514 lines
18 KiB
514 lines
18 KiB
# coding: utf-8 -*-
# flake8: noqa: F811
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
eos_downloader class definition
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
unicode_literals, annotations)
import base64
import glob
import hashlib
import json
import os
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from typing import Union
import requests
import rich
from loguru import logger
from rich import console
from tqdm import tqdm
from eos_downloader import (ARISTA_DOWNLOAD_URL, ARISTA_GET_SESSION,
from eos_downloader.data import DATA_MAPPING
from eos_downloader.download import DownloadProgressBar
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
console = rich.get_console()
class ObjectDownloader():
ObjectDownloader Generic Object to download from Arista.com
def __init__(self, image: str, version: str, token: str, software: str = 'EOS', hash_method: str = 'md5sum'):
__init__ Class constructor
generic class constructor
image : str
Type of image to download
version : str
Version of the package to download
token : str
Arista API token
software : str, optional
Package name to download (vEOS-lab, cEOS, EOS, ...), by default 'EOS'
hash_method : str, optional
Hash protocol to use to check download, by default 'md5sum'
self.software = software
self.image = image
self._version = version
self.token = token
self.folder_level = 0
self.session_id = None
self.filename = self._build_filename()
self.hash_method = hash_method
self.timeout = 5
# Logging
logger.debug(f'Filename built by _build_filename is {self.filename}')
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.software} - {self.image} - {self.version}'
# def __repr__(self):
# return str(self.__dict__)
def version(self) -> str:
"""Get version."""
return self._version
def version(self, value: str) -> None:
"""Set version."""
self._version = value
self.filename = self._build_filename()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Internal METHODS
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
def _build_filename(self) -> str:
_build_filename Helper to build filename to search on arista.com
Filename to search for on Arista.com
logger.info('start build')
if self.software in DATA_MAPPING:
logger.info(f'software in data mapping: {self.software}')
if self.image in DATA_MAPPING[self.software]:
logger.info(f'image in data mapping: {self.image}')
return f"{DATA_MAPPING[self.software][self.image]['prepend']}-{self.version}{DATA_MAPPING[self.software][self.image]['extension']}"
return f"{DATA_MAPPING[self.software]['default']['prepend']}-{self.version}{DATA_MAPPING[self.software]['default']['extension']}"
raise ValueError(f'Incorrect value for software {self.software}')
def _parse_xml_for_path(self, root_xml: ET.ElementTree, xpath: str, search_file: str) -> str:
# sourcery skip: remove-unnecessary-cast
_parse_xml Read and extract data from XML using XPATH
Get all interested nodes using XPATH and then get node that match search_file
root_xml : ET.ElementTree
XML document
xpath : str
XPATH expression to filter XML
search_file : str
Filename to search for
File Path on Arista server side
logger.debug(f'Using xpath {xpath}')
logger.debug(f'Search for file {search_file}')
console.print(f'🔎 Searching file {search_file}')
for node in root_xml.findall(xpath):
# logger.debug('Found {}', node.text)
if str(node.text).lower() == search_file.lower():
path = node.get('path')
console.print(f' -> Found file at {path}')
logger.info(f'Found {node.text} at {node.get("path")}')
return str(node.get('path')) if node.get('path') is not None else ''
logger.error(f'Requested file ({self.filename}) not found !')
