/* * Zebra L2 bridge interface handling * * Copyright (C) 2021 Cumulus Networks, Inc. * Sharath Ramamurthy * * This file is part of FRR. * * FRR is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * FRR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. */ #include <zebra.h> #include "hash.h" #include "if.h" #include "jhash.h" #include "linklist.h" #include "log.h" #include "memory.h" #include "prefix.h" #include "stream.h" #include "table.h" #include "vlan.h" #include "vxlan.h" #ifdef GNU_LINUX #include <linux/neighbour.h> #endif #include "zebra/zebra_router.h" #include "zebra/debug.h" #include "zebra/interface.h" #include "zebra/rib.h" #include "zebra/rt.h" #include "zebra/rt_netlink.h" #include "zebra/zebra_errors.h" #include "zebra/zebra_l2.h" #include "zebra/zebra_l2_bridge_if.h" #include "zebra/zebra_ns.h" #include "zebra/zebra_vrf.h" #include "zebra/zebra_vxlan.h" #include "zebra/zebra_vxlan_if.h" #include "zebra/zebra_evpn.h" #include "zebra/zebra_evpn_mac.h" #include "zebra/zebra_evpn_neigh.h" #include "zebra/zebra_vxlan_private.h" #include "zebra/zebra_evpn_mh.h" #include "zebra/zebra_evpn_vxlan.h" #include "zebra/zebra_router.h" static unsigned int zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_hash_keymake(const void *p) { const struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan; bvlan = (const struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *)p; return jhash(&bvlan->vid, sizeof(bvlan->vid), 0); } static bool zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_hash_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bv1; const struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bv2; bv1 = (const struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *)p1; bv2 = (const struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *)p2; return (bv1->vid == bv2->vid); } static int zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_walk_callback(struct hash_bucket *bucket, void *ctxt) { int ret; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan; struct zebra_l2_bridge_if_ctx *ctx; bvlan = (struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *)bucket->data; ctx = (struct zebra_l2_bridge_if_ctx *)ctxt; ret = ctx->func(ctx->zif, bvlan, ctx->arg); return ret; } static void zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_iterate_callback(struct hash_bucket *bucket, void *ctxt) { struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan; struct zebra_l2_bridge_if_ctx *ctx; bvlan = (struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *)bucket->data; ctx = (struct zebra_l2_bridge_if_ctx *)ctxt; ctx->func(ctx->zif, bvlan, ctx->arg); } static int zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_clean(struct zebra_if *zif, struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan, void *ctxt) { struct zebra_evpn_access_bd *acc_bd; if (IS_ZEBRA_DEBUG_VXLAN) zlog_debug("access vlan %d bridge %s cleanup", bvlan->vid, zif->ifp->name); acc_bd = zebra_evpn_acc_vl_find(bvlan->vid, zif->ifp); if (acc_bd) zebra_evpn_access_bd_bridge_cleanup(bvlan->vid, zif->ifp, acc_bd); bvlan->access_bd = NULL; return 0; } static void zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_free(void *arg) { struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvl; bvl = (struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *)arg; XFREE(MTYPE_TMP, bvl); } static void *zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_alloc(void *p) { struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan; const struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvl; bvl = (const struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *)p; bvlan = XCALLOC(MTYPE_TMP, sizeof(*bvlan)); bvlan->vid = bvl->vid; bvlan->access_bd = bvl->access_bd; return (void *)bvlan; } static void zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_table_destroy(struct hash *vlan_table) { hash_clean_and_free(&vlan_table, zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_free); } static struct hash *zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_table_create(void) { return hash_create(zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_hash_keymake, zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_hash_cmp, "Zebra L2 Bridge Vlan Table"); } static void zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_table_destroy(struct zebra_if *zif) { struct zebra_l2_bridge_if *br; br = BRIDGE_FROM_ZEBRA_IF(zif); zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_iterate(zif, zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_clean, NULL); zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_table_destroy(br->vlan_table); br->vlan_table = NULL; } static int zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_table_create(struct zebra_if *zif) { struct zebra_l2_bridge_if *br; br = BRIDGE_FROM_ZEBRA_IF(zif); if (!br->vlan_table) { br->vlan_table = zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_table_create(); if (!br->vlan_table) return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } static int zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_del(struct interface *ifp, vlanid_t vid) { struct zebra_if *zif; struct zebra_l2_bridge_if *br; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan bvl; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan; zif = (struct zebra_if *)ifp->info; memset(&bvl, 0, sizeof(bvl)); bvl.vid = vid; br = BRIDGE_FROM_ZEBRA_IF(zif); bvlan = hash_release(br->vlan_table, &bvl); if (bvlan) zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_free(bvlan); return 0; } static int zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_update(struct interface *ifp, struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvl, int chgflags) { struct zebra_if *zif; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan; zif = (struct zebra_if *)ifp->info; bvlan = zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_find(zif, bvl->vid); if (!bvlan) return 0; if (chgflags & ZEBRA_BRIDGEIF_ACCESS_BD_CHANGE) bvlan->access_bd = bvl->access_bd; if (!bvlan->access_bd) return zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_del(ifp, bvl->vid); return 0; } static int zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_add(struct interface *ifp, struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan) { struct zebra_if *zif; struct zebra_l2_bridge_if *br; zif = (struct zebra_if *)ifp->info; br = BRIDGE_FROM_ZEBRA_IF(zif); hash_get(br->vlan_table, (void *)bvlan, zebra_l2_bridge_vlan_alloc); return 0; } struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan * zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_find(const struct zebra_if *zif, vlanid_t vid) { const struct zebra_l2_bridge_if *br; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvl; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan bvlan; br = BRIDGE_FROM_ZEBRA_IF(zif); memset(&bvlan, 0, sizeof(bvlan)); bvlan.vid = vid; bvl = (struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *)hash_lookup(br->vlan_table, (void *)&bvlan); /* TODO: For debugging. Remove later */ if (bvl) assert(bvl->vid == vid); return bvl; } vni_t zebra_l2_bridge_if_vni_find(const struct zebra_if *zif, vlanid_t vid) { vni_t vni_id = 0; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan; bvlan = zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_find(zif, vid); if (bvlan && bvlan->access_bd && bvlan->access_bd->vni) vni_id = bvlan->access_bd->vni; return vni_id; } void zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_iterate(struct zebra_if *zif, int (*func)(struct zebra_if *zif, struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *, void *), void *arg) { struct zebra_l2_bridge_if *br; struct zebra_l2_bridge_if_ctx ctx; br = BRIDGE_FROM_ZEBRA_IF(zif); memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.zif = zif; ctx.func = func; ctx.arg = arg; hash_iterate(br->vlan_table, zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_iterate_callback, &ctx); } void zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_walk(struct zebra_if *zif, int (*func)(struct zebra_if *zif, struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *, void *), void *arg) { struct zebra_l2_bridge_if *br; struct zebra_l2_bridge_if_ctx ctx; br = BRIDGE_FROM_ZEBRA_IF(zif); memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.zif = zif; ctx.func = func; ctx.arg = arg; hash_walk(br->vlan_table, zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_walk_callback, &ctx); } int zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_access_bd_deref(struct zebra_evpn_access_bd *bd) { int chgflags = 0; struct zebra_if *zif; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan bvl; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan; zif = bd->bridge_zif; if (!zif) return -1; bvlan = zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_find(zif, bd->vid); if (!bvlan) return 0; memset(&bvl, 0, sizeof(bvl)); bvl.vid = bd->vid; bvl.access_bd = NULL; chgflags = ZEBRA_BRIDGEIF_ACCESS_BD_CHANGE; return zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_update(zif->ifp, &bvl, chgflags); } int zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_access_bd_ref(struct zebra_evpn_access_bd *bd) { int chgflags = 0; struct zebra_if *zif; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan bvl; struct zebra_l2_bridge_vlan *bvlan; zif = bd->bridge_zif; if (!zif) return -1; if (!bd->vid) return -1; memset(&bvl, 0, sizeof(bvl)); bvl.vid = bd->vid; bvl.access_bd = bd; bvlan = zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_find(zif, bd->vid); if (!bvlan) return zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_add(zif->ifp, &bvl); chgflags = ZEBRA_BRIDGEIF_ACCESS_BD_CHANGE; return zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_update(zif->ifp, &bvl, chgflags); } int zebra_l2_bridge_if_cleanup(struct interface *ifp) { struct zebra_if *zif; if (!IS_ZEBRA_IF_BRIDGE(ifp)) return 0; if (IS_ZEBRA_DEBUG_VXLAN) zlog_debug("bridge %s cleanup", ifp->name); zif = (struct zebra_if *)ifp->info; zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_table_destroy(zif); return 0; } int zebra_l2_bridge_if_del(struct interface *ifp) { if (IS_ZEBRA_DEBUG_VXLAN) zlog_debug("bridge %s delete", ifp->name); return zebra_l2_bridge_if_cleanup(ifp); } int zebra_l2_bridge_if_add(struct interface *ifp) { struct zebra_if *zif; struct zebra_l2_bridge_if *br; zif = (struct zebra_if *)ifp->info; br = BRIDGE_FROM_ZEBRA_IF(zif); br->br_zif = (struct zebra_if *)ifp->info; zebra_l2_bridge_if_vlan_table_create(zif); return 0; }