# coding: utf-8 -*- """ObjectDownloader class to manage file downloads with an option to use rich interface. This class provides methods to download files from URLs with progress tracking using either tqdm or rich interface. It supports both raw downloads and enhanced visual feedback during the download process. Methods -------- download_file(url: str, file_path: str, filename: str, rich_interface: bool = True) -> Union[None, str] Downloads a file from the given URL to the specified path with optional rich interface. _download_file_raw(url: str, file_path: str) -> str Static method that performs the actual file download with tqdm progress bar. Attributes -------- None Example -------- >>> downloader = ObjectDownloader() >>> result = downloader.download_file( ... url='http://example.com/file.zip', ... file_path='/downloads', ... filename='file.zip', ... rich_interface=True ... ) """ import os import shutil import hashlib from typing import Union, Literal, Dict import logging import requests from tqdm import tqdm import eos_downloader.models.types import eos_downloader.defaults import eos_downloader.helpers import eos_downloader.logics import eos_downloader.logics.arista_xml_server import eos_downloader.models.version class SoftManager: """SoftManager helps to download files from a remote location. This class provides methods to download files using either a simple progress bar or a rich interface with enhanced visual feedback. Examples -------- >>> downloader = SoftManager() >>> downloader.download_file( ... url="http://example.com/file.txt", ... file_path="/tmp", ... filename="file.txt" ... ) '/tmp/file.txt' """ def __init__(self, dry_run: bool = False) -> None: self.file: Dict[str, Union[str, None]] = {} self.file["name"] = None self.file["md5sum"] = None self.file["sha512sum"] = None self.dry_run = dry_run logging.info("SoftManager initialized%s", " in dry-run mode" if dry_run else "") @staticmethod def _download_file_raw(url: str, file_path: str) -> str: """Downloads a file from a URL and saves it to a local file. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the file to download. file_path : str The local path where the file will be saved. Returns ------- str The path to the downloaded file. Notes ----- - Uses requests library to stream download in chunks of 1024 bytes - Shows download progress using tqdm progress bar - Sets timeout of 5 seconds for initial connection """ chunkSize = 1024 r = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=5) with open(file_path, "wb") as f: pbar = tqdm( unit="B", total=int(r.headers["Content-Length"]), unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, ) for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunkSize): if chunk: pbar.update(len(chunk)) f.write(chunk) return file_path @staticmethod def _create_destination_folder(path: str) -> None: """Creates a directory path if it doesn't already exist. Parameters ---------- path : str The directory path to create. Returns ------- None """ try: os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) except OSError as e: logging.critical(f"Error creating folder: {e}") def _compute_hash_md5sum(self, file: str, hash_expected: str) -> bool: """ Compare MD5 sum. Do comparison between local md5 of the file and value provided by arista.com. Parameters ---------- file : str Local file to use for MD5 sum. hash_expected : str MD5 from arista.com. Returns ------- bool True if both are equal, False if not. """ hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(file, "rb") as f: while True: chunk = f.read(4096) if not chunk: break hash_md5.update(chunk) if hash_md5.hexdigest() == hash_expected: return True logging.warning( f"Downloaded file is corrupt: local md5 ({hash_md5.hexdigest()}) is different to md5 from arista ({hash_expected})" ) return False def checksum(self, check_type: Literal["md5sum", "sha512sum", "md5"]) -> bool: """ Verifies the integrity of a downloaded file using a specified checksum algorithm. Parameters ---------- check_type : Literal['md5sum', 'sha512sum', 'md5'] The type of checksum to perform. Currently supports 'md5sum' or 'sha512sum'. Returns ------- bool True if the checksum verification passes. Raises ------ ValueError If the calculated checksum does not match the expected checksum. FileNotFoundError If either the checksum file or the target file cannot be found. Examples -------- >>> client.checksum('sha512sum') # Returns True if checksum matches """ logging.info(f"Checking checksum for {self.file['name']} using {check_type}") if self.dry_run: logging.debug("Dry-run mode enabled, skipping checksum verification") return True if check_type == "sha512sum": hash_sha512 = hashlib.sha512() hash512sum = self.file["sha512sum"] file_name = self.file["name"] logging.debug(f"checksum sha512sum file is: {hash512sum}") if file_name is None or hash512sum is None: logging.error("File or checksum not found") raise ValueError("File or checksum not found") with open(hash512sum, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: hash_expected = f.read().split()[0] with open(file_name, "rb") as f: while True: chunk = f.read(4096) if not chunk: break hash_sha512.update(chunk) if hash_sha512.hexdigest() != hash_expected: logging.error( f"Checksum failed for {self.file['name']}: computed {hash_sha512.hexdigest()} - expected {hash_expected}" ) raise ValueError("Incorrect checksum") return True if check_type in ["md5sum", "md5"]: md5sum_file = self.file["md5sum"] file_name = self.file["name"] if md5sum_file is None: raise ValueError(f"md5sum is not found: {md5sum_file}") with open(md5sum_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: hash_expected = f.read().split()[0] if hash_expected is None: raise ValueError("MD5Sum is empty, cannot compute file.") if file_name is None: raise ValueError("Filename is None. Please fix it") if not self._compute_hash_md5sum(file_name, hash_expected=hash_expected): logging.error( f"Checksum failed for {self.file['name']}: expected {hash_expected}" ) raise ValueError("Incorrect checksum") return True logging.error(f"Checksum type {check_type} not yet supported") raise ValueError(f"Checksum type {check_type} not yet supported") def download_file( self, url: str, file_path: str, filename: str, rich_interface: bool = True ) -> Union[None, str]: """ Downloads a file from a given URL to a specified location. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL from which to download the file. file_path : str The directory path where the file should be saved. filename : str The name to be given to the downloaded file. rich_interface : bool, optional Whether to use rich progress bar interface. Defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[None, str] The full path to the downloaded file if successful, None if download fails. """ logging.info( f"{'[DRY-RUN] Would download' if self.dry_run else 'Downloading'} {filename} from {url}" ) if self.dry_run: return os.path.join(file_path, filename) if url is not False: if not rich_interface: return self._download_file_raw( url=url, file_path=os.path.join(file_path, filename) ) rich_downloader = eos_downloader.helpers.DownloadProgressBar() rich_downloader.download(urls=[url], dest_dir=file_path) return os.path.join(file_path, filename) logging.error(f"Cannot download file {file_path}") return None def downloads( self, object_arista: eos_downloader.logics.arista_xml_server.AristaXmlObjects, file_path: str, rich_interface: bool = True, ) -> Union[None, str]: """ Downloads files from Arista EOS server. Downloads the EOS image and optional md5/sha512 files based on the provided EOS XML object. Each file is downloaded to the specified path with appropriate filenames. Parameters ---------- object_arista : eos_downloader.logics.arista_xml_server.AristaXmlObjects Object containing EOS image and hash file URLs. file_path : str Directory path where files should be downloaded. rich_interface : bool, optional Whether to use rich console output. Defaults to True. Returns ------- Union[None, str] The file path where files were downloaded, or None if download failed. Examples -------- >>> client.downloads(eos_obj, "/tmp/downloads") '/tmp/downloads' """ logging.info(f"Downloading files from {object_arista.version}") if len(object_arista.urls) == 0: logging.error("No URLs found for download") raise ValueError("No URLs found for download") for file_type, url in sorted(object_arista.urls.items(), reverse=True): logging.debug(f"Downloading {file_type} from {url}") if file_type == "image": filename = object_arista.filename self.file["name"] = filename else: filename = object_arista.hash_filename() self.file[file_type] = filename if url is None: logging.error(f"URL not found for {file_type}") raise ValueError(f"URL not found for {file_type}") if filename is None: logging.error(f"Filename not found for {file_type}") raise ValueError(f"Filename not found for {file_type}") if not self.dry_run: logging.info( f"downloading file {filename} for version {object_arista.version}" ) self.download_file(url, file_path, filename, rich_interface) else: logging.info( f"[DRY-RUN] - downloading file {filename} for version {object_arista.version}" ) return file_path def import_docker( self, local_file_path: str, docker_name: str = "arista/ceos", docker_tag: str = "latest", ) -> None: """ Import a local file into a Docker image. This method imports a local file into Docker with a specified image name and tag. It checks for the existence of both the local file and docker binary before proceeding. Parameters ---------- local_file_path : str Path to the local file to import. docker_name : str, optional Name for the Docker image. Defaults to 'arista/ceos'. docker_tag : str, optional Tag for the Docker image. Defaults to 'latest'. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the local file doesn't exist or docker binary is not found. Exception If the docker import operation fails. Returns ------- None """ logging.info( f"Importing {local_file_path} to {docker_name}:{docker_tag} in local docker enginge" ) if os.path.exists(local_file_path) is False: raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {local_file_path} not found") if not shutil.which("docker"): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {local_file_path} not found") try: cmd = f"$(which docker) import {local_file_path} {docker_name}:{docker_tag}" if self.dry_run: logging.info(f"[DRY-RUN] Would execute: {cmd}") else: logging.debug("running docker import process") os.system(cmd) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error importing docker image: {e}") raise e # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def provision_eve( self, object_arista: eos_downloader.logics.arista_xml_server.EosXmlObject, noztp: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Provisions EVE-NG with the specified Arista EOS object. Parameters ---------- object_arista : eos_downloader.logics.arista_xml_server.EosXmlObject The Arista EOS object containing version, filename, and URLs. noztp : bool, optional If True, disables ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning). Defaults to False. Raises ------ ValueError If no URLs are found for download or if a URL or filename is None. Returns ------- None """ # EVE-NG provisioning page for vEOS # https://www.eve-ng.net/index.php/documentation/howtos/howto-add-arista-veos/ logging.info( f"Provisioning EVE-NG with {object_arista.version} / {object_arista.filename}" ) file_path = f"{eos_downloader.defaults.EVE_QEMU_FOLDER_PATH}/veos-{object_arista.version}" filename: Union[str, None] = None eos_filename = object_arista.filename if len(object_arista.urls) == 0: logging.error("No URLs found for download") raise ValueError("No URLs found for download") for file_type, url in sorted(object_arista.urls.items(), reverse=True): logging.debug(f"Downloading {file_type} from {url}") if file_type == "image": fname = object_arista.filename if fname is not None: filename = fname if noztp: filename = f"{os.path.splitext(fname)[0]}-noztp{os.path.splitext(fname)[1]}" eos_filename = filename logging.debug(f"filename is {filename}") self.file["name"] = filename else: filename = object_arista.hash_filename() if filename is not None: self.file[file_type] = filename if url is None: logging.error(f"URL not found for {file_type}") raise ValueError(f"URL not found for {file_type}") if filename is None: logging.error(f"Filename not found for {file_type}") raise ValueError(f"Filename not found for {file_type}") if not os.path.exists(file_path): logging.warning(f"creating folder on eve-ng server : {file_path}") self._create_destination_folder(path=file_path) logging.debug( f"downloading file {filename} for version {object_arista.version}" ) self.download_file(url, file_path, filename, rich_interface=True) # Convert to QCOW2 format file_qcow2 = os.path.join(file_path, "hda.qcow2") if not self.dry_run: os.system( f"$(which qemu-img) convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 {file_path}/{eos_filename} {file_path}/{file_qcow2}" ) else: logging.info( f"{'[DRY-RUN] Would convert' if self.dry_run else 'Converting'} VMDK to QCOW2 format: {file_path}/{eos_filename} to {file_qcow2} " ) logging.info("Applying unl_wrapper to fix permissions") if not self.dry_run: os.system("/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions") else: logging.info("[DRY-RUN] Would execute unl_wrapper to fix permissions") # os.system(f"rm -f {file_downloaded}") # if noztp: # self._disable_ztp(file_path=file_path)