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from dataclasses import dataclass
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which
from subprocess import run
from typing import Optional
import pytest
import aristaproto
from tests.output_aristaproto import (
oneof_example = oneof.Test().from_dict(
{"pitied": 1, "just_a_regular_field": 123456789, "bar_name": "Testing"}
len_oneof = len(oneof_example)
nested_example = nested.Test().from_dict(
"nested": {"count": 1},
"sibling": {"foo": 2},
"sibling2": {"foo": 3},
"msg": nested.TestMsg.THIS,
repeated_example = repeated.Test().from_dict({"names": ["blah", "Blah2"]})
packed_example = repeatedpacked.Test().from_dict(
{"counts": [1, 2, 3], "signed": [-1, 2, -3], "fixed": [1.2, -2.3, 3.4]}
map_example = map.Test().from_dict({"counts": {"blah": 1, "Blah2": 2}})
streams_path = Path("tests/streams/")
java = which("java")
def test_load_varint_too_long():
with BytesIO(
) as stream, pytest.raises(ValueError):
with BytesIO(b"\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x01") as stream:
# This should not raise a ValueError, as it is within 64 bits
def test_load_varint_file():
with open(streams_path / "message_dump_file_single.expected", "rb") as stream:
assert aristaproto.load_varint(stream) == (8, b"\x08") # Single-byte varint
stream.read(2) # Skip until first multi-byte
assert aristaproto.load_varint(stream) == (
) # Multi-byte varint
def test_load_varint_cutoff():
with open(streams_path / "load_varint_cutoff.in", "rb") as stream:
with pytest.raises(EOFError):
with pytest.raises(EOFError):
def test_dump_varint_file(tmp_path):
# Dump test varints to file
with open(tmp_path / "dump_varint_file.out", "wb") as stream:
aristaproto.dump_varint(8, stream) # Single-byte varint
aristaproto.dump_varint(123456789, stream) # Multi-byte varint
# Check that file contents are as expected
with open(tmp_path / "dump_varint_file.out", "rb") as test_stream, open(
streams_path / "message_dump_file_single.expected", "rb"
) as exp_stream:
assert aristaproto.load_varint(test_stream) == aristaproto.load_varint(
assert aristaproto.load_varint(test_stream) == aristaproto.load_varint(
def test_parse_fields():
with open(streams_path / "message_dump_file_single.expected", "rb") as stream:
parsed_bytes = aristaproto.parse_fields(stream.read())
with open(streams_path / "message_dump_file_single.expected", "rb") as stream:
parsed_stream = aristaproto.load_fields(stream)
for field in parsed_bytes:
assert field == next(parsed_stream)
def test_message_dump_file_single(tmp_path):
# Write the message to the stream
with open(tmp_path / "message_dump_file_single.out", "wb") as stream:
# Check that the outputted file is exactly as expected
with open(tmp_path / "message_dump_file_single.out", "rb") as test_stream, open(
streams_path / "message_dump_file_single.expected", "rb"
) as exp_stream:
assert test_stream.read() == exp_stream.read()
def test_message_dump_file_multiple(tmp_path):
# Write the same Message twice and another, different message
with open(tmp_path / "message_dump_file_multiple.out", "wb") as stream:
# Check that all three Messages were outputted to the file correctly
with open(tmp_path / "message_dump_file_multiple.out", "rb") as test_stream, open(
streams_path / "message_dump_file_multiple.expected", "rb"
) as exp_stream:
assert test_stream.read() == exp_stream.read()
def test_message_dump_delimited(tmp_path):
with open(tmp_path / "message_dump_delimited.out", "wb") as stream:
oneof_example.dump(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED)
oneof_example.dump(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED)
nested_example.dump(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED)
with open(tmp_path / "message_dump_delimited.out", "rb") as test_stream, open(
streams_path / "delimited_messages.in", "rb"
) as exp_stream:
assert test_stream.read() == exp_stream.read()
def test_message_len():
assert len_oneof == len(bytes(oneof_example))
assert len(nested_example) == len(bytes(nested_example))
def test_message_load_file_single():
with open(streams_path / "message_dump_file_single.expected", "rb") as stream:
assert oneof.Test().load(stream) == oneof_example
assert oneof.Test().load(stream, len_oneof) == oneof_example
