, Optional, Union
import asyncssh
from aiocache import Cache
from aiocache.plugins import HitMissRatioPlugin
from asyncssh import SSHClientConnection, SSHClientConnectionOptions
from httpx import ConnectError, HTTPError
from anta import __DEBUG__, aioeapi
from anta.models import AntaCommand
from anta.tools.misc import exc_to_str
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AntaDevice(ABC):
Abstract class representing a device in ANTA.
An implementation of this class must override the abstract coroutines `_collect()` and
name: Device name
is_online: True if the device IP is reachable and a port can be open
established: True if remote command execution succeeds
hw_model: Hardware model of the device
tags: List of tags for this device
cache: In-memory cache from aiocache library for this device (None if cache is disabled)
cache_locks: Dictionary mapping keys to asyncio locks to guarantee exclusive access to the cache if not disabled
def __init__(self, name: str, tags: Optional[list[str]] = None, disable_cache: bool = False) -> None:
Constructor of AntaDevice
name: Device name
tags: List of tags for this device
disable_cache: Disable caching for all commands for this device. Defaults to False.
self.name: str = name
self.hw_model: Optional[str] = None
self.tags: list[str] = tags if tags is not None else []
# A device always has its own name as tag
self.is_online: bool = False
self.established: bool = False
self.cache: Optional[Cache] = None
self.cache_locks: Optional[defaultdict[str, asyncio.Lock]] = None
# Initialize cache if not disabled
if not disable_cache:
def _keys(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]:
Read-only property to implement hashing and equality for AntaDevice classes.
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
Implement equality for AntaDevice objects.
return self._keys == other._keys if isinstance(other, self.__class__) else False
def __hash__(self) -> int:
Implement hashing for AntaDevice objects.
return hash(self._keys)
def _init_cache(self) -> None:
Initialize cache for the device, can be overriden by subclasses to manipulate how it works
self.cache = Cache(cache_class=Cache.MEMORY, ttl=60, namespace=self.name, plugins=[HitMissRatioPlugin()])
self.cache_locks = defaultdict(asyncio.Lock)
def cache_statistics(self) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
Returns the device cache statistics for logging purposes
# Need to ignore pylint no-member as Cache is a proxy class and pylint is not smart enough
# https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint/issues/7258
if self.cache is not None:
stats = getattr(self.cache, "hit_miss_ratio", {"total": 0, "hits": 0, "hit_ratio": 0})
return {"total_commands_sent": stats["total"], "cache_hits": stats["hits"], "cache_hit_ratio": f"{stats['hit_ratio'] * 100:.2f}%"}
return None
def __rich_repr__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, Any]]:
Implements Rich Repr Protocol
yield "name", self.name
yield "tags", self.tags
yield "hw_model", self.hw_model
yield "is_online", self.is_online
yield "established", self.established
yield "disable_cache", self.cache is None
async def _collect(self, command: AntaCommand) -> None:
Collect device command output.
This abstract coroutine can be used to implement any command collection method
for a device in ANTA.
The `_collect()` implementation needs to populate the `output` attribute
of the `AntaCommand` object passed as argument.
If a failure occurs, the `_collect()` implementation is expected to catch the
exception and implement proper logging, the `output` attribute of the
`AntaCommand` object passed as argument would be `None` in this case.
command: the command to collect
async def collect(self, command: AntaCommand) -> None:
Collects the output for a specified command.
When caching is activated on both the device and the command,
this method prioritizes retrieving the output from the cache. In cases where the output isn't cached yet,
it will be freshly collected and then stored in the cache for future access.
The method employs asynchronous locks based on the command's UID to guarantee exclusive access to the cache.
When caching is NOT enabled, either at the device or command level, the method directly collects the output
via the private `_collect` method without interacting with the cache.
command (AntaCommand): The command to process.
