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.. _zebra:
*zebra* is an IP routing manager. It provides kernel routing
table updates, interface lookups, and redistribution of routes between
different routing protocols.
.. _invoking-zebra:
Invoking zebra
Besides the common invocation options (:ref:`common-invocation-options`), the
*zebra* specific invocation options are listed below.
.. program:: zebra
.. option:: -b, --batch
Runs in batch mode. *zebra* parses configuration file and terminates
.. option:: -K TIME, --graceful_restart TIME
If this option is specified, the graceful restart time is TIME seconds.
Zebra, when started, will read in routes. Those routes that Zebra
identifies that it was the originator of will be swept in TIME seconds.
If no time is specified then we will sweep those routes immediately.
Under the \*BSD's, there is no way to properly store the originating
route and the route types in this case will show up as a static route
with an admin distance of 255.
.. option:: -r, --retain
When program terminates, do not flush routes installed by *zebra* from the
.. option:: -e X, --ecmp X
Run zebra with a limited ecmp ability compared to what it is compiled to.
If you are running zebra on hardware limited functionality you can
force zebra to limit the maximum ecmp allowed to X. This number
is bounded by what you compiled FRR with as the maximum number.
.. option:: -n, --vrfwnetns
When *Zebra* starts with this option, the VRF backend is based on Linux
network namespaces. That implies that all network namespaces discovered by
ZEBRA will create an associated VRF. The other daemons will operate on the VRF
VRF defined by *Zebra*, as usual. If this option is specified when running
*Zebra*, one must also specify the same option for *mgmtd*.
.. seealso:: :ref:`zebra-vrf`
.. option:: -z <path_to_socket>, --socket <path_to_socket>
If this option is supplied on the cli, the path to the zebra
control socket(zapi), is used. This option overrides a -N <namespace>
option if handed to it on the cli.
.. option:: --v6-rr-semantics
The linux kernel is receiving the ability to use the same route
replacement semantics for v6 that v4 uses. If you are using a
kernel that supports this functionality then run *Zebra* with this
option and we will use Route Replace Semantics instead of delete
than add.
.. option:: --routing-table <tableno>
Specify which kernel routing table *Zebra* should communicate with.
If this option is not specified the default table (RT_TABLE_MAIN) is
.. option:: --asic-offload=[notify_on_offload|notify_on_ack]
The linux kernel has the ability to use asic-offload ( see switchdev
development ). When the operator knows that FRR will be working in
this way, allow them to specify this with FRR. At this point this
code only supports asynchronous notification of the offload state.
In other words the initial ACK received for linux kernel installation
does not give zebra any data about what the state of the offload
is. This option takes the optional parameters notify_on_offload
or notify_on_ack. This signals to zebra to notify upper level
protocols about route installation/update on ack received from
the linux kernel or from offload notification.
.. option:: -s <SIZE>, --nl-bufsize <SIZE>
Allow zebra to modify the default receive buffer size to SIZE
in bytes. Under \*BSD only the -s option is available.
.. option:: --v6-with-v4-nexthops
Signal to zebra that v6 routes with v4 nexthops are accepted
by the underlying dataplane. This will be communicated to
the upper level daemons that can install v6 routes with v4
.. _interface-commands:
Configuration Addresses behaviour
At startup, *Zebra* will first discover the underlying networking objects
from the operating system. This includes interfaces, addresses of
interfaces, static routes, etc. Then, it will read the configuration
file, including its own interface addresses, static routes, etc. All this
information comprises the operational context from *Zebra*. But
configuration context from *Zebra* will remain the same as the one from
:file:`zebra.conf` config file. As an example, executing the following
:clicmd:`show running-config` will reflect what was in :file:`zebra.conf`.
In a similar way, networking objects that are configured outside of the
*Zebra* like *iproute2* will not impact the configuration context from
*Zebra*. This behaviour permits you to continue saving your own config
file, and decide what is really to be pushed on the config file, and what
is dependent on the underlying system.
Note that inversely, from *Zebra*, you will not be able to delete networking
objects that were previously configured outside of *Zebra*.
Interface Commands
.. _standard-commands:
Standard Commands
.. clicmd:: interface IFNAME
.. clicmd:: interface IFNAME vrf VRF
.. clicmd:: shutdown
Up or down the current interface.
.. clicmd:: ip address ADDRESS/PREFIX
.. clicmd:: ipv6 address ADDRESS/PREFIX
Set the IPv4 or IPv6 address/prefix for the interface.
.. clicmd:: ip address LOCAL-ADDR peer PEER-ADDR/PREFIX
Configure an IPv4 Point-to-Point address on the interface. (The concept of
PtP addressing does not exist for IPv6.)
``local-addr`` has no subnet mask since the local side in PtP addressing is
always a single (/32) address. ``peer-addr/prefix`` can be an arbitrary subnet
behind the other end of the link (or even on the link in Point-to-Multipoint
setups), though generally /32s are used.
.. clicmd:: description DESCRIPTION ...
Set description for the interface.
.. clicmd:: mpls <enable|disable>
Choose mpls kernel processing value on the interface, for linux. Interfaces
configured with mpls will not automatically turn on if mpls kernel modules do not
happen to be loaded. This command will fail on 3.X linux kernels and does not
work on non-linux systems at all. 'enable' and 'disable' will respectively turn
on and off mpls on the given interface.
.. clicmd:: multicast <enable|disable>
Enable or disable multicast flag for the interface.
.. clicmd:: bandwidth (1-1000000)
Set bandwidth value of the interface in Megabits/sec. This is for
calculating OSPF cost. This command does not affect the actual device
.. clicmd:: link-detect
Enable or disable link-detect on platforms which support this. Currently only
Linux, and only where network interface drivers support reporting
link-state via the ``IFF_RUNNING`` flag.
In FRR, link-detect is on by default.
.. _link-parameters-commands:
Link Parameters Commands
.. note::
At this time, FRR offers partial support for some of the routing
protocol extensions that can be used with MPLS-TE. FRR does not
support a complete RSVP-TE solution currently.
.. clicmd:: link-params
Enter into the link parameters sub node. This command activates the link
parameters and allows to configure routing information that could be used
as part of Traffic Engineering on this interface. MPLS-TE must be enabled at
the OSPF (:ref:`ospf-traffic-engineering`) or ISIS
(:ref:`isis-traffic-engineering`) router level in complement to this. To
disable link parameters, use the ``no`` version of this command.
Under link parameter statement, the following commands set the different TE values:
.. clicmd:: metric (0-4294967295)
.. clicmd:: max-bw BANDWIDTH
.. clicmd:: max-rsv-bw BANDWIDTH
.. clicmd:: unrsv-bw (0-7) BANDWIDTH
These commands specifies the Traffic Engineering parameters of the interface
in conformity to RFC3630 (OSPF) or RFC5305 (ISIS). There are respectively
the TE Metric (different from the OSPF or ISIS metric), Maximum Bandwidth
(interface speed by default), Maximum Reservable Bandwidth, Unreserved
Bandwidth for each 0-7 priority and Admin Group (ISIS) or Resource
Class/Color (OSPF).
Note that BANDWIDTH is specified in IEEE floating point format and express
in Bytes/second.
.. clicmd:: admin-grp 0x(0-FFFFFFFF)
This commands configures the Traffic Engineering Admin-Group of the interface
as specified in RFC3630 (OSPF) or RFC5305 (ISIS). Admin-group is also known
as Resource Class/Color in the OSPF protocol.
.. clicmd:: affinity AFFINITY-MAP-NAME
This commands configures the Traffic Engineering Admin-Group of the
interface using the affinity-map definitions (:ref:`affinity-map`).