def test_message_load_file_multiple():
with open(streams_path / "message_dump_file_multiple.expected", "rb") as stream:
oneof_size = len_oneof
assert oneof.Test().load(stream, oneof_size) == oneof_example
assert oneof.Test().load(stream, oneof_size) == oneof_example
assert nested.Test().load(stream) == nested_example
assert stream.read(1) == b""
def test_message_load_too_small():
with open(
streams_path / "message_dump_file_single.expected", "rb"
) as stream, pytest.raises(ValueError):
oneof.Test().load(stream, len_oneof - 1)
def test_message_load_delimited():
with open(streams_path / "delimited_messages.in", "rb") as stream:
assert oneof.Test().load(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED) == oneof_example
assert oneof.Test().load(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED) == oneof_example
assert nested.Test().load(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED) == nested_example
assert stream.read(1) == b""
def test_message_load_too_large():
with open(
streams_path / "message_dump_file_single.expected", "rb"
) as stream, pytest.raises(ValueError):
oneof.Test().load(stream, len_oneof + 1)
def test_message_len_optional_field():
class Request(aristaproto.Message):
flag: Optional[bool] = aristaproto.message_field(1, wraps=aristaproto.TYPE_BOOL)
assert len(Request()) == len(b"")
assert len(Request(flag=True)) == len(b"\n\x02\x08\x01")
assert len(Request(flag=False)) == len(b"\n\x00")
def test_message_len_repeated_field():
assert len(repeated_example) == len(bytes(repeated_example))
def test_message_len_packed_field():
assert len(packed_example) == len(bytes(packed_example))
def test_message_len_map_field():
assert len(map_example) == len(bytes(map_example))
def test_message_len_empty_string():
class Empty(aristaproto.Message):
string: str = aristaproto.string_field(1, "group")
integer: int = aristaproto.int32_field(2, "group")
empty = Empty().from_dict({"string": ""})
assert len(empty) == len(bytes(empty))
def test_calculate_varint_size_negative():
single_byte = -1
multi_byte = -10000000
edge = -(1 << 63)
beyond = -(1 << 63) - 1
before = -(1 << 63) + 1
assert (
== len(aristaproto.encode_varint(single_byte))
== 10
assert (
== len(aristaproto.encode_varint(multi_byte))
== 10
assert aristaproto.size_varint(edge) == len(aristaproto.encode_varint(edge)) == 10
assert (
aristaproto.size_varint(before) == len(aristaproto.encode_varint(before)) == 10
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_calculate_varint_size_positive():
single_byte = 1
multi_byte = 10000000
assert aristaproto.size_varint(single_byte) == len(
assert aristaproto.size_varint(multi_byte) == len(
def test_dump_varint_negative(tmp_path):
single_byte = -1
multi_byte = -10000000
edge = -(1 << 63)
beyond = -(1 << 63) - 1
before = -(1 << 63) + 1
with open(tmp_path / "dump_varint_negative.out", "wb") as stream:
aristaproto.dump_varint(single_byte, stream)
aristaproto.dump_varint(multi_byte, stream)
aristaproto.dump_varint(edge, stream)
aristaproto.dump_varint(before, stream)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
aristaproto.dump_varint(beyond, stream)
with open(streams_path / "dump_varint_negative.expected", "rb") as exp_stream, open(
tmp_path / "dump_varint_negative.out", "rb"
) as test_stream:
assert test_stream.read() == exp_stream.read()
def test_dump_varint_positive(tmp_path):
single_byte = 1
multi_byte = 10000000
with open(tmp_path / "dump_varint_positive.out", "wb") as stream:
aristaproto.dump_varint(single_byte, stream)
aristaproto.dump_varint(multi_byte, stream)
with open(tmp_path / "dump_varint_positive.out", "rb") as test_stream, open(
streams_path / "dump_varint_positive.expected", "rb"
) as exp_stream:
assert test_stream.read() == exp_stream.read()
# Java compatibility tests
def compile_jar():
# Skip if not all required tools are present
if java is None:
pytest.skip("`java` command is absent and is required")
mvn = which("mvn")
if mvn is None:
pytest.skip("Maven is absent and is required")
# Compile the JAR
proc_maven = run([mvn, "clean", "install", "-f", "tests/streams/java/pom.xml"])
if proc_maven.returncode != 0:
"Maven compatibility-test.jar build failed (maybe Java version <11?)"
