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/// Remove unneeded conversion to bool
//# Relational and logical operators evaluate to bool,
//# explicit conversion is overly verbose and unneeded.
// Copyright: (C) 2016 Andrew F. Davis <afd@ti.com> GPLv2.
virtual patch
virtual context
virtual org
virtual report
// For patch mode
@depends on patch@
expression A, B;
symbol true, false;
A == B
A != B
A > B
A < B
A >= B
A <= B
A && B
A || B
- ? true : false
// For context mode
@r depends on !patch@
expression A, B;
symbol true, false;
position p;
A == B
A != B
A > B
A < B
A >= B
A <= B
A && B
A || B
* ? true : false@p
// For org mode
@script:python depends on r&&org@
p << r.p;
msg = "WARNING: conversion to bool not needed here"
coccilib.org.print_todo(p[0], msg)
// For report mode
@script:python depends on r&&report@
p << r.p;
msg = "WARNING: conversion to bool not needed here"
coccilib.report.print_report(p[0], msg)