"""Steps for behavioral style tests are defined in this module.

Each step is defined by the string decorating it. This string is used
to call the step in "*.feature" file.


import wrappers
from behave import when, then
from textwrap import dedent

@when('we create table')
def step_create_table(context):
    """Send create table."""
    context.cli.sendline('create table a(x text);')

@when('we insert into table')
def step_insert_into_table(context):
    """Send insert into table."""
    context.cli.sendline('''insert into a(x) values('xxx');''')

@when('we update table')
def step_update_table(context):
    """Send insert into table."""
    context.cli.sendline('''update a set x = 'yyy' where x = 'xxx';''')

@when('we select from table')
def step_select_from_table(context):
    """Send select from table."""
    context.cli.sendline('select * from a;')

@when('we delete from table')
def step_delete_from_table(context):
    """Send deete from table."""
    context.cli.sendline('''delete from a where x = 'yyy';''')

@when('we drop table')
def step_drop_table(context):
    """Send drop table."""
    context.cli.sendline('drop table a;')

@then('we see table created')
def step_see_table_created(context):
    """Wait to see create table output."""
    wrappers.expect_exact(context, 'Query OK, 0 rows affected', timeout=2)

@then('we see record inserted')
def step_see_record_inserted(context):
    """Wait to see insert output."""
    wrappers.expect_exact(context, 'Query OK, 1 row affected', timeout=2)

@then('we see record updated')
def step_see_record_updated(context):
    """Wait to see update output."""
    wrappers.expect_exact(context, 'Query OK, 1 row affected', timeout=2)

@then('we see data selected')
def step_see_data_selected(context):
    """Wait to see select output."""
        context, dedent("""\
            | x   |\r
            | yyy |\r
            """), timeout=2)
    wrappers.expect_exact(context, '1 row in set', timeout=2)

@then('we see record deleted')
def step_see_data_deleted(context):
    """Wait to see delete output."""
    wrappers.expect_exact(context, 'Query OK, 1 row affected', timeout=2)

@then('we see table dropped')
def step_see_table_dropped(context):
    """Wait to see drop output."""
    wrappers.expect_exact(context, 'Query OK, 0 rows affected', timeout=2)

@when('we select null')
def step_select_null(context):
    """Send select null."""
    context.cli.sendline('select null;')

@then('we see null selected')
def step_see_null_selected(context):
    """Wait to see null output."""
        context, dedent("""\
            | NULL   |\r
            | <null> |\r
            """), timeout=2)
    wrappers.expect_exact(context, '1 row in set', timeout=2)