jar = "tests/streams/java/target/compatibility-test.jar"
def run_jar(command: str, tmp_path):
return run([java, "-jar", jar, command, tmp_path], check=True)
def run_java_single_varint(value: int, tmp_path) -> int:
# Write single varint to file
with open(tmp_path / "py_single_varint.out", "wb") as stream:
aristaproto.dump_varint(value, stream)
# Have Java read this varint and write it back
run_jar("single_varint", tmp_path)
# Read single varint from Java output file
with open(tmp_path / "java_single_varint.out", "rb") as stream:
returned = aristaproto.load_varint(stream)
with pytest.raises(EOFError):
return returned
def test_single_varint(compile_jar, tmp_path):
single_byte = (1, b"\x01")
multi_byte = (123456789, b"\x95\x9A\xEF\x3A")
# Write a single-byte varint to a file and have Java read it back
returned = run_java_single_varint(single_byte[0], tmp_path)
assert returned == single_byte
# Same for a multi-byte varint
returned = run_java_single_varint(multi_byte[0], tmp_path)
assert returned == multi_byte
def test_multiple_varints(compile_jar, tmp_path):
single_byte = (1, b"\x01")
multi_byte = (123456789, b"\x95\x9A\xEF\x3A")
over32 = (3000000000, b"\x80\xBC\xC1\x96\x0B")
# Write two varints to the same file
with open(tmp_path / "py_multiple_varints.out", "wb") as stream:
aristaproto.dump_varint(single_byte[0], stream)
aristaproto.dump_varint(multi_byte[0], stream)
aristaproto.dump_varint(over32[0], stream)
# Have Java read these varints and write them back
run_jar("multiple_varints", tmp_path)
# Read varints from Java output file
with open(tmp_path / "java_multiple_varints.out", "rb") as stream:
returned_single = aristaproto.load_varint(stream)
returned_multi = aristaproto.load_varint(stream)
returned_over32 = aristaproto.load_varint(stream)
with pytest.raises(EOFError):
assert returned_single == single_byte
assert returned_multi == multi_byte
assert returned_over32 == over32
def test_single_message(compile_jar, tmp_path):
# Write message to file
with open(tmp_path / "py_single_message.out", "wb") as stream:
# Have Java read and return the message
run_jar("single_message", tmp_path)
# Read and check the returned message
with open(tmp_path / "java_single_message.out", "rb") as stream:
returned = oneof.Test().load(stream, len(bytes(oneof_example)))
assert stream.read() == b""
assert returned == oneof_example
def test_multiple_messages(compile_jar, tmp_path):
# Write delimited messages to file
with open(tmp_path / "py_multiple_messages.out", "wb") as stream:
oneof_example.dump(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED)
nested_example.dump(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED)
# Have Java read and return the messages
run_jar("multiple_messages", tmp_path)
# Read and check the returned messages
with open(tmp_path / "java_multiple_messages.out", "rb") as stream:
returned_oneof = oneof.Test().load(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED)
returned_nested = nested.Test().load(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED)
assert stream.read() == b""
assert returned_oneof == oneof_example
assert returned_nested == nested_example
def test_infinite_messages(compile_jar, tmp_path):
num_messages = 5
# Write delimited messages to file
with open(tmp_path / "py_infinite_messages.out", "wb") as stream:
for x in range(num_messages):
oneof_example.dump(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED)
# Have Java read and return the messages
run_jar("infinite_messages", tmp_path)
# Read and check the returned messages
messages = []
with open(tmp_path / "java_infinite_messages.out", "rb") as stream:
while True:
messages.append(oneof.Test().load(stream, aristaproto.SIZE_DELIMITED))
except EOFError:
assert len(messages) == num_messages