# vi: ft=vimwiki

* Launch pgcli with different inputs. 
    * pgcli test_db
    * pgcli postgres://localhost/test_db
    * pgcli postgres://localhost:5432/test_db
    * pgcli postgres://amjith@localhost:5432/test_db
    * pgcli postgres://amjith:password@localhost:5432/test_db
    * pgcli non-existent-db

* Test special command
    * \d
    * \d table_name
    * \dt
    * \l 
    * \c amjith 
    * \q

* Simple execution:
    1 Execute a simple 'select * from users;' test that will pass.
    2 Execute a syntax error: 'insert into users ( ;'
    3 Execute a simple test from step 1 again to see if it still passes.
    * Change the database and try steps 1 - 3.

* Test smart-completion
    * Sele - Must auto-complete to SELECT
    * SELECT * FROM  - Must list the table names.
    * INSERT INTO - Must list table names.
    * \d <tab> - Must list table names.
    * \c <tab> - Database names.
    * SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE <tab> - column names (all of it).

* Test naive-completion - turn off smart completion (using F2 key after launch)
    * Sele - autocomplete to select. 
    * SELECT * FROM - autocomplete list should have everything.