Multiple AFFINITY-MAP-NAME can be specified at the same time. Affinity-map
names are added or removed if ``no`` is present. It means that specifying one
value does not override the full list.
``admin-grp`` and ``affinity`` commands provide two ways of setting
admin-groups. They cannot be both set on the same interface.
.. clicmd:: affinity-mode [extended|standard|both]
This commands configures which admin-group format is set by the affinity
command. ``extended`` Admin-Group is the default and uses the RFC7308 format.
``standard`` mode uses the standard admin-group format that is defined by
RFC3630, RFC5305 and RFC5329. When the ``standard`` mode is set,
affinity-maps with bit-positions higher than 31 cannot be applied to the
interface. The ``both`` mode allows setting standard and extended admin-group
on the link at the same time. In this case, the bit-positions 0 to 31 are
the same on standard and extended admin-groups.
Note that extended admin-groups are only supported by IS-IS for the moment.
.. clicmd:: delay (0-16777215) [min (0-16777215) | max (0-16777215)]
.. clicmd:: delay-variation (0-16777215)
.. clicmd:: packet-loss PERCENTAGE
.. clicmd:: res-bw BANDWIDTH
.. clicmd:: ava-bw BANDWIDTH
.. clicmd:: use-bw BANDWIDTH
These command specifies additional Traffic Engineering parameters of the
interface in conformity to draft-ietf-ospf-te-metrics-extension-05.txt and
draft-ietf-isis-te-metrics-extension-03.txt. There are respectively the
delay, jitter, loss, available bandwidth, reservable bandwidth and utilized
Note that BANDWIDTH is specified in IEEE floating point format and express
in Bytes/second. Delays and delay variation are express in micro-second
(µs). Loss is specified in PERCENTAGE ranging from 0 to 50.331642% by step
of 0.000003.
.. clicmd:: neighbor <A.B.C.D> as (0-65535)
Specifies the remote ASBR IP address and Autonomous System (AS) number
for InterASv2 link in OSPF (RFC5392). Note that this option is not yet
supported for ISIS (RFC5316).
Global Commands
.. clicmd:: zebra protodown reason-bit (0-31)
This command is only supported for linux and a kernel > 5.1.
Change reason-bit frr uses for setting protodown. We default to 7, but
if another userspace app ever conflicts with this, you can change it here.
The descriptor for this bit should exist in :file:`/etc/iproute2/protodown_reasons.d/`
to display with :clicmd:`ip -d link show`.
Nexthop Tracking
Nexthop tracking doesn't resolve nexthops via the default route by default.
Allowing this might be useful when e.g. you want to allow BGP to peer across
the default route.
.. clicmd:: zebra nexthop-group keep (1-3600)
Set the time that zebra will keep a created and installed nexthop group
before removing it from the system if the nexthop group is no longer
being used. The default time is 180 seconds.
.. clicmd:: ip nht resolve-via-default
Allow IPv4 nexthop tracking to resolve via the default route. This parameter
is configured per-VRF, so the command is also available in the VRF subnode.
This is enabled by default for a traditional profile.
.. clicmd:: ipv6 nht resolve-via-default
Allow IPv6 nexthop tracking to resolve via the default route. This parameter
is configured per-VRF, so the command is also available in the VRF subnode.
This is enabled by default for a traditional profile.
.. clicmd:: show ip nht [vrf NAME] [A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X] [mrib] [json]
Show nexthop tracking status for address resolution. If vrf is not specified
then display the default vrf. If ``all`` is specified show all vrf address
resolution output. If an ipv4 or ipv6 address is not specified then display
all addresses tracked, else display the requested address. The mrib keyword
indicates that the operator wants to see the multicast rib address resolution
table. An alternative form of the command is ``show ip import-check`` and this
form of the command is deprecated at this point in time.
User can get that information as JSON string when ``json`` key word
at the end of cli is presented.
.. clicmd:: show ip nht route-map [vrf <NAME|all>] [json]
This command displays route-map attach point to nexthop tracking and
displays list of protocol with its applied route-map.
When zebra considers sending NHT resoultion, the nofification only
sent to appropriate client protocol only after applying route-map filter.
User can get that information as JSON format when ``json`` keyword
at the end of cli is presented.
PBR dataplane programming
Some dataplanes require the PBR nexthop to be resolved into a SMAC, DMAC and
outgoing interface
.. clicmd:: pbr nexthop-resolve
Resolve PBR nexthop via ip neigh tracking
.. _administrative-distance:
Administrative Distance
Administrative distance allows FRR to make decisions about what routes
should be installed in the rib based upon the originating protocol.
The lowest Admin Distance is the route selected. This is purely a
subjective decision about ordering and care has been taken to choose
the same distances that other routing suites have chosen.
| Protocol | Distance |
| System | 0 |
| Kernel | 0 |
| Connect | 0 |
| Static | 1 |
| NHRP | 10 |
| EBGP | 20 |
| EIGRP | 90 |
| BABEL | 100 |
| OSPF | 110 |
| ISIS | 115 |
| OPENFABRIC | 115 |
| RIP | 120 |
| Table | 150 |
| SHARP | 150 |
| IBGP | 200 |
| PBR | 200 |
An admin distance of 255 indicates to Zebra that the route should not be
installed into the Data Plane. Additionally routes with an admin distance
of 255 will not be redistributed.
Zebra does treat Kernel routes as special case for the purposes of Admin
Distance. Upon learning about a route that is not originated by FRR
we read the metric value as a uint32_t. The top byte of the value
is interpreted as the Administrative Distance and the low three bytes
are read in as the metric. This special case is to facilitate VRF
default routes.
.. code-block:: shell
$ # Set administrative distance to 255 for Zebra
$ ip route add metric $(( 2**32 - 2**24 )) dev lo
$ vtysh -c 'show ip route json' | jq '.""[] | (.distance, .metric)'
$ # Set administrative distance to 192 for Zebra
$ ip route add metric $(( 2**31 + 2**30 )) dev lo
$ vtysh -c 'show ip route json' | jq '.""[] | (.distance, .metric)'
$ # Set administrative distance to 128, and metric 100 for Zebra
$ ip route add metric $(( 2**31 + 100 )) dev lo
$ vtysh -c 'show ip route json' | jq '.""[] | (.distance, .metric)'
Route Replace Semantics
When using the Linux Kernel as a forwarding plane, routes are installed
with a metric of 20 to the kernel. Please note that the kernel's metric
value bears no resemblence to FRR's RIB metric or admin distance. It
merely is a way for the Linux Kernel to decide which route to use if it
has multiple routes for the same prefix from multiple sources. An example
here would be if someone else was running another routing suite besides
FRR at the same time, the kernel must choose what route to use to forward
on. FRR choose the value of 20 because of two reasons. FRR wanted a
value small enough to be chosen but large enough that the operator could
allow route prioritization by the kernel when multiple routing suites are
being run and FRR wanted to take advantage of Route Replace semantics that
the linux kernel offers. In order for Route Replacement semantics to
work FRR must use the same metric when issuing the replace command.
Currently FRR only supports Route Replace semantics using the Linux
.. _zebra-vrf:
Virtual Routing and Forwarding
FRR supports :abbr:`VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding)`. VRF is a way to
separate networking contexts on the same machine. Those networking contexts are
associated with separate interfaces, thus making it possible to associate one
interface with a specific VRF.
VRF can be used, for example, when instantiating per enterprise networking
services, without having to instantiate the physical host machine or the
routing management daemons for each enterprise. As a result, interfaces are
separate for each set of VRF, and routing daemons can have their own context
for each VRF.
This conceptual view introduces the *Default VRF* case. If the user does not
configure any specific VRF, then by default, FRR uses the *Default VRF*. The
name "default" is used to refer to this VRF in various CLI commands and YANG
models. It is possible to change that name by passing the ``-o`` option to all
daemons, for example, one can use ``-o vrf0`` to change the name to "vrf0".
