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# Arista Software Downloader
Script to download Arista softwares to local folder, Cloudvision or EVE-NG.
pip install eos-downloader
## CLI commands
A new CLI is available to execute commands. This CLI is going to replace [`eos-download` ](./bin/README.md ) script which is now marked as __deprecated__
Usage: ardl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Arista Network Download CLI
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--version Show the version and exit.
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--token TEXT Arista Token from your customer account [env var:
--help Show this message and exit.
debug Debug commands to work with ardl
get Download Arista from Arista website
> **Warning**
> To use this CLI you need to get a valid token from your [Arista Account page](https://www.arista.com/en/users/profile).
> For technical reason, it is only available for customers with active maintenance contracts and not for personnal accounts
### Download EOS Package
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> **Note**
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> Supported packages are: EOS, cEOS, vEOS-lab, cEOS64
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CLI gives an option to get latest version available. By default it takes latest `F` release
ardl get eos --image-type cEOS --latest
If you want to get latest M release, you can use `--release-type` :
ardl get eos --image-type cEOS --release-type M --latest
You can download a specific EOS packages with following commands:
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# Example for a cEOS package
$ ardl get eos --version 4.28.3M --image-type cEOS
Available options are :
Usage: ardl get eos [OPTIONS]
Download EOS image from Arista website
--image-type [64|INT|2GB-INT|cEOS|cEOS64|vEOS|vEOS-lab|EOS-2GB|default]
EOS Image type [required]
--version TEXT EOS version
-l, --latest Get latest version in given branch. If
--branch is not use, get the latest branch
with specific release type
-rtype, --release-type [F|M] EOS release type to search
-b, --branch TEXT EOS Branch to list releases
--docker-name TEXT Docker image name (default: arista/ceos)
[default: arista/ceos]
--output PATH Path to save image [default: .]
--log-level, --log [debug|info|warning|error|critical]
Logging level of the command
--eve-ng Run EVE-NG vEOS provisioning (only if CLI
runs on an EVE-NG server)
--disable-ztp Disable ZTP process in vEOS image (only
available with --eve-ng)
--import-docker Import docker image (only available with
--image_type cEOSlab)
--help Show this message and exit.
You can use `--latest` and `--release-type` option to get latest EOS version matching a specific release type
# Get latest M release
❯ ardl get eos --latest -rtype m
🪐 eos-downloader is starting...
- Image Type: default
- Version: None
🔎 Searching file EOS-4.29.3M.swi
-> Found file at /support/download/EOS-USA/Active Releases/4.29/EOS-4.29.3M/EOS-4.29.3M.swi
✅ Downloaded file is correct.
✅ processing done !
### List available EOS versions from Arista website
You can easily get list of available version using CLI as shown below:
❯ ardl info eos-versions
Usage: ardl info eos-versions [OPTIONS]
List Available EOS version on Arista.com website.
Comes with some filters to get latest release (F or M) as well as branch
- To get latest M release available (without any branch): ardl info eos-
versions --latest -rtype m
- To get latest F release available: ardl info eos-versions --latest
-rtype F
-l, --latest Get latest version in given branch. If
--branch is not use, get the latest branch
with specific release type
-rtype, --release-type [F|M] EOS release type to search
-b, --branch TEXT EOS Branch to list releases
-v, --verbose Human readable output. Default is none to
use output in script)
--log-level, --log [debug|info|warning|error|critical]
Logging level of the command
--help Show this message and exit.
❯ ardl info eos-versions -rtype m --branch 4.28
['', '4.28.6M', '', '4.28.5M', '4.28.4M', '4.28.3M']
### Download CVP package
> Supported packages are: OVA, KVM, RPM, Upgrade
$ ardl get cvp --format upgrade --version 2022.2.1 --log-level debug --output ~/Downloads
Available options are :
--format [ova|rpm|kvm|upgrade] CVP Image type [required]
--version TEXT CVP version [required]
--output PATH Path to save image [default: .]
--log-level, --log [debug|info|warning|error|critical]
Logging level of the command
--help Show this message and exit.
## Requirements
Repository requires Python `>=3.6` with following requirements:
On EVE-NG, you may have to install/upgrade __pyOpenSSL__ in version `23.0.0` :
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# Error when running ardl: AttributeError: module 'lib' has no attribute 'X509_V_FLAG_CB_ISSUER_CHECK'
$ pip install pyopenssl --upgrade
## Docker
Please refer to [docker documentation ](docs/docker.md )
## Author
From an original idea of [@Mark Rayson ](https://github.com/Sparky-python ) in [arista-netdevops-community/eos-scripts ](https://github.com/arista-netdevops-community/eos-scripts )
## License
Code is under [Apache2 ](LICENSE ) License