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#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
# test_ospf6_topo1.py
# Part of NetDEF Topology Tests
# Copyright (c) 2016 by
# Network Device Education Foundation, Inc. ("NetDEF")
SW1 - Stub Net 1 SW2 - Stub Net 2 \
fc00:1:1:1::/64 fc00:2:2:2::/64 \
\___________________/ \___________________/ |
| | |
| | |
| ::1 | ::2 |
+---------+---------+ +---------+---------+ |
| R1 | | R2 | |
| FRRouting | | FRRouting | |
| Rtr-ID: | | Rtr-ID: | |
+---------+---------+ +---------+---------+ |
| ::1 | ::2 \
\______ ___________/ OSPFv3
\ / Area
\ / /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~ SW5 ~~ |
~~ Switch ~~ |
~~ fc00:A:A:A::/64 ~~ |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| /---- |
| ::3 | SW3 - Stub Net 3 |
+---------+---------+ /-+ fc00:3:3:3::/64 |
| R3 | / | /
| FRRouting +--/ \---- /
| Rtr-ID: | ::3 ___________/
+---------+---------+ \
| ::3 \
| \
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
~~ SW6 ~~ |
~~ Switch ~~ |
~~ fc00:B:B:B::/64 ~~ \
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OSPFv3
| Area
| ::4 /
+---------+---------+ /---- |
| R4 | | SW4 - Stub Net 4 |
| FRRouting +------+ fc00:4:4:4::/64 |
| Rtr-ID: | ::4 | /
+-------------------+ \---- /
import os
import re
import sys
import pytest
from functools import partial
# Save the Current Working Directory to find configuration files later.
CWD = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(CWD, "../"))
# pylint: disable=C0413
# Import topogen and topotest helpers
from lib import topotest
from lib.topogen import Topogen, TopoRouter, get_topogen
from lib.topolog import logger
pytestmark = [pytest.mark.ospfd]
def build_topo(tgen):
# Create 4 routers
for routern in range(1, 5):
# Wire up the switches and routers
# Note that we specify the link names so we match the config files
# Create a empty network for router 1
switch = tgen.add_switch("s1")
switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r1"], nodeif="r1-stubnet")
# Create a empty network for router 2
switch = tgen.add_switch("s2")
switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r2"], nodeif="r2-stubnet")
# Create a empty network for router 3
switch = tgen.add_switch("s3")
switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r3"], nodeif="r3-stubnet")
# Create a empty network for router 4
switch = tgen.add_switch("s4")
switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r4"], nodeif="r4-stubnet")
# Interconnect routers 1, 2, and 3
switch = tgen.add_switch("s5")
switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r1"], nodeif="r1-sw5")
switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r2"], nodeif="r2-sw5")
switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r3"], nodeif="r3-sw5")
# Interconnect routers 3 and 4
switch = tgen.add_switch("s6")
switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r3"], nodeif="r3-sw6")
switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r4"], nodeif="r4-sw6")
## Tests starting
def setup_module(mod):
"Sets up the pytest environment"
tgen = Topogen(build_topo, mod.__name__)
logger.info("** %s: Setup Topology" % mod.__name__)
# For debugging after starting net, but before starting FRR,
# uncomment the next line
# tgen.mininet_cli()
router_list = tgen.routers()
for rname, router in router_list.items():
TopoRouter.RD_ZEBRA, os.path.join(CWD, "{}/zebra.conf".format(rname))
TopoRouter.RD_OSPF6, os.path.join(CWD, "{}/ospf6d.conf".format(rname))
# Initialize all routers.
# For debugging after starting FRR daemons, uncomment the next line
# tgen.mininet_cli()
def teardown_module():
"Teardown the pytest environment"
tgen = get_topogen()
def test_wait_protocol_convergence():
"Wait for OSPFv3 to converge"
tgen = get_topogen()
if tgen.routers_have_failure():
logger.info("waiting for protocols to converge")
def expect_neighbor_full(router, neighbor):
"Wait until OSPFv3 convergence."
logger.info("waiting OSPFv3 router '{}'".format(router))
test_func = partial(
"show ipv6 ospf6 neighbor json",
{"neighbors": [{"neighborId": neighbor, "state": "Full"}]},
_, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=130, wait=1)
assertmsg = '"{}" convergence failure'.format(router)
assert result is None, assertmsg
expect_neighbor_full("r1", "")
expect_neighbor_full("r1", "")
expect_neighbor_full("r2", "")
expect_neighbor_full("r2", "")
expect_neighbor_full("r3", "")
expect_neighbor_full("r3", "")
expect_neighbor_full("r3", "")
expect_neighbor_full("r4", "")
def compare_show_ipv6(rname, expected):
Calls 'show ipv6 route' for router `rname` and compare the obtained
result with the expected output.
tgen = get_topogen()
# Use the vtysh output, with some masking to make comparison easy
current = topotest.ip6_route_zebra(tgen.gears[rname])
# Use just the 'O'spf lines of the output
linearr = []
for line in current.splitlines():
if re.match("^O", line):
current = "\n".join(linearr)
return topotest.difflines(
title1="Current output",
title2="Expected output",
def test_ospfv3_routingTable():
tgen = get_topogen()
if tgen.routers_have_failure():
pytest.skip("skipped because of router(s) failure")
# For debugging, uncomment the next line
# tgen.mininet_cli()
# Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
for router, _ in tgen.routers().items():
logger.info('Waiting for router "%s" convergence', router)
# Load expected results from the command
reffile = os.path.join(CWD, "{}/show_ipv6_route.ref".format(router))
expected = open(reffile).read()
