Fork 0

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syntax = "proto3";
package namespace_keywords;
// Tests that messages may contain fields that are Python keywords
// Generated with Python 3.7.6
// print('\n'.join(f'string {k} = {i+1};' for i,k in enumerate(keyword.kwlist)))
message Test {
string False = 1;
string None = 2;
string True = 3;
string and = 4;
string as = 5;
string assert = 6;
string async = 7;
string await = 8;
string break = 9;
string class = 10;
string continue = 11;
string def = 12;
string del = 13;
string elif = 14;
string else = 15;
string except = 16;
string finally = 17;
string for = 18;
string from = 19;
string global = 20;
string if = 21;
string import = 22;
string in = 23;
string is = 24;
string lambda = 25;
string nonlocal = 26;
string not = 27;
string or = 28;
string pass = 29;
string raise = 30;
string return = 31;
string try = 32;
string while = 33;
string with = 34;
string yield = 35;