The easiest way to pass the same option to all daemons is to use the
``frr_global_options`` variable in the
:ref:`Daemons Configuration File <daemons-configuration-file>`.
Configuring VRF networking contexts can be done in various ways on FRR. The VRF
interfaces can be configured by entering in interface configuration mode
:clicmd:`interface IFNAME vrf VRF`.
A VRF backend mode is chosen when running *Zebra*.
If no option is chosen, then the *Linux VRF* implementation as references in
https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/vrf.txt will be mapped over
the *Zebra* VRF. The routing table associated to that VRF is a Linux table
identifier located in the same *Linux network namespace* where *Zebra* started.
Please note when using the *Linux VRF* routing table it is expected that a
default Kernel route will be installed that has a metric as outlined in the
www.kernel.org doc above. The Linux Kernel does table lookup via a combination
of rule application of the rule table and then route lookup of the specified
table. If no route match is found then the next applicable rule is applied
to find the next route table to use to look for a route match. As such if
your VRF table does not have a default blackhole route with a high metric
VRF route lookup will leave the table specified by the VRF, which is undesirable.
If the :option:`-n` option is chosen, then the *Linux network namespace* will
be mapped over the *Zebra* VRF. That implies that *Zebra* is able to configure
several *Linux network namespaces*. The routing table associated to that VRF
is the whole routing tables located in that namespace. For instance, this mode
matches OpenStack Network Namespaces. It matches also OpenFastPath. The default
behavior remains Linux VRF which is supported by the Linux kernel community,
see https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/vrf.txt.
Because of that difference, there are some subtle differences when running some
commands in relationship to VRF. Here is an extract of some of those commands:
.. clicmd:: vrf VRF
This command is available on configuration mode. By default, above command
permits accessing the VRF configuration mode. This mode is available for
both VRFs. It is to be noted that *Zebra* does not create Linux VRF.
The network administrator can however decide to provision this command in
configuration file to provide more clarity about the intended configuration.
.. clicmd:: netns NAMESPACE
This command is based on VRF configuration mode. This command is available
when *Zebra* is run in :option:`-n` mode. This command reflects which *Linux
network namespace* is to be mapped with *Zebra* VRF. It is to be noted that
*Zebra* creates and detects added/suppressed VRFs from the Linux environment
(in fact, those managed with iproute2). The network administrator can however
decide to provision this command in configuration file to provide more clarity
about the intended configuration.
.. clicmd:: show ip route vrf VRF
The show command permits dumping the routing table associated to the VRF. If
*Zebra* is launched with default settings, this will be the ``TABLENO`` of
the VRF configured on the kernel, thanks to information provided in
https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/vrf.txt. If *Zebra* is
launched with :option:`-n` option, this will be the default routing table of
the *Linux network namespace* ``VRF``.
.. clicmd:: show ip route vrf VRF table TABLENO
The show command is only available with :option:`-n` option. This command
will dump the routing table ``TABLENO`` of the *Linux network namespace*
.. clicmd:: show ip route vrf VRF tables
This command will dump the routing tables within the vrf scope. If ``vrf all``
is executed, all routing tables will be dumped.
.. clicmd:: show <ip|ipv6> route summary [vrf VRF] [table TABLENO] [prefix]
This command will dump a summary output of the specified VRF and TABLENO
combination. If neither VRF or TABLENO is specified FRR defaults to
the default vrf and default table. If prefix is specified dump the
number of prefix routes.
.. _zebra-table-allocation:
Table Allocation
Some services like BGP flowspec allocate routing tables to perform policy
routing based on netfilter criteria and IP rules. In order to avoid
conflicts between VRF allocated routing tables and those services, Zebra
proposes to define a chunk of routing tables to use by other services.
Allocation configuration can be done like below, with the range of the
chunk of routing tables to be used by the given service.
.. clicmd:: ip table range <STARTTABLENO> <ENDTABLENO>
.. _zebra-ecmp:
FRR supports ECMP as part of normal operations and is generally compiled
with a limit of 64 way ECMP. This of course can be modified via configure
options on compilation if the end operator desires to do so. Individual
protocols each have their own way of dictating ECMP policy and their
respective documentation should be read.
ECMP can be inspected in zebra by doing a ``show ip route X`` command.
.. code-block:: shell
eva# show ip route
Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP,
O - OSPF, I - IS-IS, B - BGP, E - EIGRP, N - NHRP,
T - Table, v - VNC, V - VNC-Direct, A - Babel, D - SHARP,
F - PBR, f - OpenFabric,
> - selected route, * - FIB route, q - queued, r - rejected, b - backup
t - trapped, o - offload failure
D>* [150/0] via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
* via, enp39s0, weight 1, 00:00:02
In this example we have 16 way ecmp for the route. The ``*`` character
tells us that the route is installed in the Data Plane, or FIB.
If you are using the Linux kernel as a Data Plane, this can be inspected
via a ``ip route show X`` command:
.. code-block:: shell
sharpd@eva ~/f/doc(ecmp_doc_change)> ip route show nhid 185483868 proto sharp metric 20
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
nexthop via dev enp39s0 weight 1
Once installed into the FIB, FRR currently has little control over what
nexthops are chosen to forward packets on. Currently the Linux kernel
has a ``fib_multipath_hash_policy`` sysctl which dictates how the hashing
algorithm is used to forward packets.
.. _zebra-svd:
Single Vxlan Device Support
FRR supports configuring VLAN-to-VNI mappings for EVPN-VXLAN,
when working with the Linux kernel. In this new way, the mapping of a VLAN
to a VNI is configured against a container VXLAN interface which is referred
to as a Single VXLAN device (SVD). Multiple VLAN to VNI mappings can be
configured against the same SVD. This allows for a significant scaling of
the number of VNIs since a separate VXLAN interface is no longer required
for each VNI. Sample configuration of SVD with VLAN to VNI mappings is shown
If you are using the Linux kernel as a Data Plane, this can be configured
via `ip link`, `bridge link` and `bridge vlan` commands:
.. code-block:: shell
# linux shell
ip link add dev bridge type bridge
ip link set dev bridge type bridge vlan_filtering 1
ip link add dev vxlan0 type vxlan external
ip link set dev vxlan0 master bridge
bridge link set dev vxlan0 vlan_tunnel on
bridge vlan add dev vxlan0 vid 100
bridge vlan add dev vxlan0 vid 100 tunnel_info id 100
bridge vlan tunnelshow
port vlan ids tunnel id
bridge None
vxlan0 100 100
.. clicmd:: show evpn access-vlan [IFNAME VLAN-ID | detail] [json]
Show information for EVPN Access VLANs.
bridge.20 vlan20 20 vxlan0 0
bridge.10 vlan10 0 vxlan0 0
.. _zebra-mpls:
MPLS Commands
You can configure static mpls entries in zebra. Basically, handling MPLS
consists of popping, swapping or pushing labels to IP packets.
MPLS Acronyms
:abbr:`LSR (Labeled Switch Router)`
Networking devices handling labels used to forward traffic between and through
:abbr:`LER (Labeled Edge Router)`
A Labeled edge router is located at the edge of an MPLS network, generally
between an IP network and an MPLS network.
MPLS Push Action
The push action is generally used for LER devices, which want to encapsulate
all traffic for a wished destination into an MPLS label. This action is stored
in routing entry, and can be configured like a route:
NETWORK and MASK stand for the IP prefix entry to be added as static
route entry.
GATEWAY is the gateway IP address to reach, in order to reach the prefix.
INTERFACE is the interface behind which the prefix is located.
