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# Copyright (c) 2021 Arista Networks, Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
# that can be found in the COPYING file.
from cvprac.cvp_client import CvpClient
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
import requests.packages.urllib3
### Compliance Code description
compliance = {"0000":"Configuration is in sync",
"0001": "Config is out of sync",
"0002": "Image is out of sync",
"0003": "Config & image out of sync",
"0004": "Config, Image and Device time are in sync",
"0005": "Device is not reachable",
"0006": "The current EOS version on this device is not supported by CVP. Upgrade the device to manage.",
"0007": "Extensions are out of sync",
"0008": "Config, Image and Extensions are out of sync",
"0009": "Config and Extensions are out of sync",
"0010": "Image and Extensions are out of sync",
"0011": "Unauthorized User",
"0012": "Config, Image, Extension and Device time are out of sync",
"0013": "Config, Image and Device time are out of sync",
"0014": "Config, Extensions and Device time are out of sync",
"0015": "Image, Extensions and Device time are out of sync",
"0016": "Config and Device time are out of sync",
"0017": "Image and Device time are out of sync",
"0018": "Extensions and Device time are out of sync",
"0019": "Device time is out of sync"
# Create connection to CloudVision using Service account token
with open("token.tok") as f:
token = f.read().strip('\n')
clnt = CvpClient()
clnt.connect(nodes=['cvp1'], username='',password='',api_token=token)
def check_devices_under_container(client, container):
''' container is the container ID '''
nodeId = container['key']
nodeName = container['name']
api = '/ztp/getAllNetElementList.do?'
queryParams = "nodeId={}&queryParam=&nodeName={}&startIndex=0&endIndex=0&contextQueryParam=&ignoreAdd=false&useCache=true".format(nodeId, nodeName)
return client.get(api + queryParams)
container = clnt.api.get_container_by_name('TP_LEAFS')
devices = (check_devices_under_container(clnt,container))
for device in devices['netElementList']:
code = device['complianceCode']
print(device['fqdn'], ' ', code,' ', compliance[code])