555 lines
17 KiB
555 lines
17 KiB
import os
import shutil
import click
from click.testing import CliRunner
from mycli.main import MyCli, cli, thanks_picker
from mycli.packages.special.main import COMMANDS as SPECIAL_COMMANDS
from mycli.sqlexecute import ServerInfo
from .utils import USER, HOST, PORT, PASSWORD, dbtest, run
from textwrap import dedent
from collections import namedtuple
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
project_dir = os.path.dirname(test_dir)
default_config_file = os.path.join(project_dir, "test", "myclirc")
login_path_file = os.path.join(test_dir, "mylogin.cnf")
os.environ["MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE"] = login_path_file
def test_execute_arg(executor):
run(executor, "create table test (a text)")
run(executor, 'insert into test values("abc")')
sql = "select * from test;"
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ["-e", sql])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert "abc" in result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ["--execute", sql])
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert "abc" in result.output
expected = "a\nabc\n"
assert expected in result.output
def test_execute_arg_with_table(executor):
run(executor, "create table test (a text)")
run(executor, 'insert into test values("abc")')
sql = "select * from test;"
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ["-e", sql] + ["--table"])
expected = "+-----+\n| a |\n+-----+\n| abc |\n+-----+\n"
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert expected in result.output
def test_execute_arg_with_csv(executor):
run(executor, "create table test (a text)")
run(executor, 'insert into test values("abc")')
sql = "select * from test;"
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ["-e", sql] + ["--csv"])
expected = '"a"\n"abc"\n'
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert expected in "".join(result.output)
def test_batch_mode(executor):
run(executor, """create table test(a text)""")
run(executor, """insert into test values('abc'), ('def'), ('ghi')""")
sql = "select count(*) from test;\n" "select * from test limit 1;"
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS, input=sql)
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert "count(*)\n3\na\nabc\n" in "".join(result.output)
def test_batch_mode_table(executor):
run(executor, """create table test(a text)""")
run(executor, """insert into test values('abc'), ('def'), ('ghi')""")
sql = "select count(*) from test;\n" "select * from test limit 1;"
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ["-t"], input=sql)
expected = dedent("""\
| count(*) |
| 3 |
| a |
| abc |
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert expected in result.output
def test_batch_mode_csv(executor):
run(executor, """create table test(a text, b text)""")
run(executor, """insert into test (a, b) values('abc', 'de\nf'), ('ghi', 'jkl')""")
sql = "select * from test;"
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ["--csv"], input=sql)
expected = '"a","b"\n"abc","de\nf"\n"ghi","jkl"\n'
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert expected in "".join(result.output)
def test_thanks_picker_utf8():
name = thanks_picker()
assert name and isinstance(name, str)
def test_help_strings_end_with_periods():
"""Make sure click options have help text that end with a period."""
for param in cli.params:
if isinstance(param, click.core.Option):
assert hasattr(param, "help")
assert param.help.endswith(".")
def test_command_descriptions_end_with_periods():
"""Make sure that mycli commands' descriptions end with a period."""
for _, command in SPECIAL_COMMANDS.items():
assert command[3].endswith(".")
def output(monkeypatch, terminal_size, testdata, explicit_pager, expect_pager):
global clickoutput
clickoutput = ""
m = MyCli(myclirc=default_config_file)
class TestOutput:
def get_size(self):
size = namedtuple("Size", "rows columns")
size.columns, size.rows = terminal_size
return size
class TestExecute:
host = "test"
user = "test"
dbname = "test"
server_info = ServerInfo.from_version_string("unknown")
port = 0
def server_type(self):
return ["test"]
class PromptBuffer:
output = TestOutput()
m.prompt_app = PromptBuffer()
m.sqlexecute = TestExecute()
m.explicit_pager = explicit_pager
def echo_via_pager(s):
assert expect_pager
global clickoutput
clickoutput += "".join(s)
def secho(s):
assert not expect_pager
global clickoutput
clickoutput += s + "\n"
monkeypatch.setattr(click, "echo_via_pager", echo_via_pager)
monkeypatch.setattr(click, "secho", secho)
if clickoutput.endswith("\n"):
clickoutput = clickoutput[:-1]
assert clickoutput == "\n".join(testdata)
def test_conditional_pager(monkeypatch):
testdata = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do".split(" ")
# User didn't set pager, output doesn't fit screen -> pager
output(monkeypatch, terminal_size=(5, 10), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=False, expect_pager=True)
# User didn't set pager, output fits screen -> no pager
output(monkeypatch, terminal_size=(20, 20), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=False, expect_pager=False)
# User manually configured pager, output doesn't fit screen -> pager
output(monkeypatch, terminal_size=(5, 10), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=True, expect_pager=True)
# User manually configured pager, output fit screen -> pager
output(monkeypatch, terminal_size=(20, 20), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=True, expect_pager=True)
output(monkeypatch, terminal_size=(5, 10), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=False, expect_pager=False)
def test_reserved_space_is_integer(monkeypatch):
"""Make sure that reserved space is returned as an integer."""
