334 lines
9.8 KiB
334 lines
9.8 KiB
import re
import sys
import time
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, unquote, urlparse
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import FormattedText
from iredis.exceptions import InvalidArguments
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_last_timer = time.time()
_timer_counter = 0
separator = re.compile(r"\s")
logger.debug(f"[timer] start on {_last_timer}")
def timer(title):
global _last_timer
global _timer_counter
now = time.time()
tick = now - _last_timer
logger.debug(f"[timer{_timer_counter:2}] {tick:.8f} -> {title}")
_last_timer = now
_timer_counter += 1
def nativestr(x):
return x if isinstance(x, str) else x.decode("utf-8", "replace")
def literal_bytes(b):
if isinstance(b, bytes):
return str(b)[2:-1]
return b
def nappend(word, c, pre_back_slash):
if pre_back_slash and c == "n": # \n
word[-1] = "\n"
def strip_quote_args(s):
Given string s, split it into args.(Like bash paring)
Handle with all quote cases.
Raise ``InvalidArguments`` if quotes not match
:return: args list.
word = []
in_quote = None
pre_back_slash = False
for char in s:
if in_quote:
# close quote
if char == in_quote:
if not pre_back_slash:
yield "".join(word)
word = []
in_quote = None
# previous char is \ , merge with current "
word[-1] = char
nappend(word, char, pre_back_slash)
# not in quote
# separator
if separator.match(char):
if word:
yield "".join(word)
word = []
# open quotes
elif char in ["'", '"']:
in_quote = char
nappend(word, char, pre_back_slash)
if char == "\\" and not pre_back_slash:
pre_back_slash = True
pre_back_slash = False
if word:
yield "".join(word)
# quote not close
if in_quote:
raise InvalidArguments("Invalid argument(s)")
type_convert = {"posix time": "time"}
def parse_argument_to_formatted_text(
name, _type, is_option, style_class="bottom-toolbar"
result = []
if isinstance(name, str):
_type = type_convert.get(_type, _type)
if is_option:
result.append((f"class:{style_class}.{_type}", f" [{name}]"))
result.append((f"class:{style_class}.{_type}", f" {name}"))
elif isinstance(name, list):
for inner_name, inner_type in zip(name, _type):
inner_type = type_convert.get(inner_type, inner_type)
if is_option:
result.append((f"class:{style_class}.{inner_type}", f" [{inner_name}]"))
result.append((f"class:{style_class}.{inner_type}", f" {inner_name}"))
raise Exception()
return result
def compose_command_syntax(command_info, style_class="bottom-toolbar"):
command_style = f"class:{style_class}.command"
const_style = f"class:{style_class}.const"
args = []
if command_info.get("arguments"):
for argument in command_info["arguments"]:
if argument.get("command"):
# command [
args.append((command_style, " [" + argument["command"]))
if argument.get("enum"):
enums = "|".join(argument["enum"])
args.append((const_style, f" [{enums}]"))
elif argument.get("name"):
# ]
args.append((command_style, "]"))
elif argument.get("enum"):
enums = "|".join(argument["enum"])
args.append((const_style, f" [{enums}]"))
return args
def command_syntax(command, command_info):
Get command syntax based on redis-doc/commands.json
:param command: Command name in uppercase
:param command_info: dict loaded from commands.json, only for
this command.
comamnd_group = command_info["group"]
bottoms = [
("class:bottom-toolbar.group", f"({comamnd_group}) "),
("class:bottom-toolbar.command", f"{command}"),
] # final display FormattedText
bottoms += compose_command_syntax(command_info)
if "since" in command_info:
since = command_info["since"]
bottoms.append(("class:bottom-toolbar.since", f" since: {since}"))
if "complexity" in command_info:
complexity = command_info["complexity"]
bottoms.append(("class:bottom-toolbar.complexity", f" complexity:{complexity}"))
return FormattedText(bottoms)
def _literal_bytes(b):
convert bytes to printable text.
backslash and double-quotes will be escaped by
"hello\" -> \"hello\\\"
we don't add outer double quotes here, since
completer also need this function's return value
to patch completers.
b'hello' -> "hello"
b'double"quotes"' -> "double\"quotes\""
s = str(b)
s = s[2:-1] # remove b' '
# unescape single quote
s = s.replace(r"\'", "'")
return s
def ensure_str(origin, decode=None):
Ensure is string, for display and completion.
Then add double quotes
Note: this method do not handle nil, make sure check (nil)
out of this method.
if origin is None:
return None
if isinstance(origin, str):
return origin
if isinstance(origin, int):
return str(origin)
elif isinstance(origin, list):
return [ensure_str(b) for b in origin]
elif isinstance(origin, bytes):
if decode:
return origin.decode(decode)
return _literal_bytes(origin)
raise Exception(f"Unknown type: {type(origin)}, origin: {origin}")
def double_quotes(unquoted):
Display String like redis-cli.
escape inner double quotes.
add outer double quotes.
:param unquoted: list, or str
if isinstance(unquoted, str):
# escape double quote
escaped = unquoted.replace('"', '\\"')
return f'"{escaped}"' # add outer double quotes
elif isinstance(unquoted, list):
return [double_quotes(item) for item in unquoted]
def exit():
Exit IRedis REPL
def convert_formatted_text_to_bytes(formatted_text):
to_render = [text for style, text in formatted_text]
return "".join(to_render).encode()
DSN = namedtuple("DSN", "scheme host port path db username password verify_ssl")
def parse_url(url, db=0):
Return a Redis client object configured from the given URL
For example::
Three URL schemes are supported:
- ```redis://``
<http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/redis>`_ creates a
normal TCP socket connection
- ```rediss://``
<http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/rediss>`_ creates a
SSL wrapped TCP socket connection
- ``unix://`` creates a Unix Domain Socket connection
There are several ways to specify a database number. The parse function
will return the first specified option:
1. A ``db`` querystring option, e.g. redis://localhost?db=0
2. If using the redis:// scheme, the path argument of the url, e.g.
3. The ``db`` argument to this function.
If none of these options are specified, db=0 is used.
url = urlparse(url)
scheme = url.scheme
path = unquote(url.path) if url.path else None
verify_ssl = None
# We only support redis://, rediss:// and unix:// schemes.
# if scheme is ``unix``, read ``db`` from query string
# otherwise read ``db`` from path
if url.scheme == "unix":
qs = parse_qs(url.query)
if "db" in qs:
db = int(qs["db"][0] or db)
elif url.scheme in ("redis", "rediss"):
scheme = url.scheme
if path:
db = int(path.replace("/", ""))
path = None
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
qs = parse_qs(url.query)
if "ssl_cert_reqs" in qs:
verify_ssl = qs["ssl_cert_reqs"][0]
if verify_ssl not in ["none", "optional", "required"]:
raise ValueError(
f"ssl_cert_reqs must be one of 'none', 'optional', 'required' or must be omitted: {verify_ssl}"
valid_schemes = ", ".join(("redis://", "rediss://", "unix://"))
raise ValueError(
"Redis URL must specify one of the following" "schemes (%s)" % valid_schemes
username = unquote(url.username) if url.username else None
password = unquote(url.password) if url.password else None
hostname = unquote(url.hostname) if url.hostname else None
port = url.port
return DSN(scheme, hostname, port, path, db, username, password, verify_ssl)