.DEFAULT_GOAL := all sources = pydantic_extra_types tests .PHONY: .uv # Check that uv is installed .uv: @uv --version || echo 'Please install uv: https://docs.astral.sh/uv/getting-started/installation/' .PHONY: install ## Install the package, dependencies, and pre-commit for local development install: .uv uv sync --frozen --group all --all-extras uv pip install pre-commit pre-commit install --install-hooks .PHONY: rebuild-lockfiles ## Rebuild lockfiles from scratch, updating all dependencies rebuild-lockfiles: .uv uv lock --upgrade .PHONY: format # Format the code format: uv run ruff format uv run ruff check --fix --fix-only .PHONY: lint # Lint the code lint: uv run ruff format --check uv run ruff check .PHONY: typecheck # Typecheck the code typecheck: uv run mypy pydantic_extra_types .PHONY: test test: uv run pytest .PHONY: test-all-python # Run tests on Python 3.9 to 3.13 test-all-python: UV_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT=.venv39 uv run --python 3.9 coverage run -p -m pytest UV_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT=.venv310 uv run --python 3.10 coverage run -p -m pytest UV_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT=.venv311 uv run --python 3.11 coverage run -p -m pytest UV_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT=.venv312 uv run --python 3.12 coverage run -p -m pytest UV_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT=.venv313 uv run --python 3.13 coverage run -p -m pytest @uv run coverage combine @uv run coverage report .PHONY: testcov # Run tests and collect coverage data testcov: uv run coverage run -m pytest @uv run coverage report @uv run coverage html .PHONY: all all: format lint testcov