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import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch
from litecli.packages.special.llm import handle_llm, FinishIteration, USAGE
@patch("litecli.packages.special.llm.llm", new=None)
def test_llm_command_without_install(mock_initialize_llm, executor):
Test that handle_llm initializes llm when it is None and raises FinishIteration.
test_text = r"\llm"
cur_mock = executor
with pytest.raises(FinishIteration) as exc_info:
handle_llm(test_text, cur_mock)
assert exc_info.value.args[0] is None
def test_llm_command_without_args(mock_llm, executor):
Invoking \llm without any arguments should print the usage and raise
assert mock_llm is not None
test_text = r"\llm"
cur_mock = executor
with pytest.raises(FinishIteration) as exc_info:
handle_llm(test_text, cur_mock)
assert exc_info.value.args[0] == [(None, None, None, USAGE)]
def test_llm_command_with_c_flag(mock_run_cmd, mock_llm, executor):
# Suppose the LLM returns some text without fenced SQL
mock_run_cmd.return_value = (0, "Hello, I have no SQL for you today.")
test_text = r"\llm -c 'Something interesting?'"
with pytest.raises(FinishIteration) as exc_info:
handle_llm(test_text, executor)
# We expect no code fence => FinishIteration with that output
assert exc_info.value.args[0] == [(None, None, None, "Hello, I have no SQL for you today.")]
def test_llm_command_with_c_flag_and_fenced_sql(mock_run_cmd, mock_llm, executor):
# The luscious SQL is inside triple backticks
return_text = "Here is your query:\n" "```sql\nSELECT * FROM table;\n```"
mock_run_cmd.return_value = (0, return_text)
test_text = r"\llm -c 'Rewrite the SQL without CTE'"
result, sql = handle_llm(test_text, executor)
# We expect the function to return (result, sql), but result might be "" if verbose is not set
# By default, `verbose` is false unless text has something like \llm --verbose?
# The function code: return result if verbose else "", sql
# Our test_text doesn't set verbose => we expect "" for the returned context.
assert result == ""
assert sql == "SELECT * FROM table;"
def test_llm_command_known_subcommand(mock_run_cmd, mock_llm, executor):
If the parts[0] is in LLM_CLI_COMMANDS, we do NOT capture output, we just call run_external_cmd
and then raise FinishIteration.
# Let's assume 'models' is in LLM_CLI_COMMANDS
test_text = r"\llm models"
with pytest.raises(FinishIteration) as exc_info:
handle_llm(test_text, executor)
# We check that run_external_cmd was called with these arguments:
mock_run_cmd.assert_called_once_with("llm", "models", restart_cli=False)
# And the function should raise FinishIteration(None)
assert exc_info.value.args[0] is None
def test_llm_command_with_install_flag(mock_run_cmd, mock_llm, executor):
If 'install' or 'uninstall' is in the parts, we do not capture output but restart the CLI.
test_text = r"\llm install openai"
with pytest.raises(FinishIteration) as exc_info:
handle_llm(test_text, executor)
# We expect a restart
mock_run_cmd.assert_called_once_with("llm", "install", "openai", restart_cli=True)
assert exc_info.value.args[0] is None
def test_llm_command_with_prompt(mock_sql_using_llm, mock_ensure_template, mock_llm, executor):
\llm prompt "some question"
Should use context, capture output, and call sql_using_llm.
# Mock out the return from sql_using_llm
mock_sql_using_llm.return_value = ("context from LLM", "SELECT 1;")
test_text = r"\llm prompt 'Magic happening here?'"
context, sql = handle_llm(test_text, executor)
# ensure_litecli_template should be called
# sql_using_llm should be called with question=arg, which is "prompt 'Magic happening here?'"
# Actually, the question is the entire "prompt 'Magic happening here?'" minus the \llm
# But in the function we do parse shlex.split.
assert context == ""
assert sql == "SELECT 1;"
def test_llm_command_question_with_context(mock_sql_using_llm, mock_ensure_template, mock_llm, executor):
If arg doesn't contain any known command, it's treated as a question => capture output + context.
mock_sql_using_llm.return_value = ("You have context!", "SELECT 2;")
test_text = r"\llm 'Top 10 downloads by size.'"
context, sql = handle_llm(test_text, executor)
assert context == ""
assert sql == "SELECT 2;"
def test_llm_command_question_verbose(mock_sql_using_llm, mock_ensure_template, mock_llm, executor):
Invoking \llm+ returns the context and the SQL query.
mock_sql_using_llm.return_value = ("Verbose context, oh yeah!", "SELECT 42;")
test_text = r"\llm+ 'Top 10 downloads by size.'"
context, sql = handle_llm(test_text, executor)
assert context == "Verbose context, oh yeah!"
assert sql == "SELECT 42;"