# Need to ignore pylint no-member as Cache is a proxy class and pylint is not smart enough
# https://github.com/pylint-dev/pylint/issues/7258
if self.cache is not None and self.cache_locks is not None and command.use_cache:
async with self.cache_locks[command.uid]:
cached_output = await self.cache.get(command.uid) # pylint: disable=no-member
if cached_output is not None:
logger.debug(f"Cache hit for {command.command} on {self.name}")
command.output = cached_output
await self._collect(command=command)
await self.cache.set(command.uid, command.output) # pylint: disable=no-member
await self._collect(command=command)
async def collect_commands(self, commands: list[AntaCommand]) -> None:
Collect multiple commands.
commands: the commands to collect
await asyncio.gather(*(self.collect(command=command) for command in commands))
def supports(self, command: AntaCommand) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the command is supported on the device hardware platform, False otherwise."""
unsupported = any("not supported on this hardware platform" in e for e in command.errors)
if unsupported:
logger.debug(f"{command.command} is not supported on {self.hw_model}")
return not unsupported
async def refresh(self) -> None:
Update attributes of an AntaDevice instance.
This coroutine must update the following attributes of AntaDevice:
- `is_online`: When the device IP is reachable and a port can be open
- `established`: When a command execution succeeds
- `hw_model`: The hardware model of the device
async def copy(self, sources: list[Path], destination: Path, direction: Literal["to", "from"] = "from") -> None:
Copy files to and from the device, usually through SCP.
It is not mandatory to implement this for a valid AntaDevice subclass.
sources: List of files to copy to or from the device.
destination: Local or remote destination when copying the files. Can be a folder.
direction: Defines if this coroutine copies files to or from the device.
raise NotImplementedError(f"copy() method has not been implemented in {self.__class__.__name__} definition")
class AsyncEOSDevice(AntaDevice):
Implementation of AntaDevice for EOS using aio-eapi.
name: Device name
is_online: True if the device IP is reachable and a port can be open
established: True if remote command execution succeeds
hw_model: Hardware model of the device
tags: List of tags for this device
def __init__( # pylint: disable=R0913
host: str,
username: str,
password: str,
name: Optional[str] = None,
enable: bool = False,
enable_password: Optional[str] = None,
port: Optional[int] = None,
ssh_port: Optional[int] = 22,
tags: Optional[list[str]] = None,
timeout: Optional[float] = None,
insecure: bool = False,
proto: Literal["http", "https"] = "https",
disable_cache: bool = False,
) -> None:
Constructor of AsyncEOSDevice
host: Device FQDN or IP
username: Username to connect to eAPI and SSH
password: Password to connect to eAPI and SSH
name: Device name
enable: Device needs privileged access
enable_password: Password used to gain privileged access on EOS
port: eAPI port. Defaults to 80 is proto is 'http' or 443 if proto is 'https'.
ssh_port: SSH port
tags: List of tags for this device
timeout: Timeout value in seconds for outgoing connections. Default to 10 secs.
insecure: Disable SSH Host Key validation
proto: eAPI protocol. Value can be 'http' or 'https'
disable_cache: Disable caching for all commands for this device. Defaults to False.
if host is None:
message = "'host' is required to create an AsyncEOSDevice"
raise ValueError(message)
if name is None:
name = f"{host}{f':{port}' if port else ''}"
super().__init__(name, tags, disable_cache)
if username is None:
message = f"'username' is required to instantiate device '{self.name}'"
raise ValueError(message)
if password is None:
message = f"'password' is required to instantiate device '{self.name}'"
raise ValueError(message)
self.enable = enable
self._enable_password = enable_password
self._session: aioeapi.Device = aioeapi.Device(host=host, port=port, username=username, password=password, proto=proto, timeout=timeout)
ssh_params: dict[str, Any] = {}
if insecure:
ssh_params["known_hosts"] = None
self._ssh_opts: SSHClientConnectionOptions = SSHClientConnectionOptions(host=host, port=ssh_port, username=username, password=password, **ssh_params)
def __rich_repr__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, Any]]:
Implements Rich Repr Protocol
yield from super().__rich_repr__()
yield ("host", self._session.host)
yield ("eapi_port", self._session.port)
yield ("username", self._ssh_opts.username)
yield ("enable", self.enable)
yield ("insecure", self._ssh_opts.known_hosts is None)
if __DEBUG__:
_ssh_opts = vars(self._ssh_opts).copy()
PASSWORD_VALUE = "<removed>"
_ssh_opts["password"] = PASSWORD_VALUE
_ssh_opts["kwargs"]["password"] = PASSWORD_VALUE
yield ("_session", vars(self._session))
yield ("_ssh_opts", _ssh_opts)
def _keys(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]:
Two AsyncEOSDevice objects are equal if the hostname and the port are the same.