return ''
def _get_hash(self, file_path: str) -> str:
_get_hash Download HASH file from Arista server
file_path : str
Path of the HASH file
Hash string read from HASH file downloaded from Arista.com
remote_hash_file = self._get_remote_hashpath(hash_method=self.hash_method)
hash_url = self._get_url(remote_file_path=remote_hash_file)
# hash_downloaded = self._download_file_raw(url=hash_url, file_path=file_path + "/" + os.path.basename(remote_hash_file))
dl_rich_progress_bar = DownloadProgressBar()
dl_rich_progress_bar.download(urls=[hash_url], dest_dir=file_path)
hash_downloaded = f"{file_path}/{os.path.basename(remote_hash_file)}"
hash_content = 'unset'
with open(hash_downloaded, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
hash_content = f.read()
return hash_content.split(' ')[0]
def _compute_hash_md5sum(file: str, hash_expected: str) -> bool:
_compute_hash_md5sum Compare MD5 sum
Do comparison between local md5 of the file and value provided by arista.com
file : str
Local file to use for MD5 sum
hash_expected : str
MD5 from arista.com
True if both are equal, False if not
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(file, "rb") as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
if hash_md5.hexdigest() == hash_expected:
return True
logger.warning(f'Downloaded file is corrupt: local md5 ({hash_md5.hexdigest()}) is different to md5 from arista ({hash_expected})')
return False
def _compute_hash_sh512sum(file: str, hash_expected: str) -> bool:
_compute_hash_sh512sum Compare SHA512 sum
Do comparison between local sha512 of the file and value provided by arista.com
file : str
Local file to use for MD5 sum
hash_expected : str
SHA512 from arista.com
True if both are equal, False if not
hash_sha512 = hashlib.sha512()
with open(file, "rb") as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
if hash_sha512.hexdigest() == hash_expected:
return True
logger.warning(f'Downloaded file is corrupt: local sha512 ({hash_sha512.hexdigest()}) is different to sha512 from arista ({hash_expected})')
return False
def _get_folder_tree(self) -> ET.ElementTree:
_get_folder_tree Download XML tree from Arista server
XML document
if self.session_id is None:
jsonpost = {'sessionCode': self.session_id}
result = requests.post(ARISTA_SOFTWARE_FOLDER_TREE, data=json.dumps(jsonpost), timeout=self.timeout)
folder_tree = result.json()["data"]["xml"]
return ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(folder_tree))
except KeyError as error:
logger.error(f'Server returned: {error}')
console.print(f'❌ {MSG_INVALID_DATA}', style="bold red")
def _get_remote_filepath(self) -> str:
_get_remote_filepath Helper to get path of the file to download
Set XPATH and return result of _parse_xml for the file to download
Remote path of the file to download
root = self._get_folder_tree()
logger.debug("GET XML content from ARISTA.com")
xpath = f'.//dir[@label="{self.software}"]//file'
return self._parse_xml_for_path(root_xml=root, xpath=xpath, search_file=self.filename)
def _get_remote_hashpath(self, hash_method: str = 'md5sum') -> str:
_get_remote_hashpath Helper to get path of the hash's file to download
Set XPATH and return result of _parse_xml for the file to download
Remote path of the hash's file to download
root = self._get_folder_tree()
logger.debug("GET XML content from ARISTA.com")
xpath = f'.//dir[@label="{self.software}"]//file'
return self._parse_xml_for_path(
def _get_url(self, remote_file_path: str) -> str:
_get_url Get URL to use for downloading file from Arista server
Send remote_file_path to get correct URL to use for download
remote_file_path : str
Filepath from XML to use to get correct download link
URL link to use for download
if self.session_id is None:
jsonpost = {'sessionCode': self.session_id, 'filePath': remote_file_path}
result = requests.post(ARISTA_DOWNLOAD_URL, data=json.dumps(jsonpost), timeout=self.timeout)
if 'data' in result.json() and 'url' in result.json()['data']:
# logger.debug('URL to download file is: {}', result.json())
return result.json()["data"]["url"]
logger.critical(f'Server returns following message: {result.json()}')
return ''
def _download_file_raw(url: str, file_path: str) -> str:
_download_file Helper to download file from Arista.com
url : str
URL provided by server for remote_file_path
file_path : str
Location where to save local file
File path
chunkSize = 1024
r = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=5)
with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
pbar = tqdm(unit="B", total=int(r.headers['Content-Length']), unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024)
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunkSize):
if chunk:
return file_path
def _download_file(self, file_path: str, filename: str, rich_interface: bool = True) -> Union[None, str]:
remote_file_path = self._get_remote_filepath()
logger.info(f'File found on arista server: {remote_file_path}')
file_url = self._get_url(remote_file_path=remote_file_path)
if file_url is not False:
if not rich_interface:
return self._download_file_raw(url=file_url, file_path=os.path.join(file_path, filename))
rich_downloader = DownloadProgressBar()
rich_downloader.download(urls=[file_url], dest_dir=file_path)
return os.path.join(file_path, filename)
logger.error(f'Cannot download file {file_path}')
return None
def _create_destination_folder(path: str) -> None:
# os.makedirs(path, mode, exist_ok=True)
os.system(f'mkdir -p {path}')
def _disable_ztp(file_path: str) -> None:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Public METHODS
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
def authenticate(self) -> bool:
authenticate Authenticate user on Arista.com server
Send API token and get a session-id from remote server.
