2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
import pytest
2025-02-09 20:05:08 +01:00
from pgcli.packages.parseutils import (
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
from pgcli.packages.parseutils.tables import extract_tables
from pgcli.packages.parseutils.utils import find_prev_keyword, is_open_quote
def test_empty_string():
tables = extract_tables("")
assert tables == ()
def test_simple_select_single_table():
tables = extract_tables("select * from abc")
assert tables == ((None, "abc", None, False),)
"sql", ['select * from "abc"."def"', 'select * from abc."def"']
def test_simple_select_single_table_schema_qualified_quoted_table(sql):
tables = extract_tables(sql)
assert tables == (("abc", "def", '"def"', False),)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sql", ["select * from abc.def", 'select * from "abc".def'])
def test_simple_select_single_table_schema_qualified(sql):
tables = extract_tables(sql)
assert tables == (("abc", "def", None, False),)
def test_simple_select_single_table_double_quoted():
tables = extract_tables('select * from "Abc"')
assert tables == ((None, "Abc", None, False),)
def test_simple_select_multiple_tables():
tables = extract_tables("select * from abc, def")
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {(None, "abc", None, False), (None, "def", None, False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_simple_select_multiple_tables_double_quoted():
tables = extract_tables('select * from "Abc", "Def"')
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {(None, "Abc", None, False), (None, "Def", None, False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_simple_select_single_table_deouble_quoted_aliased():
tables = extract_tables('select * from "Abc" a')
assert tables == ((None, "Abc", "a", False),)
def test_simple_select_multiple_tables_deouble_quoted_aliased():
tables = extract_tables('select * from "Abc" a, "Def" d')
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {(None, "Abc", "a", False), (None, "Def", "d", False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_simple_select_multiple_tables_schema_qualified():
tables = extract_tables("select * from abc.def, ghi.jkl")
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {("abc", "def", None, False), ("ghi", "jkl", None, False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_simple_select_with_cols_single_table():
tables = extract_tables("select a,b from abc")
assert tables == ((None, "abc", None, False),)
def test_simple_select_with_cols_single_table_schema_qualified():
tables = extract_tables("select a,b from abc.def")
assert tables == (("abc", "def", None, False),)
def test_simple_select_with_cols_multiple_tables():
tables = extract_tables("select a,b from abc, def")
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {(None, "abc", None, False), (None, "def", None, False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_simple_select_with_cols_multiple_qualified_tables():
tables = extract_tables("select a,b from abc.def, def.ghi")
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {("abc", "def", None, False), ("def", "ghi", None, False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_select_with_hanging_comma_single_table():
tables = extract_tables("select a, from abc")
assert tables == ((None, "abc", None, False),)
def test_select_with_hanging_comma_multiple_tables():
tables = extract_tables("select a, from abc, def")
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {(None, "abc", None, False), (None, "def", None, False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_select_with_hanging_period_multiple_tables():
tables = extract_tables("SELECT t1. FROM tabl1 t1, tabl2 t2")
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {(None, "tabl1", "t1", False), (None, "tabl2", "t2", False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_simple_insert_single_table():
tables = extract_tables('insert into abc (id, name) values (1, "def")')
# sqlparse mistakenly assigns an alias to the table
# AND mistakenly identifies the field list as
# assert tables == ((None, 'abc', 'abc', False),)
assert tables == ((None, "abc", "abc", False),)
def test_simple_insert_single_table_schema_qualified():
tables = extract_tables('insert into abc.def (id, name) values (1, "def")')
assert tables == (("abc", "def", None, False),)
def test_simple_update_table_no_schema():
tables = extract_tables("update abc set id = 1")
assert tables == ((None, "abc", None, False),)
def test_simple_update_table_with_schema():
tables = extract_tables("update abc.def set id = 1")
assert tables == (("abc", "def", None, False),)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("join_type", ["", "INNER", "LEFT", "RIGHT OUTER"])
def test_join_table(join_type):
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
sql = f"SELECT * FROM abc a {join_type} JOIN def d ON a.id = d.num"
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
tables = extract_tables(sql)
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {(None, "abc", "a", False), (None, "def", "d", False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_join_table_schema_qualified():
tables = extract_tables("SELECT * FROM abc.def x JOIN ghi.jkl y ON x.id = y.num")
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {("abc", "def", "x", False), ("ghi", "jkl", "y", False)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_incomplete_join_clause():
sql = """select a.x, b.y
from abc a join bcd b
on a.id = """
tables = extract_tables(sql)
assert tables == ((None, "abc", "a", False), (None, "bcd", "b", False))
def test_join_as_table():
tables = extract_tables("SELECT * FROM my_table AS m WHERE m.a > 5")
assert tables == ((None, "my_table", "m", False),)
def test_multiple_joins():
sql = """select * from t1
inner join t2 ON
t1.id = t2.t1_id
inner join t3 ON
t2.id = t3."""