This covers the use case of port forwarding when the host is localhost and the devices have different ports.
return (self._session.host, self._session.port)
async def _collect(self, command: AntaCommand) -> None:
Collect device command output from EOS using aio-eapi.
Supports outformat `json` and `text` as output structure.
Gain privileged access using the `enable_password` attribute
of the `AntaDevice` instance if populated.
command: the command to collect
commands = []
if self.enable and self._enable_password is not None:
"cmd": "enable",
"input": str(self._enable_password),
elif self.enable:
# No password
commands.append({"cmd": "enable"})
if command.revision:
commands.append({"cmd": command.command, "revision": command.revision})
commands.append({"cmd": command.command})
response: list[dict[str, Any]] = await self._session.cli(
except aioeapi.EapiCommandError as e:
command.errors = e.errors
if self.supports(command):
message = f"Command '{command.command}' failed on {self.name}"
except (HTTPError, ConnectError) as e:
command.errors = [str(e)]
message = f"Cannot connect to device {self.name}"
# selecting only our command output
command.output = response[-1]
logger.debug(f"{self.name}: {command}")
async def refresh(self) -> None:
Update attributes of an AsyncEOSDevice instance.
This coroutine must update the following attributes of AsyncEOSDevice:
- is_online: When a device IP is reachable and a port can be open
- established: When a command execution succeeds
- hw_model: The hardware model of the device
logger.debug(f"Refreshing device {self.name}")
self.is_online = await self._session.check_connection()
if self.is_online:
COMMAND: str = "show version"
HW_MODEL_KEY: str = "modelName"
response = await self._session.cli(command=COMMAND)
except aioeapi.EapiCommandError as e:
logger.warning(f"Cannot get hardware information from device {self.name}: {e.errmsg}")
except (HTTPError, ConnectError) as e:
logger.warning(f"Cannot get hardware information from device {self.name}: {exc_to_str(e)}")
if HW_MODEL_KEY in response:
self.hw_model = response[HW_MODEL_KEY]
logger.warning(f"Cannot get hardware information from device {self.name}: cannot parse '{COMMAND}'")
logger.warning(f"Could not connect to device {self.name}: cannot open eAPI port")
self.established = bool(self.is_online and self.hw_model)
async def copy(self, sources: list[Path], destination: Path, direction: Literal["to", "from"] = "from") -> None:
Copy files to and from the device using asyncssh.scp().
sources: List of files to copy to or from the device.
destination: Local or remote destination when copying the files. Can be a folder.
direction: Defines if this coroutine copies files to or from the device.
async with asyncssh.connect(
) as conn:
src: Union[list[tuple[SSHClientConnection, Path]], list[Path]]
dst: Union[tuple[SSHClientConnection, Path], Path]
if direction == "from":
src = [(conn, file) for file in sources]
dst = destination
for file in sources:
logger.info(f"Copying '{file}' from device {self.name} to '{destination}' locally")
elif direction == "to":
src = sources
dst = conn, destination
for file in src:
logger.info(f"Copying '{file}' to device {self.name} to '{destination}' remotely")
logger.critical(f"'direction' argument to copy() fonction is invalid: {direction}")
await asyncssh.scp(src, dst)