# -*- coding: utf-8 eval: (blacken-mode 1) -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
# May 2 2023, Christian Hopps <chopps@labn.net>
# Copyright (c) 2023, LabN Consulting, L.L.C.
Verify routes present when staticd (backend client) is started after it's startup config
is present during launch.

import pytest
from lib.topogen import Topogen, TopoRouter
from util import _test_staticd_late_start

pytestmark = [pytest.mark.staticd, pytest.mark.mgmtd]

def tgen(request):
    "Setup/Teardown the environment and provide tgen argument to tests"

    topodef = {
        "s1": ("r1",),

    tgen = Topogen(topodef, request.module.__name__)

    # configure mgmtd using current mgmtd config file
    tgen.gears["r1"].load_config(TopoRouter.RD_ZEBRA, "zebra.conf")

    # Explicit disable staticd now..
    tgen.gears["r1"].net.daemons["staticd"] = 0

    yield tgen

def test_staticd_late_start(tgen):
    return _test_staticd_late_start(tgen, tgen.routers()["r1"])