tables = extract_tables(sql)
assert tables == (
(None, "t1", None, False),
(None, "t2", None, False),
(None, "t3", None, False),
def test_subselect_tables():
tables = extract_tables(sql)
assert tables == ((None, "abc", None, False),)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("text", ["SELECT * FROM foo.", "SELECT 123 AS foo"])
def test_extract_no_tables(text):
tables = extract_tables(text)
assert tables == tuple()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg_list", ["", "arg1", "arg1, arg2, arg3"])
def test_simple_function_as_table(arg_list):
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
tables = extract_tables(f"SELECT * FROM foo({arg_list})")
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
assert tables == ((None, "foo", None, True),)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg_list", ["", "arg1", "arg1, arg2, arg3"])
def test_simple_schema_qualified_function_as_table(arg_list):
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
tables = extract_tables(f"SELECT * FROM foo.bar({arg_list})")
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
assert tables == (("foo", "bar", None, True),)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg_list", ["", "arg1", "arg1, arg2, arg3"])
def test_simple_aliased_function_as_table(arg_list):
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
tables = extract_tables(f"SELECT * FROM foo({arg_list}) bar")
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
assert tables == ((None, "foo", "bar", True),)
def test_simple_table_and_function():
tables = extract_tables("SELECT * FROM foo JOIN bar()")
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {(None, "foo", None, False), (None, "bar", None, True)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_complex_table_and_function():
tables = extract_tables(
"""SELECT * FROM foo.bar baz
JOIN bar.qux(x, y, z) quux"""
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
assert set(tables) == {("foo", "bar", "baz", False), ("bar", "qux", "quux", True)}
2025-02-09 19:48:22 +01:00
def test_find_prev_keyword_using():
q = "select * from tbl1 inner join tbl2 using (col1, "
kw, q2 = find_prev_keyword(q)
assert kw.value == "(" and q2 == "select * from tbl1 inner join tbl2 using ("
"select * from foo where bar",
"select * from foo where bar = 1 and baz or ",
"select * from foo where bar = 1 and baz between qux and ",
def test_find_prev_keyword_where(sql):
kw, stripped = find_prev_keyword(sql)
assert kw.value == "where" and stripped == "select * from foo where"
"sql", ["create table foo (bar int, baz ", "select * from foo() as bar (baz "]
def test_find_prev_keyword_open_parens(sql):
kw, _ = find_prev_keyword(sql)
assert kw.value == "("
"$$ foo $$",
"$$ 'foo' $$",
'$$ "foo" $$',
"$$ $a$ $$",
"$a$ $$ $a$",
"foo bar $$ baz $$",
def test_is_open_quote__closed(sql):
assert not is_open_quote(sql)
"foo $$ bar $$; foo $$",
"$$ foo $a$",
"foo 'bar baz",
"$a$ foo ",
'$$ "foo" ',
"$$ $a$ ",
"foo bar $$ baz",
def test_is_open_quote__open(sql):
assert is_open_quote(sql)
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
2025-02-09 20:05:08 +01:00
("sql", "keywords", "expected"),
("update abc set x = 1", ALL_KEYWORDS, True),
("update abc set x = 1 where y = 2", ALL_KEYWORDS, True),
("update abc set x = 1", BASE_KEYWORDS, True),
("update abc set x = 1 where y = 2", BASE_KEYWORDS, False),
("select x, y, z from abc", ALL_KEYWORDS, False),
("drop abc", ALL_KEYWORDS, True),
("alter abc", ALL_KEYWORDS, True),
("delete abc", ALL_KEYWORDS, True),
("truncate abc", ALL_KEYWORDS, True),
("insert into abc values (1, 2, 3)", ALL_KEYWORDS, False),
("insert into abc values (1, 2, 3)", BASE_KEYWORDS, False),
("insert into abc values (1, 2, 3)", ["insert"], True),
("insert into abc values (1, 2, 3)", ["insert"], True),
def test_is_destructive(sql, keywords, expected):
assert is_destructive(sql, keywords) == expected
("warning_level", "expected"),
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
2025-02-09 20:05:08 +01:00
("true", ALL_KEYWORDS),
("false", []),
("all", ALL_KEYWORDS),
("moderate", BASE_KEYWORDS),
("off", []),
("", []),
(None, []),
("insert", ["insert"]),
("drop,alter,delete", ["drop", "alter", "delete"]),
(["drop", "alter", "delete"], ["drop", "alter", "delete"]),
2025-02-09 19:57:44 +01:00
2025-02-09 20:05:08 +01:00
def test_parse_destructive_warning(warning_level, expected):
assert parse_destructive_warning(warning_level) == expected