def stub_terminal_size():
return (5, 5)
with monkeypatch.context() as m:
m.setattr(shutil, "get_terminal_size", stub_terminal_size)
mycli = MyCli()
assert isinstance(mycli.get_reserved_space(), int)
def test_list_dsn():
runner = CliRunner()
# keep Windows from locking the file with delete=False
with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as myclirc:
test = mysql://test/test
args = ["--list-dsn", "--myclirc", myclirc.name]
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=args)
assert result.output == "test\n"
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=args + ["--verbose"])
assert result.output == "test : mysql://test/test\n"
# delete=False means we should try to clean up
if os.path.exists(myclirc.name):
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred while attempting to delete the file: {e}")
def test_prettify_statement():
statement = "SELECT 1"
m = MyCli()
pretty_statement = m.handle_prettify_binding(statement)
assert pretty_statement == "SELECT\n 1;"
def test_unprettify_statement():
statement = "SELECT\n 1"
m = MyCli()
unpretty_statement = m.handle_unprettify_binding(statement)
assert unpretty_statement == "SELECT 1;"
def test_list_ssh_config():
runner = CliRunner()
# keep Windows from locking the file with delete=False
with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as ssh_config:
Host test
Hostname test.example.com
User joe
Port 22222
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gateway
args = ["--list-ssh-config", "--ssh-config-path", ssh_config.name]
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=args)
assert "test\n" in result.output
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=args + ["--verbose"])
assert "test : test.example.com\n" in result.output
# delete=False means we should try to clean up
if os.path.exists(ssh_config.name):
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred while attempting to delete the file: {e}")
def test_dsn(monkeypatch):
# Setup classes to mock mycli.main.MyCli
class Formatter:
format_name = None
class Logger:
def debug(self, *args, **args_dict):
def warning(self, *args, **args_dict):
class MockMyCli:
config = {"alias_dsn": {}}
def __init__(self, **args):
self.logger = Logger()
self.destructive_warning = False
self.formatter = Formatter()
def connect(self, **args):
MockMyCli.connect_args = args
def run_query(self, query, new_line=True):
import mycli.main
monkeypatch.setattr(mycli.main, "MyCli", MockMyCli)
runner = CliRunner()
# When a user supplies a DSN as database argument to mycli,
# use these values.
result = runner.invoke(mycli.main.cli, args=["mysql://dsn_user:dsn_passwd@dsn_host:1/dsn_database"])
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception)
assert (
MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "dsn_user"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] == "dsn_passwd"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "dsn_host"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 1
and MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "dsn_database"
MockMyCli.connect_args = None
# When a use supplies a DSN as database argument to mycli,
# and used command line arguments, use the command line
# arguments.
result = runner.invoke(
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception)
assert (
MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "arg_user"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] == "arg_password"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "arg_host"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 3
and MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "arg_database"
MockMyCli.config = {"alias_dsn": {"test": "mysql://alias_dsn_user:alias_dsn_passwd@alias_dsn_host:4/alias_dsn_database"}}
MockMyCli.connect_args = None
# When a user uses a DSN from the configuration file (alias_dsn),
# use these values.
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=["--dsn", "test"])
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception)
assert (
MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "alias_dsn_user"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] == "alias_dsn_passwd"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "alias_dsn_host"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 4
and MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "alias_dsn_database"
MockMyCli.config = {"alias_dsn": {"test": "mysql://alias_dsn_user:alias_dsn_passwd@alias_dsn_host:4/alias_dsn_database"}}
MockMyCli.connect_args = None
# When a user uses a DSN from the configuration file (alias_dsn)
# and used command line arguments, use the command line arguments.
result = runner.invoke(
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception)
assert (
MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "arg_user"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] == "arg_password"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "arg_host"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 5
and MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "arg_database"
# Use a DSN without password
result = runner.invoke(mycli.main.cli, args=["mysql://dsn_user@dsn_host:6/dsn_database"])
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception)
assert (
MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "dsn_user"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] is None
and MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "dsn_host"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 6
and MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "dsn_database"
def test_ssh_config(monkeypatch):
# Setup classes to mock mycli.main.MyCli
class Formatter:
format_name = None
class Logger:
def debug(self, *args, **args_dict):
def warning(self, *args, **args_dict):
class MockMyCli:
config = {"alias_dsn": {}}
def __init__(self, **args):
self.logger = Logger()
self.destructive_warning = False
self.formatter = Formatter()
def connect(self, **args):
MockMyCli.connect_args = args
def run_query(self, query, new_line=True):
import mycli.main
monkeypatch.setattr(mycli.main, "MyCli", MockMyCli)
runner = CliRunner()
# Setup temporary configuration
# keep Windows from locking the file with delete=False
with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as ssh_config:
Host test
Hostname test.example.com
User joe
Port 22222
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gateway
# When a user supplies a ssh config.
result = runner.invoke(mycli.main.cli, args=["--ssh-config-path", ssh_config.name, "--ssh-config-host", "test"])
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception)
assert (
MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_user"] == "joe"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_host"] == "test.example.com"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_port"] == 22222
and MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_key_filename"] == os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.ssh/gateway"
# When a user supplies a ssh config host as argument to mycli,
# and used command line arguments, use the command line
# arguments.
result = runner.invoke(
assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception)
assert (
MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_user"] == "arg_user"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_host"] == "arg_host"
and MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_port"] == 3
and MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_key_filename"] == "/path/to/key"
# delete=False means we should try to clean up
if os.path.exists(ssh_config.name):
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred while attempting to delete the file: {e}")
def test_init_command_arg(executor):
init_command = "set sql_select_limit=1000"
sql = 'show variables like "sql_select_limit";'
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ["--init-command", init_command], input=sql)
expected = "sql_select_limit\t1000\n"
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert expected in result.output
def test_init_command_multiple_arg(executor):
init_command = "set sql_select_limit=2000; set max_join_size=20000"
sql = 'show variables like "sql_select_limit";\n' 'show variables like "max_join_size"'
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ["--init-command", init_command], input=sql)
expected_sql_select_limit = "sql_select_limit\t2000\n"
expected_max_join_size = "max_join_size\t20000\n"
assert result.exit_code == 0
assert expected_sql_select_limit in result.output
assert expected_max_join_size in result.output