LABEL is the MPLS label to use to reach the prefix abovementioned.
You can check that the static entry is stored in the zebra RIB database, by
looking at the presence of the entry.
zebra(configure)# ip route label 777
zebra# show ip route
Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP,
O - OSPF, I - IS-IS, B - BGP, E - EIGRP, N - NHRP,
T - Table, v - VNC, V - VNC-Direct, A - Babel, D - SHARP,
F - PBR,
> - selected route, * - FIB route
S>* [1/0] via, r2-eth0, label 777, 00:39:42
MPLS Swap and Pop Action
The swap action is generally used for LSR devices, which swap a packet with a
label, with an other label. The Pop action is used on LER devices, at the
termination of the MPLS traffic; this is used to remove MPLS header.
.. clicmd:: mpls lsp INCOMING_LABEL GATEWAY OUTGOING_LABEL|explicit-null|implicit-null
INCOMING_LABEL and OUTGOING_LABEL are MPLS labels with values ranging from 16
to 1048575.
GATEWAY is the gateway IP address where to send MPLS packet.
The outgoing label can either be a value or have an explicit-null label header. This
specific header can be read by IP devices. The incoming label can also be removed; in
that case the implicit-null keyword is used, and the outgoing packet emitted is an IP
packet without MPLS header.
You can check that the MPLS actions are stored in the zebra MPLS table, by looking at the
presence of the entry.
.. clicmd:: show mpls table
zebra(configure)# mpls lsp 18 implicit-null
zebra(configure)# mpls lsp 19 20
zebra(configure)# mpls lsp 21 explicit-null
zebra# show mpls table
Inbound Outbound
Label Type Nexthop Label
-------- ------- --------------- --------
18 Static implicit-null
19 Static 20
21 Static IPv4 Explicit Null
MPLS label chunks
MPLS label chunks are handled in the zebra label manager service,
which ensures a same label value or label chunk can not be used by
multiple CP routing daemons at the same time.
Label requests originate from CP routing daemons, and are resolved
over the default MPLS range (16-1048575). There are two kind of
- Static label requests request an exact label value or range. For
instance, segment routing label blocks requests originating from
IS-IS are part of it.
- Dynamic label requests only need a range of label values. The
'bgp l3vpn export auto' command uses such requests.
Allocated label chunks table can be dumped using the command
.. clicmd:: show debugging label-table [json]
zebra# show debugging label-table
Proto ospf: [300/350]
Proto srte: [500/500]
Proto isis: [1200/1300]
Proto ospf: [20000/21000]
Proto isis: [22000/23000]
.. clicmd:: mpls label dynamic-block (16-1048575) (16-1048575)
Define a range of labels where dynamic label requests will
allocate label chunks from. This command guarantees that
static label values outside that range will not conflict
with the dynamic label requests. When the dynamic-block
range is configured, static label requests that match that
range are not accepted.
FEC nexthop entry resolution over MPLS networks
The LSP associated with a BGP labeled route is normally restricted to
directly-connected nexthops. If connected nexthops are not available,
the LSP entry will not be installed. This command permits the use of
recursive resolution for LSPs, similar to that available for IP routes.
.. clicmd:: mpls fec nexthop-resolution
.. _zebra-srv6:
Segment-Routing IPv6
Segment-Routing is source routing paradigm that allows
network operator to encode network intent into the packets.
SRv6 is an implementation of Segment-Routing
with application of IPv6 and segment-routing-header.
All routing daemon can use the Segment-Routing base
framework implemented on zebra to use SRv6 routing mechanism.
In that case, user must configure initial srv6 setting on
FRR's cli or frr.conf or zebra.conf. This section shows how
to configure SRv6 on FRR. Of course SRv6 can be used as standalone,
and this section also helps that case.
.. clicmd:: show segment-routing srv6 manager [json]
This command dumps the SRv6 information configured on zebra, including
the encapsulation parameters (e.g., the IPv6 source address used for
the encapsulated packets).
router# sh segment-routing srv6 manager
Source Address:
Configured: fc00:0:1::1
To get the same information in json format, you can use the ``json`` keyword::
rose-srv6# sh segment-routing srv6 manager json
.. clicmd:: show segment-routing srv6 locator [json]
This command dump SRv6-locator configured on zebra. SRv6-locator is used
to route to the node before performing the SRv6-function. and that works as
aggregation of SRv6-function's IDs. Following console log shows two
SRv6-locators loc1 and loc2. All locators are identified by unique IPv6
prefix. User can get that information as JSON string when ``json`` key word
at the end of cli is presented.
router# sh segment-routing srv6 locator
Name ID Prefix Status
-------------------- ------- ------------------------ -------
loc1 1 2001:db8:1:1::/64 Up
loc2 2 2001:db8:2:2::/64 Up
.. clicmd:: show segment-routing srv6 locator NAME detail [json]
As shown in the example, by specifying the name of the locator, you
can see the detailed information for each locator. Locator can be
represented by a single IPv6 prefix, but SRv6 is designed to share this
Locator among multiple Routing Protocols. For this purpose, zebra divides
the IPv6 prefix block that makes the Locator unique into multiple chunks,
and manages the ownership of each chunk.
For example, loc1 has system as its owner. For example, loc1 is owned by
system, which means that it is not yet proprietary to any routing protocol.
For example, loc2 has sharp as its owner. This means that the shaprd for
function development holds the owner of the chunk of this locator, and no
other routing protocol will use this area.
router# show segment-routing srv6 locator loc1 detail
Name: loc1
Prefix: 2001:db8:1:1::/64
- prefix: 2001:db8:1:1::/64, owner: system
router# show segment-routing srv6 locator loc2 detail
Name: loc2
Prefix: 2001:db8:2:2::/64
- prefix: 2001:db8:2:2::/64, owner: sharp
.. clicmd:: segment-routing
Move from configure mode to segment-routing node.
.. clicmd:: srv6
Move from segment-routing node to srv6 node.
.. clicmd:: locators
Move from srv6 node to locator node. In this locator node, user can
configure detailed settings such as the actual srv6 locator.
.. clicmd:: locator NAME
Create a new locator. If the name of an existing locator is specified,
move to specified locator's configuration node to change the settings it.
.. clicmd:: prefix X:X::X:X/M [func-bits (0-64)] [block-len 40] [node-len 24]
Set the ipv6 prefix block of the locator. SRv6 locator is defined by
RFC8986. The actual routing protocol specifies the locator and allocates a
SID to be used by each routing protocol. This SID is included in the locator
as an IPv6 prefix.
Following example console log shows the typical configuration of SRv6
data-plane. After a new SRv6 locator, named loc1, is created, loc1's prefix
is configured as ``2001:db8:1:1::/64``. If user or some routing daemon
allocates new SID on this locator, new SID will allocated in range of this
prefix. For example, if some routing daemon creates new SID on locator
(``2001:db8:1:1::/64``), Then new SID will be ``2001:db8:1:1:7::/80``,
``2001:db8:1:1:8::/80``, and so on. Each locator has default SID that is
SRv6 local function "End". Usually default SID is allocated as
``PREFIX:1::``. (``PREFIX`` is locator's prefix) For example, if user
configure the locator's prefix as ``2001:db8:1:1::/64``, then default SID
will be ``2001:db8:1:1:1::``)
This command takes three optional parameters: ``func-bits``, ``block-len``
and ``node-len``. These parameters allow users to set the format for the SIDs
allocated from the SRv6 Locator. SID Format is defined in RFC 8986.
According to RFC 8986, an SRv6 SID consists of BLOCK:NODE:FUNCTION:ARGUMENT,
where BLOCK is the SRv6 SID block (i.e., the IPv6 prefix allocated for SRv6
SIDs by the operator), NODE is the identifier of the parent node instantiating
the SID, FUNCTION identifies the local behavior associated to the SID and
ARGUMENT encodes additional information used to process the behavior.
