# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import time import signal import platform import multiprocessing from contextlib import closing import sqlite3 import pytest from litecli.main import special DATABASE = "test.sqlite3" def db_connection(dbname=":memory:"): conn = sqlite3.connect(database=dbname, isolation_level=None) return conn try: db_connection() CAN_CONNECT_TO_DB = True except Exception: CAN_CONNECT_TO_DB = False dbtest = pytest.mark.skipif(not CAN_CONNECT_TO_DB, reason="Error creating sqlite connection") def create_db(dbname): with closing(db_connection().cursor()) as cur: try: cur.execute("""DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS _test_db""") cur.execute("""CREATE DATABASE _test_db""") except Exception: pass def drop_tables(dbname): with closing(db_connection().cursor()) as cur: try: cur.execute("""DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS _test_db""") except Exception: pass def run(executor, sql, rows_as_list=True): """Return string output for the sql to be run.""" result = [] for title, rows, headers, status in executor.run(sql): rows = list(rows) if (rows_as_list and rows) else rows result.append({"title": title, "rows": rows, "headers": headers, "status": status}) return result def set_expanded_output(is_expanded): """Pass-through for the tests.""" return special.set_expanded_output(is_expanded) def is_expanded_output(): """Pass-through for the tests.""" return special.is_expanded_output() def send_ctrl_c_to_pid(pid, wait_seconds): """Sends a Ctrl-C like signal to the given `pid` after `wait_seconds` seconds.""" time.sleep(wait_seconds) system_name = platform.system() if system_name == "Windows": os.kill(pid, signal.CTRL_C_EVENT) else: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) def send_ctrl_c(wait_seconds): """Create a process that sends a Ctrl-C like signal to the current process after `wait_seconds` seconds. Returns the `multiprocessing.Process` created. """ ctrl_c_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=send_ctrl_c_to_pid, args=(os.getpid(), wait_seconds)) ctrl_c_process.start() return ctrl_c_process