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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 eval: (blacken-mode 1) -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
# <template>.py
# Part of NetDEF Topology Tests
# Copyright (c) 2017 by
# Network Device Education Foundation, Inc. ("NetDEF")
<template>.py: Test <template>.
import sys
import pytest
from lib.topogen import Topogen, TopoRouter
from lib.topolog import logger
# TODO: select markers based on daemons used during test
# pytest module level markers
pytestmark = [
# pytest.mark.babeld,
# pytest.mark.bfdd,
# pytest.mark.bgpd,
# pytest.mark.eigrpd,
# pytest.mark.isisd,
# pytest.mark.ldpd,
# pytest.mark.nhrpd,
# pytest.mark.ospf6d,
# pytest.mark.pathd,
# pytest.mark.pbrd,
# pytest.mark.pimd,
# pytest.mark.ripd,
# pytest.mark.ripngd,
# pytest.mark.sharpd,
# pytest.mark.staticd,
# pytest.mark.vrrpd,
# Function we pass to Topogen to create the topology
def build_topo(tgen):
"Build function"
# Create 2 routers
r1 = tgen.add_router("r1")
r2 = tgen.add_router("r2")
# Create a p2p connection between r1 and r2
tgen.add_link(r1, r2)
# Create a switch with one router connected to it to simulate a empty network.
switch = tgen.add_switch("s1")
# Create a p2p connection between r1 and r2
switch = tgen.add_switch("s2")
# New form of setup/teardown using pytest fixture
def tgen(request):
"Setup/Teardown the environment and provide tgen argument to tests"
# This function initiates the topology build with Topogen...
tgen = Topogen(build_topo, request.module.__name__)
# A basic topology similar to the above could also have be more easily specified
# using a # dictionary, remove the build_topo function and use the following
# instead:
# topodef = {
# "s1": "r1"
# "s2": ("r1", "r2")
# }
# tgen = Topogen(topodef, request.module.__name__)
# ... and here it calls initialization functions.
# This is a sample of configuration loading.
router_list = tgen.routers()
# For all routers arrange for:
# - starting zebra using config file from <rtrname>/zebra.conf
# - starting ospfd using an empty config file.
for rname, router in router_list.items():
router.load_config(TopoRouter.RD_ZEBRA, "zebra.conf")
# Start and configure the router daemons
# Provide tgen as argument to each test function
yield tgen
# Teardown after last test runs
# Fixture that executes before each test
def skip_on_failure(tgen):
if tgen.routers_have_failure():
pytest.skip("skipped because of previous test failure")
# ===================
# The tests functions
# ===================
def test_get_version(tgen):
"Test the logs the FRR version"
r1 = tgen.gears["r1"]
version = r1.vtysh_cmd("show version")
logger.info("FRR version is: " + version)
def test_connectivity(tgen):
"Test the logs the FRR version"
r1 = tgen.gears["r1"]
r2 = tgen.gears["r2"]
output = r1.cmd_raises("ping -c1")
output = r2.cmd_raises("ping -c1")
def test_expect_failure(tgen):
"A test that is current expected to fail but should be fixed"
assert False, "Example of temporary expected failure that will eventually be fixed"
def test_will_be_skipped(tgen):
"A test that will be skipped"
assert False
# Memory leak test template
def test_memory_leak(tgen):
"Run the memory leak test and report results."
if not tgen.is_memleak_enabled():
pytest.skip("Memory leak test/report is disabled")
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = ["-s"] + sys.argv[1:]