BLOCK and NODE make up the SRv6 Locator.
The function bits range is 16bits by default. If operator want to change
function bits range, they can configure with ``func-bits``
The ``block-len`` and ``node-len`` parameters allow the user to configure the
length of the SRv6 SID block and SRv6 SID node, respectively. Both the lengths
are expressed in bits.
``block-len``, ``node-len`` and ``func-bits`` may be any value as long as
``block-len+node-len = locator-len`` and ``block-len+node-len+func-bits <= 128``.
When both ``block-len`` and ``node-len`` are omitted, the following default
values are used: ``block-len = 24``, ``node-len = prefix-len-24``.
If only one parameter is omitted, the other parameter is derived from the first.
router# configure terminal
router(config)# segment-routinig
router(config-sr)# srv6
router(config-srv6)# locators
router(config-srv6-locs)# locator loc1
router(config-srv6-loc)# prefix 2001:db8:1:1::/64
router(config-srv6-loc)# show run
locator loc1
prefix 2001:db8:1:1::/64
.. clicmd:: behavior usid
Specify the SRv6 locator as a Micro-segment (uSID) locator. When a locator is
specified as a uSID locator, all the SRv6 SIDs allocated from the locator by the routing
protocols are bound to the SRv6 uSID behaviors. For example, if you configure BGP to use
a locator specified as a uSID locator, BGP instantiates and advertises SRv6 uSID behaviors
(e.g., ``uDT4`` / ``uDT6`` / ``uDT46``) instead of classic SRv6 behaviors
(e.g., ``End.DT4`` / ``End.DT6`` / ``End.DT46``).
router# configure terminal
router(config)# segment-routinig
router(config-sr)# srv6
router(config-srv6)# locators
router(config-srv6-locators)# locator loc1
router(config-srv6-locator)# prefix fc00:0:1::/48 block-len 32 node-len 16 func-bits 16
router(config-srv6-locator)# behavior usid
router(config-srv6-locator)# show run
locator loc1
prefix fc00:0:1::/48
behavior usid
.. clicmd:: format NAME
Specify the SID allocation schema for the SIDs allocated from this locator. Currently,
FRR supports supports the following allocation schemas:
- `usid-f3216`
- `uncompressed`
router# configure terminal
router(config)# segment-routinig
router(config-sr)# srv6
router(config-srv6)# locators
router(config-srv6-locators)# locator loc1
router(config-srv6-locator)# prefix fc00:0:1::/48
router(config-srv6-locator)# format usid-f3216
router(config-srv6-locator)# show run
locator loc1
prefix fc00:0:1::/48
format usid-f3216
.. clicmd:: encapsulation
Configure parameters for SRv6 encapsulation.
.. clicmd:: source-address X:X::X:X
Configure the source address of the outer encapsulating IPv6 header.
.. clicmd:: formats
Configure SRv6 SID formats.
.. clicmd:: format NAME
Configure SRv6 SID format.
.. clicmd:: compressed usid
Enable SRv6 uSID compression and configure SRv6 uSID compression parameters.
.. clicmd:: local-id-block start START
Configure the start value for the Local ID Block (LIB).
.. clicmd:: local-id-block explicit start START end END
Configure the start/end values for the Explicit LIB (ELIB).
.. clicmd:: wide-local-id-block start START end END
Configure the start/end values for the Wide LIB (W-LIB).
.. clicmd:: wide-local-id-block explicit start START
Configure the start value for the Explicit Wide LIB (EW-LIB).
router# configure terminal
router(config)# segment-routinig
router(config-sr)# srv6
router(config-srv6)# formats
router(config-srv6-formats)# format usid-f3216
router(config-srv6-format)# compressed usid
router(config-srv6-format-usid)# local-id-block start 0xD000
router(config-srv6-format-usid)# local-id-block explicit start 0xF000 end 0xFDFF
router(config-srv6-format-usid)# wide-local-id-block start 0xFFF4 end 0xFFF5
router(config-srv6-format-usid)# wide-local-id-block explicit start 0xFFF4
router(config-srv6-locator)# show run
format usid-f3216
compressed usid
local-id-block start 0xD000
local-id-block explicit start 0xF000 end 0xFDFF
wide-local-id-block start 0xFFF4 end 0xFFF5
wide-local-id-block explicit start 0xFFF4
.. _multicast-rib-commands:
Multicast RIB Commands
The Multicast RIB provides a separate table of unicast destinations which
is used for Multicast Reverse Path Forwarding decisions. It is used with
a multicast source's IP address, hence contains not multicast group
addresses but unicast addresses.
This table is fully separate from the default unicast table. However,
RPF lookup can include the unicast table.
WARNING: RPF lookup results are non-responsive in this version of FRR,
i.e. multicast routing does not actively react to changes in underlying
unicast topology!
.. clicmd:: ip multicast rpf-lookup-mode MODE
MODE sets the method used to perform RPF lookups. Supported modes:
Performs the lookup on the Unicast RIB. The Multicast RIB is never used.
Performs the lookup on the Multicast RIB. The Unicast RIB is never used.
Tries to perform the lookup on the Multicast RIB. If any route is found,
that route is used. Otherwise, the Unicast RIB is tried.
Performs a lookup on the Multicast RIB and Unicast RIB each. The result
with the lower administrative distance is used; if they're equal, the
Multicast RIB takes precedence.
Performs a lookup on the Multicast RIB and Unicast RIB each. The result
with the longer prefix length is used; if they're equal, the
Multicast RIB takes precedence.
The ``mrib-then-urib`` setting is the default behavior if nothing is
configured. If this is the desired behavior, it should be explicitly
configured to make the configuration immune against possible changes in
what the default behavior is.
.. warning::
Unreachable routes do not receive special treatment and do not cause
fallback to a second lookup.
.. clicmd:: show [ip|ipv6] rpf ADDR
Performs a Multicast RPF lookup, as configured with ``ip multicast
rpf-lookup-mode MODE``. ADDR specifies the multicast source address to look
> show ip rpf
Routing entry for using Unicast RIB
Known via "kernel", distance 0, metric 0, best
*, via eth0
Indicates that a multicast source lookup for would use an
Unicast RIB entry for with a gateway of
.. clicmd:: show [ip|ipv6] rpf
Prints the entire Multicast RIB. Note that this is independent of the
configured RPF lookup mode, the Multicast RIB may be printed yet not
used at all.
.. clicmd:: ip mroute PREFIX NEXTHOP [DISTANCE]
Adds a static route entry to the Multicast RIB. This performs exactly as the
``ip route`` command, except that it inserts the route in the Multicast RIB
instead of the Unicast RIB.
.. _zebra-route-filtering:
zebra Route Filtering
Zebra supports :dfn:`prefix-list` s and :ref:`route-map` s to match routes
received from other FRR components. The permit/deny facilities provided by
these commands can be used to filter which routes zebra will install in the
.. clicmd:: ip protocol PROTOCOL route-map ROUTEMAP
Apply a route-map filter to routes for the specified protocol. PROTOCOL can
- any,
- babel,
- bgp,
- connected,
- eigrp,
- isis,
- kernel,
- nhrp,
- openfabric,
- ospf,
- ospf6,
- rip,
- sharp,
- static,
- ripng,
- table,
- vnc.
If you choose any as the option that will cause all protocols that are sending
routes to zebra. You can specify a :dfn:`ip protocol PROTOCOL route-map ROUTEMAP`
on a per vrf basis, by entering this command under vrf mode for the vrf you
want to apply the route-map against.