# Run test function until we get an result. Wait at most 60 seconds.
test_func = partial(compare_show_ipv6, router, expected)
result, diff = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, "", count=120, wait=0.5)
assert result, "OSPFv3 did not converge on {}:\n{}".format(router, diff)
def test_linux_ipv6_kernel_routingTable():
tgen = get_topogen()
if tgen.routers_have_failure():
pytest.skip("skipped because of router(s) failure")
# Verify Linux Kernel Routing Table
logger.info("Verifying Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table")
failures = 0
# Get a list of all current link-local addresses first as they change for
# each run and we need to translate them
linklocals = []
for i in range(1, 5):
linklocals += tgen.net["r{}".format(i)].get_ipv6_linklocal()
# Now compare the routing tables (after substituting link-local addresses)
for i in range(1, 5):
# Actual output from router
actual = tgen.gears["r{}".format(i)].run("ip -6 route").rstrip()
if "nhid" in actual:
refTableFile = os.path.join(CWD, "r{}/ip_6_address.nhg.ref".format(i))
refTableFile = os.path.join(CWD, "r{}/ip_6_address.ref".format(i))
if os.path.isfile(refTableFile):
expected = open(refTableFile).read().rstrip()
# Fix newlines (make them all the same)
expected = ("\n".join(expected.splitlines())).splitlines(1)
# Mask out Link-Local mac addresses
for ll in linklocals:
actual = actual.replace(ll[1], "fe80::__(%s)__" % ll[0])
# Mask out protocol name or number
actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+proto [0-9a-z]+ +", " proto XXXX ", actual)
actual = re.sub(r"[ ]+nhid [0-9]+ +", " nhid XXXX ", actual)
# Remove ff00::/8 routes (seen on some kernels - not from FRR)
actual = re.sub(r"ff00::/8.*", "", actual)
# Strip empty lines
actual = actual.lstrip()
actual = actual.rstrip()
actual = re.sub(r" +", " ", actual)
filtered_lines = []
for line in sorted(actual.splitlines()):
if line.startswith("fe80::/64 ") or line.startswith(
"unreachable fe80::/64 "
actual = "\n".join(filtered_lines).splitlines(1)
# Print Actual table
# logger.info("Router r%s table" % i)
# for line in actual:
# logger.info(line.rstrip())
# Generate Diff
diff = topotest.get_textdiff(
title1="actual OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",
title2="expected OSPFv3 IPv6 routing table",
# Empty string if it matches, otherwise diff contains unified diff
if diff:
"r%s failed Linux IPv6 Kernel Routing Table Check:\n%s\n"
% (i, diff)
failures += 1
logger.info("r%s ok" % i)
assert failures == 0, (
"Linux Kernel IPv6 Routing Table verification failed for router r%s:\n%s"
% (i, diff)
logger.error("r{} failed - no nhid ref file: {}".format(i, refTableFile))
assert False, (
"Linux Kernel IPv6 Routing Table verification failed for router r%s\n"
% (i)
def test_ospfv3_routingTable_write_multiplier():
tgen = get_topogen()
if tgen.routers_have_failure():
pytest.skip("skipped because of router(s) failure")
# For debugging, uncomment the next line
# tgen.mininet_cli()
# Modify R1 write muliplier and reset the interfaces
r1 = tgen.gears["r1"]
r1.vtysh_cmd("conf t\nrouter ospf6\n write-multiplier 100")
r1.vtysh_cmd("clear ipv6 ospf interface r1-stubnet")
r1.vtysh_cmd("clear ipv6 ospf interface r1-sw5")
# Verify OSPFv3 Routing Table
for router, _ in tgen.routers().items():
logger.info('Waiting for router "%s" convergence', router)
# Load expected results from the command
reffile = os.path.join(CWD, "{}/show_ipv6_route.ref".format(router))
expected = open(reffile).read()
# Run test function until we get an result. Wait at most 60 seconds.
test_func = partial(compare_show_ipv6, router, expected)
result, diff = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, "", count=120, wait=0.5)
assert result, "OSPFv3 did not converge on {}:\n{}".format(router, diff)
def test_shutdown_check_stderr():
tgen = get_topogen()
if tgen.routers_have_failure():
pytest.skip("skipped because of router(s) failure")
if os.environ.get("TOPOTESTS_CHECK_STDERR") is None:
"SKIPPED final check on StdErr output: Disabled (TOPOTESTS_CHECK_STDERR undefined)\n"
pytest.skip("Skipping test for Stderr output")
net = tgen.net
logger.info("\n\n** Verifying unexpected STDERR output from daemons")
for i in range(1, 5):
net["r%s" % i].stopRouter()
log = net["r%s" % i].getStdErr("ospf6d")
if log:
logger.info("\nRouter r%s OSPF6d StdErr Log:\n%s" % (i, log))
log = net["r%s" % i].getStdErr("zebra")
if log:
logger.info("\nRouter r%s Zebra StdErr Log:\n%s" % (i, log))
def test_shutdown_check_memleak():
"Run the memory leak test and report results."
if os.environ.get("TOPOTESTS_CHECK_MEMLEAK") is None:
"SKIPPED final check on Memory leaks: Disabled (TOPOTESTS_CHECK_MEMLEAK undefined)"
pytest.skip("Skipping test for memory leaks")
tgen = get_topogen()
net = tgen.net
for i in range(1, 5):
net["r%s" % i].stopRouter()
net["r%s" % i].report_memory_leaks(
os.environ.get("TOPOTESTS_CHECK_MEMLEAK"), os.path.basename(__file__)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# To suppress tracebacks, either use the following pytest call or
# add "--tb=no" to cli
# retval = pytest.main(["-s", "--tb=no"])
retval = pytest.main(["-s"])