Session-id will be used by all other functions.
True if authentication succeeds=, False in all other situations.
credentials = (base64.b64encode(self.token.encode())).decode("utf-8")
session_code_url = ARISTA_GET_SESSION
jsonpost = {'accessToken': credentials}
result = requests.post(session_code_url, data=json.dumps(jsonpost), timeout=self.timeout)
if result.json()["status"]["message"] in[ 'Access token expired', 'Invalid access token']:
console.print(f'❌ {MSG_TOKEN_EXPIRED}', style="bold red")
return False
if 'data' in result.json():
self.session_id = result.json()["data"]["session_code"]
logger.info('Authenticated on arista.com')
return True
return False
except KeyError as error_arista:
logger.error(f'Error: {error_arista}')
def download_local(self, file_path: str, checksum: bool = False) -> bool:
# sourcery skip: move-assign
download_local Entrypoint for local download feature
Do local downnload feature:
- Get remote file path
- Get URL from Arista.com
- Download file
- Do HASH comparison (optional)
file_path : str
Local path to save downloaded file
checksum : bool, optional
Execute checksum or not, by default False
True if everything went well, False if any problem appears
file_downloaded = str(self._download_file(file_path=file_path, filename=self.filename))
# Check file HASH
hash_result = False
if checksum:
logger.info('🚀 Running checksum validation')
console.print('🚀 Running checksum validation')
if self.hash_method == 'md5sum':
hash_expected = self._get_hash(file_path=file_path)
hash_result = self._compute_hash_md5sum(file=file_downloaded, hash_expected=hash_expected)
elif self.hash_method == 'sha512sum':
hash_expected = self._get_hash(file_path=file_path)
hash_result = self._compute_hash_sh512sum(file=file_downloaded, hash_expected=hash_expected)
if not hash_result:
logger.error('Downloaded file is corrupted, please check your connection')
console.print('❌ Downloaded file is corrupted, please check your connection')
return False
logger.info('Downloaded file is correct.')
console.print('✅ Downloaded file is correct.')
return True
def provision_eve(self, noztp: bool = False, checksum: bool = True) -> None:
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
provision_eve Entrypoint for EVE-NG download and provisioning
Do following actions:
- Get remote file path
- Get URL from file path
- Download file
- Convert file to qcow2 format
- Create new version to EVE-NG
- Disable ZTP (optional)
noztp : bool, optional
Flag to deactivate ZTP in EOS image, by default False
checksum : bool, optional
Flag to ask for hash validation, by default True
# Build image name to use in folder path
eos_image_name = self.filename.rstrip(".vmdk").lower()
if noztp:
eos_image_name = f'{eos_image_name}-noztp'
# Create full path for EVE-NG
file_path = os.path.join(EVE_QEMU_FOLDER_PATH, eos_image_name.rstrip())
# Create folders in filesystem
# Download file to local destination
file_downloaded = self._download_file(
file_path=file_path, filename=self.filename)
# Convert to QCOW2 format
file_qcow2 = os.path.join(file_path, "hda.qcow2")
logger.info('Converting VMDK to QCOW2 format')
console.print('🚀 Converting VMDK to QCOW2 format...')
os.system(f'$(which qemu-img) convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 {file_downloaded} {file_qcow2}')
logger.info('Applying unl_wrapper to fix permissions')
console.print('Applying unl_wrapper to fix permissions')
os.system('/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions')
os.system(f'rm -f {file_downloaded}')
if noztp:
def docker_import(self, image_name: str = "arista/ceos") -> None:
Import docker container to your docker server.
Import downloaded container to your local docker engine.
version (str):
image_name (str, optional): Image name to use. Defaults to "arista/ceos".
docker_image = f'{image_name}:{self.version}'
logger.info(f'Importing image {self.filename} to {docker_image}')
console.print(f'🚀 Importing image {self.filename} to {docker_image}')
os.system(f'$(which docker) import {self.filename} {docker_image}')
for filename in glob.glob(f'{self.filename}*'):
except FileNotFoundError:
console.print(f'File not found: {filename}')