.. clicmd:: set src ADDRESS
Within a route-map, set the preferred source address for matching routes
when installing in the kernel.
The following creates a prefix-list that matches all addresses, a route-map
that sets the preferred source address, and applies the route-map to all
*rip* routes.
.. code-block:: frr
ip prefix-list ANY permit le 32
route-map RM1 permit 10
match ip address prefix-list ANY
set src
ip protocol rip route-map RM1
IPv6 example for OSPFv3.
.. code-block:: frr
ipv6 prefix-list ANY seq 10 permit any
route-map RM6 permit 10
match ipv6 address prefix-list ANY
set src 2001:db8:425:1000::3
ipv6 protocol ospf6 route-map RM6
.. note::
For both IPv4 and IPv6, the IP address has to exist on some interface when
the route is getting installed into the system. Otherwise, kernel rejects
the route. To solve the problem of disappearing IPv6 addresses when the
interface goes down, use ``net.ipv6.conf.all.keep_addr_on_down``
:ref:`sysctl option <zebra-sysctl>`.
.. clicmd:: zebra route-map delay-timer (0-600)
Set the delay before any route-maps are processed in zebra. The
default time for this is 5 seconds.
.. _zebra-fib-push-interface:
zebra FIB push interface
Zebra supports a 'FIB push' interface that allows an external
component to learn the forwarding information computed by the FRR
routing suite. This is a loadable module that needs to be enabled
at startup as described in :ref:`loadable-module-support`.
In FRR, the Routing Information Base (RIB) resides inside
zebra. Routing protocols communicate their best routes to zebra, and
zebra computes the best route across protocols for each prefix. This
latter information makes up the Forwarding Information Base
(FIB). Zebra feeds the FIB to the kernel, which allows the IP stack in
the kernel to forward packets according to the routes computed by
FRR. The kernel FIB is updated in an OS-specific way. For example,
the ``Netlink`` interface is used on Linux, and route sockets are
used on FreeBSD.
The FIB push interface aims to provide a cross-platform mechanism to
support scenarios where the router has a forwarding path that is
distinct from the kernel, commonly a hardware-based fast path. In
these cases, the FIB needs to be maintained reliably in the fast path
as well. We refer to the component that programs the forwarding plane
(directly or indirectly) as the Forwarding Plane Manager or FPM.
.. program:: configure
The relevant zebra code kicks in when zebra is configured with the
:option:`--enable-fpm` flag and started with the module (``-M fpm``
or ``-M dplane_fpm_nl``).
.. note::
The ``fpm`` implementation attempts to connect to ```` port ``2620``
by default without configurations. The ``dplane_fpm_nl`` only attempts to
connect to a server if configured.
Zebra periodically attempts to connect to the well-known FPM port (``2620``).
Once the connection is up, zebra starts sending messages containing routes
over the socket to the FPM. Zebra sends a complete copy of the forwarding
table to the FPM, including routes that it may have picked up from the kernel.
The existing interaction of zebra with the kernel remains unchanged -- that
is, the kernel continues to receive FIB updates as before.
The default FPM message format is netlink, however it can be controlled
with the module load-time option. The modules accept the following options:
- ``fpm``: ``netlink`` and ``protobuf``.
- ``dplane_fpm_nl``: none, it only implements netlink.
The zebra FPM interface uses replace semantics. That is, if a 'route
add' message for a prefix is followed by another 'route add' message,
the information in the second message is complete by itself, and
replaces the information sent in the first message.
If the connection to the FPM goes down for some reason, zebra sends
the FPM a complete copy of the forwarding table(s) when it reconnects.
For more details on the implementation, please read the developer's manual FPM
FPM Commands
``fpm`` implementation
.. clicmd:: fpm connection ip A.B.C.D port (1-65535)
Configure ``zebra`` to connect to a different FPM server than the default of
.. clicmd:: show zebra fpm stats
Shows the FPM statistics.
Sample output:
Counter Total Last 10 secs
connect_calls 3 2
connect_no_sock 0 0
read_cb_calls 2 2
write_cb_calls 2 0
write_calls 1 0
partial_writes 0 0
max_writes_hit 0 0
t_write_yields 0 0
nop_deletes_skipped 6 0
route_adds 5 0
route_dels 0 0
updates_triggered 11 0
redundant_triggers 0 0
dests_del_after_update 0 0
t_conn_down_starts 0 0
t_conn_down_dests_processed 0 0
t_conn_down_yields 0 0
t_conn_down_finishes 0 0
t_conn_up_starts 1 0
t_conn_up_dests_processed 11 0
t_conn_up_yields 0 0
t_conn_up_aborts 0 0
t_conn_up_finishes 1 0
.. clicmd:: clear zebra fpm stats
Reset statistics related to the zebra code that interacts with the
optional Forwarding Plane Manager (FPM) component.
``dplane_fpm_nl`` implementation
.. clicmd:: fpm address <A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X> [port (1-65535)]
Configures the FPM server address. Once configured ``zebra`` will attempt
to connect to it immediately.
The ``no`` form disables FPM entirely. ``zebra`` will close any current
connections and will not attempt to connect to it anymore.
.. clicmd:: fpm use-next-hop-groups
Use the new netlink messages ``RTM_NEWNEXTHOP`` / ``RTM_DELNEXTHOP`` to
group repeated route next hop information.
The ``no`` form uses the old known FPM behavior of including next hop
information in the route (e.g. ``RTM_NEWROUTE``) messages.
.. clicmd:: fpm use-route-replace
Use the netlink ``NLM_F_REPLACE`` flag for updating routes instead of
two different messages to update a route
.. clicmd:: show fpm counters [json]
Show the FPM statistics (plain text or JSON formatted).
Sample output:
FPM counters
Input bytes: 0
Output bytes: 308
Output buffer current size: 0
Output buffer peak size: 308
Connection closes: 0
Connection errors: 0
Data plane items processed: 0
Data plane items enqueued: 0
Data plane items queue peak: 0
Buffer full hits: 0
User FPM configurations: 1
User FPM disable requests: 0
.. clicmd:: show fpm status [json]
Show the FPM status.
.. clicmd:: clear fpm counters
Reset statistics related to the zebra code that interacts with the
optional Forwarding Plane Manager (FPM) component.
.. _zebra-dplane:
Dataplane Commands
The zebra dataplane subsystem provides a framework for FIB
programming. Zebra uses the dataplane to program the local kernel as
it makes changes to objects such as IP routes, MPLS LSPs, and
interface IP addresses. The dataplane runs in its own pthread, in
order to off-load work from the main zebra pthread.
.. clicmd:: show zebra dplane [detailed]
Display statistics about the updates and events passing through the
dataplane subsystem.
.. clicmd:: show zebra dplane providers
Display information about the running dataplane plugins that are
providing updates to a FIB. By default, the local kernel plugin is
.. clicmd:: zebra dplane limit [NUMBER]
Configure the limit on the number of pending updates that are
waiting to be processed by the dataplane pthread.
DPDK dataplane
The zebra DPDK subsystem programs the dataplane via rte_XXX APIs.
This module needs be compiled in via "--enable-dp-dpdk=yes"
and enabled at start up time via the zebra daemon option "-M dplane_dpdk".
To program the PBR rules as rte_flows you additionally need to configure
"pbr nexthop-resolve". This is used to expland the PBR actions into the
{SMAC, DMAC, outgoing port} needed by rte_flow.
.. clicmd:: show dplane dpdk port [detail]
Displays the mapping table between zebra interfaces and DPDK port-ids.
Sample output:
Port Device IfName IfIndex sw,domain,port
0 0000:03:00.0 p0 4 0000:03:00.0,0,65535
1 0000:03:00.0 pf0hpf 6 0000:03:00.0,0,4095
2 0000:03:00.0 pf0vf0 15 0000:03:00.0,0,4096
3 0000:03:00.0 pf0vf1 16 0000:03:00.0,0,4097
4 0000:03:00.1 p1 5 0000:03:00.1,1,65535
5 0000:03:00.1 pf1hpf 7 0000:03:00.1,1,20479
.. clicmd:: show dplane dpdk pbr flows
Displays the DPDK stats per-PBR entry.
Sample output:
Rules if pf0vf0
Seq 1 pri 300
SRC Match
DST Match
Tableid: 10000
Action: nh: intf: p0
Action: mac: 00:00:5e:00:01:fa
DPDK flow: installed 0x40
DPDK flow stats: packets 13 bytes 1586
.. clicmd:: show dplane dpdk counters
Displays the ZAPI message handler counters
Sample output:
Ignored updates: 0
PBR rule adds: 1
PBR rule dels: 0
zebra Terminal Mode Commands
.. clicmd:: show [ip|ipv6] route
Display current routes which zebra holds in its database.
Router# show ip route
Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, L - local, S - static,
R - RIP, O - OSPF, I - IS-IS, B - BGP, E - EIGRP, N - NHRP,
T - Table, v - VNC, V - VNC-Direct, A - Babel, D - SHARP,
F - PBR, f - OpenFabric, t - Table-Direct,
> - selected route, * - FIB route, q - queued, r - rejected, b - backup
t - trapped, o - offload failure
K>* [0/100] via, enp13s0, 00:30:22
S> [1/0] via (recursive), weight 1, 00:30:22
* via, enp13s0, weight 1, 00:30:22
K>* [0/1000] is directly connected, virbr2 linkdown, 00:30:22
L>* is directly connected, enp13s0, 00:30:22
.. clicmd:: show [ip|ipv6] route [PREFIX] [nexthop-group]
Display detailed information about a route. If [nexthop-group] is
included, it will display the nexthop group ID the route is using as well.
.. clicmd:: show [ip|ipv6] route summary
Display summary information about routes received from each protocol.
This command displays the entries received from each route and as such
this total can be more than the actual number of FIB routes. Finally
due to the way that linux supports local and connected routes the FIB
total may not be exactly what is shown in the equivalent `ip route show`
command to see the state of the linux kernel.
.. clicmd:: show interface [NAME] [{vrf VRF|brief}] [json]
.. clicmd:: show interface [NAME] [{vrf all|brief}] [json]
.. clicmd:: show interface [NAME] [{vrf VRF|brief}] [nexthop-group]
.. clicmd:: show interface [NAME] [{vrf all|brief}] [nexthop-group]
Display interface information. If no extra information is added, it will
dump information on all interfaces. If [NAME] is specified, it will display
detailed information about that single interface. If [nexthop-group] is
specified, it will display nexthop groups pointing out that interface.
If the ``json`` option is specified, output is displayed in JSON format.
.. clicmd:: show ip prefix-list [NAME]
.. clicmd:: show ip protocol
.. clicmd:: show ip forward
Display whether the host's IP forwarding function is enabled or not.
Almost any UNIX kernel can be configured with IP forwarding disabled.
If so, the box can't work as a router.
.. clicmd:: show ipv6 forward
Display whether the host's IP v6 forwarding is enabled or not.
.. clicmd:: show ip neigh
Display the ip neighbor table
.. clicmd:: show pbr rule
Display the pbr rule table with resolved nexthops
.. clicmd:: show zebra
Display various statistics related to the installation and deletion
of routes, neighbor updates, and LSP's into the kernel. In addition
show various zebra state that is useful when debugging an operator's
.. clicmd:: show zebra client [summary]
Display statistics about clients that are connected to zebra. This is
useful for debugging and seeing how much data is being passed between
zebra and it's clients. If the summary form of the command is chosen
a table is displayed with shortened information.
.. clicmd:: show zebra router table summary
Display summarized data about tables created, their afi/safi/tableid
and how many routes each table contains. Please note this is the
total number of route nodes in the table. Which will be higher than
the actual number of routes that are held.
.. clicmd:: show nexthop-group rib [ID] [vrf NAME] [singleton [ip|ip6]] [type] [json]
Display nexthop groups created by zebra. The [vrf NAME] option
is only meaningful if you have started zebra with the --vrfwnetns
option as that nexthop groups are per namespace in linux.
If you specify singleton you would like to see the singleton
nexthop groups that do have an afi. [type] allows you to filter those
only coming from a specific NHG type (protocol). A nexthop group
that has `Initial Delay`, means that this nexthop group entry
was not installed because no-one was using it at that point and
Zebra can delay installing this route until it is used by something
.. clicmd:: show <ip|ipv6> zebra route dump [<vrf> VRFNAME]
It dumps all the routes from RIB with detailed information including
internal flags, status etc. This is defined as a hidden command.
Many routing protocols require a router-id to be configured. To have a
consistent router-id across all daemons, the following commands are available
to configure and display the router-id:
.. clicmd:: [ip] router-id A.B.C.D
Allow entering of the router-id. This command also works under the
vrf subnode, to allow router-id's per vrf.
.. clicmd:: [ip] router-id A.B.C.D vrf NAME
Configure the router-id of this router from the configure NODE.
A show run of this command will display the router-id command
under the vrf sub node. This command is deprecated and will
be removed at some point in time in the future.
.. clicmd:: show [ip] router-id [vrf NAME]
Display the user configured router-id.
For protocols requiring an IPv6 router-id, the following commands are available:
.. clicmd:: ipv6 router-id X:X::X:X
Configure the IPv6 router-id of this router. Like its IPv4 counterpart,
this command works under the vrf subnode, to allow router-id's per vrf.
.. clicmd:: show ipv6 router-id [vrf NAME]
Display the user configured IPv6 router-id.
.. _zebra-sysctl:
sysctl settings
The linux kernel has a variety of sysctl's that affect it's operation as a router. This
section is meant to act as a starting point for those sysctl's that must be used in
order to provide FRR with smooth operation as a router. This section is not meant
as the full documentation for sysctl's. The operator must use the sysctl documentation
with the linux kernel for that. The following link has helpful references to many relevant
sysctl values: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt
Expected sysctl settings
.. option:: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
This global option allows the linux kernel to forward (route) ipv4 packets incoming from one
interface to an outgoing interface. If this is set to 0, the system will not route transit
ipv4 packets, i.e. packets that are not sent to/from a process running on the local system.
.. option:: net.ipv4.conf.{all,default,<interface>}.forwarding = 1
The linux kernel can selectively enable forwarding (routing) of ipv4 packets on a per
interface basis. The forwarding check in the kernel dataplane occurs against the ingress
Layer 3 interface, i.e. if the ingress L3 interface has forwarding set to 0, packets will not
be routed.
.. option:: net.ipv6.conf.{all,default,<interface>}.forwarding = 1
This per interface option allows the linux kernel to forward (route) transit ipv6 packets
i.e. incoming from one Layer 3 interface to an outgoing Layer 3 interface.
The forwarding check in the kernel dataplane occurs against the ingress Layer 3 interface,
i.e. if the ingress L3 interface has forwarding set to 0, packets will not be routed.
.. option:: net.ipv6.conf.all.keep_addr_on_down = 1
When an interface is taken down, do not remove the v6 addresses associated with the interface.
This option is recommended because this is the default behavior for v4 as well.
.. option:: net.ipv6.route.skip_notify_on_dev_down = 1
When an interface is taken down, the linux kernel will not notify, via netlink, about routes
that used that interface being removed from the FIB. This option is recommended because this
is the default behavior for v4 as well.
Optional sysctl settings
.. option:: net.ipv4.conf.{all,default,<interface>}.bc_forwarding = 0
This per interface option allows the linux kernel to optionally allow Directed Broadcast
(i.e. Routed Broadcast or Subnet Broadcast) packets to be routed onto the connected network
segment where the subnet exists.
If the local router receives a routed packet destined for a broadcast address of a connected
subnet, setting bc_forwarding to 1 on the interface with the target subnet assigned to it will
allow non locally-generated packets to be routed via the broadcast route.
If bc_forwarding is set to 0, routed packets destined for a broadcast route will be dropped.
Host1 (SIP:, DIP: -> (eth0: Router1 (eth1: -> BC
If net.ipv4.conf.{all,default,<interface>}.bc_forwarding=1, then Router1 will forward each
packet destined to onto the eth1 interface with a broadcast DMAC (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff).
.. option:: net.ipv4.conf.{all,default,<interface>}.arp_accept = 1
This per interface option allows the linux kernel to optionally skip the creation of ARP
entries upon the receipt of a Gratuitous ARP (GARP) frame carrying an IP that is not already
present in the ARP cache. Setting arp_accept to 0 on an interface will ensure NEW ARP entries
are not created due to the arrival of a GARP frame.
Note: This does not impact how the kernel reacts to GARP frames that carry a "known" IP
(that is already in the ARP cache) -- an existing ARP entry will always be updated
when a GARP for that IP is received.
.. option:: net.ipv4.conf.{all,default,<interface>}.arp_ignore = 0
This per interface option allows the linux kernel to control what conditions must be met in
order for an ARP reply to be sent in response to an ARP request targeting a local IP address.
When arp_ignore is set to 0, the kernel will send ARP replies in response to any ARP Request
with a Target-IP matching a local address.
When arp_ignore is set to 1, the kernel will send ARP replies if the Target-IP in the ARP
Request matches an IP address on the interface the Request arrived at.
When arp_ignore is set to 2, the kernel will send ARP replies only if the Target-IP matches an
IP address on the interface where the Request arrived AND the Sender-IP falls within the subnet
assigned to the local IP/interface.
.. option:: net.ipv4.conf.{all,default,<interface>}.arp_notify = 1
This per interface option allows the linux kernel to decide whether to send a Gratuitious ARP
(GARP) frame when the Layer 3 interface comes UP.
When arp_notify is set to 0, no GARP is sent.
When arp_notify is set to 1, a GARP is sent when the interface comes UP.
.. option:: net.ipv6.conf.{all,default,<interface>}.ndisc_notify = 1
This per interface option allows the linux kernel to decide whether to send an Unsolicited
Neighbor Advertisement (U-NA) frame when the Layer 3 interface comes UP.
When ndisc_notify is set to 0, no U-NA is sent.
When ndisc_notify is set to 1, a U-NA is sent when the interface comes UP.
Useful sysctl settings
.. option:: net.ipv6.conf.all.use_oif_addrs_only = 1
When enabled, the candidate source addresses for destinations routed via this interface are
restricted to the set of addresses configured on this interface (RFC 6724 section 4). If
an operator has hundreds of IP addresses per interface this solves the latency problem.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra mpls [detailed]
MPLS-related events and information.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra events
Zebra events
.. clicmd:: debug zebra nht [detailed]
Nexthop-tracking / reachability information
.. clicmd:: debug zebra vxlan
VxLAN (EVPN) events
.. clicmd:: debug zebra pseudowires
Pseudowire events.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra packet [<recv|send>] [detail]
ZAPI message and packet details
.. clicmd:: debug zebra kernel
Kernel / OS events.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra kernel msgdump [<recv|send>]
Raw OS (netlink) message details.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra rib [detailed]
RIB events.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra fpm
FPM (forwarding-plane manager) events.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra dplane [detailed]
Dataplane / FIB events.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra pbr
PBR (policy-based routing) events.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra mlag
MLAG events.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra evpn mh <es|mac|neigh|nh>
EVPN multi-hop events.
.. clicmd:: debug zebra nexthop [detail]
Nexthop and nexthop-group events.
.. clicmd:: zebra on-rib-process script SCRIPT
Set a Lua script for :ref:`on-rib-process-dplane-results` hook call.
SCRIPT is the basename of the script, without ``.lua``.
Data structures
.. _const-struct-zebra-dplane-ctx:
const struct zebra_dplane_ctx
.. code-block:: console
* integer zd_op
* integer zd_status
* integer zd_provider
* integer zd_vrf_id
* integer zd_table_id
* integer zd_ifname
* integer zd_ifindex
* table rinfo (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_ROUTE*, DPLANE_NH_*)
* prefix zd_dest
* prefix zd_src
* integer zd_afi
* integer zd_safi
* integer zd_type
* integer zd_old_type
* integer zd_tag
* integer zd_old_tag
* integer zd_metric
* integer zd_old_metric
* integer zd_instance
* integer zd_old_instance
* integer zd_distance
* integer zd_old_distance
* integer zd_mtu
* integer zd_nexthop_mtu
* table nhe
* integer id
* integer old_id
* integer afi
* integer vrf_id
* integer type
* nexthop_group ng
* nh_grp
* integer nh_grp_count
* integer zd_nhg_id
* nexthop_group zd_ng
* nexthop_group backup_ng
* nexthop_group zd_old_ng
* nexthop_group old_backup_ng
* integer label (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_LSP_*)
* table pw (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_PW_*)
* integer type
* integer af
* integer status
* integer flags
* integer local_label
* integer remote_label
* table macinfo (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_MAC_*)
* integer vid
* integer br_ifindex
* ethaddr mac
* integer vtep_ip
* integer is_sticky
* integer nhg_id
* integer update_flags
* table rule (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_RULE_*)
* integer sock
* integer unique
* integer seq
* string ifname
* integer priority
* integer old_priority
* integer table
* integer old_table
* integer filter_bm
* integer old_filter_bm
* integer fwmark
* integer old_fwmark
* integer dsfield
* integer old_dsfield
* integer ip_proto
* integer old_ip_proto
* prefix src_ip
* prefix old_src_ip
* prefix dst_ip
* prefix old_dst_ip
* table iptable (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_IPTABLE_*)
* integer sock
* integer vrf_id
* integer unique
* integer type
* integer filter_bm
* integer fwmark
* integer action
* integer pkt_len_min
* integer pkt_len_max
* integer tcp_flags
* integer dscp_value
* integer fragment
* integer protocol
* integer nb_interface
* integer flow_label
* integer family
* string ipset_name
* table ipset (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_IPSET_*)
* integer sock
* integer vrf_id
* integer unique
* integer type
* integer family
* string ipset_name
* table neigh (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_NEIGH_*)
* ipaddr ip_addr
* table link
* ethaddr mac
* ipaddr ip_addr
* integer flags
* integer state
* integer update_flags
* table br_port (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_BR_PORT_UPDATE)
* integer sph_filter_cnt
* integer flags
* integer backup_nhg_id
* table neightable (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_NEIGH_TABLE_UPDATE)
* integer family
* integer app_probes
* integer ucast_probes
* integer mcast_probes
* table gre (if zd_op is DPLANE_OP_GRE_SET)**
* integer link_ifindex
* integer mtu
.. _const-struct-nh-grp:
const struct nh_grp
.. code-block:: console
* integer id
* integer weight
.. _zebra-hook-calls:
Zebra Hook calls
.. _on-rib-process-dplane-results:
Called when RIB processes dataplane events.
Set script location with the ``zebra on-rib-process script SCRIPT`` command.
* :ref:`const struct zebra_dplane_ctx<const-struct-zebra-dplane-ctx>` ctx
.. code-block:: lua
function on_rib_process_dplane_results(ctx)
return {}