#!/usr/bin/env python # SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC # # test_bgp_update_delay.py # Part of NetDEF Topology Tests # # Copyright (c) 2019 by # Don Slice # """ Test the ability to define update-delay to delay bestpath, rib install and advertisement to peers when frr is started, restarted or "clear ip bgp *" is performed. Test both the vrf-specific and global configuration and operation. r1 | r2----r3 | \ | \ r5 r4 r2 is UUT and peers with r1, r3, and r4 in default bgp instance. r2 peers with r5 in vrf vrf1. Check r2 initial convergence in default table Define update-delay with max-delay in the default bgp instance on r2 Shutdown peering on r1 toward r2 so that delay timers can be exercised Clear bgp neighbors on r2 and then check for the 'in progress' indicator Check that r2 only installs route learned from r4 after the max-delay timer expires Define update-delay with max-delay and estabish-wait and check json output showing set Clear neighbors on r2 and check that r3 installs route from r4 after establish-wait time Remove update-delay timer on r2 to verify that it goes back to normal behavior Clear neighbors on r2 and check that route install time on r2 does not delay Define global bgp update-delay with max-delay and establish-wait on r2 Check that r2 default instance and vrf1 have the max-delay and establish set Clear neighbors on r2 and check route-install time is after the establish-wait timer Note that the keepalive/hold times were changed to 3/9 and the connect retry timer to 10 to improve the odds the convergence timing in this test case is useful in the event of packet loss. """ import os import sys import json import pytest import functools CWD = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(CWD, "../")) # pylint: disable=C0413 from lib import topotest from lib.topogen import Topogen, TopoRouter, get_topogen pytestmark = [pytest.mark.bgpd] CWD = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def build_topo(tgen): for routern in range(1, 6): tgen.add_router("r{}".format(routern)) switch = tgen.add_switch("s1") switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r1"]) switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r2"]) switch = tgen.add_switch("s2") switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r2"]) switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r3"]) switch = tgen.add_switch("s3") switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r2"]) switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r4"]) switch = tgen.add_switch("s4") switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r2"]) switch.add_link(tgen.gears["r5"]) def setup_module(mod): tgen = Topogen(build_topo, mod.__name__) tgen.start_topology() router_list = tgen.routers() for _, (rname, router) in enumerate(router_list.items(), 1): router.load_config( TopoRouter.RD_ZEBRA, os.path.join(CWD, "{}/zebra.conf".format(rname)) ) router.load_config( TopoRouter.RD_BGP, os.path.join(CWD, "{}/bgpd.conf".format(rname)) ) tgen.start_router() def teardown_module(mod): tgen = get_topogen() tgen.stop_topology() def test_bgp_update_delay(): tgen = get_topogen() if tgen.routers_have_failure(): pytest.skip(tgen.errors) router1 = tgen.gears["r1"] router2 = tgen.gears["r2"] router3 = tgen.gears["r3"] # initial convergence without update-delay defined def _bgp_converge(router): output = json.loads(router.vtysh_cmd("show ip bgp neighbor json")) expected = { "": { "bgpState": "Established", "addressFamilyInfo": {"ipv4Unicast": {"acceptedPrefixCounter": 2}}, } } return topotest.json_cmp(output, expected) def _bgp_check_update_delay(router): output = json.loads(router.vtysh_cmd("show ip bgp sum json")) expected = {"ipv4Unicast": {"updateDelayLimit": 20}} return topotest.json_cmp(output, expected) def _bgp_check_update_delay_in_progress(router): output = json.loads(router.vtysh_cmd("show ip bgp sum json")) expected = {"ipv4Unicast": {"updateDelayInProgress": True}} return topotest.json_cmp(output, expected) def _bgp_check_route_install(router): output = json.loads(router.vtysh_cmd("show ip route json")) expected = {"": [{"protocol": "bgp"}]} return topotest.json_cmp(output, expected) def _bgp_check_update_delay_and_wait(router): output = json.loads(router.vtysh_cmd("show ip bgp sum json")) expected = { "ipv4Unicast": {"updateDelayLimit": 20, "updateDelayEstablishWait": 10} } return topotest.json_cmp(output, expected) def _bgp_check_update_delay(router): output = json.loads(router.vtysh_cmd("show ip bgp sum json")) expected = {"ipv4Unicast": {"updateDelayLimit": 20}} return topotest.json_cmp(output, expected) def _bgp_check_vrf_update_delay_and_wait(router): output = json.loads(router.vtysh_cmd("show ip bgp vrf vrf1 sum json")) expected = { "ipv4Unicast": {"updateDelayLimit": 20, "updateDelayEstablishWait": 10} } return topotest.json_cmp(output, expected) # Check r2 initial convergence in default table test_func = functools.partial(_bgp_converge, router2) _, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=30, wait=1) assert result is None, 'Failed bgp convergence in "{}"'.format(router2) # Define update-delay with max-delay in the default bgp instance on r2 router2.vtysh_cmd( """ configure terminal router bgp 65002 update-delay 20 """ ) # Shutdown peering on r1 toward r2 so that delay timers can be exercised router1.vtysh_cmd( """ configure terminal router bgp 65001 neighbor shut """ ) # Clear bgp neighbors on r2 and then check for the 'in progress' indicator router2.vtysh_cmd("""clear ip bgp *""") test_func = functools.partial(_bgp_check_update_delay_in_progress, router2) _, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=30, wait=1) assert result is None, 'Failed to set update-delay max-delay timer "{}"'.format( router2 ) # Check that r2 only installs route learned from r4 after the max-delay timer expires test_func = functools.partial(_bgp_check_route_install, router2) _, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=30, wait=1) assert result is None, 'Failed to install route after update-delay "{}"'.format( router2 ) # Define update-delay with max-delay and estabish-wait and check json output showing set router2.vtysh_cmd( """ configure terminal router bgp 65002 update-delay 20 10 """ ) test_func = functools.partial(_bgp_check_update_delay_and_wait, router2) _, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=30, wait=1) assert ( result is None ), 'Failed to set max-delay and establish-weight timers in "{}"'.format(router2) # Define update-delay with max-delay and estabish-wait and check json output showing set router2.vtysh_cmd("""clear ip bgp *""") test_func = functools.partial(_bgp_check_route_install, router3) _, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=30, wait=1) assert ( result is None ), 'Failed to installed advertised route after establish-wait timer espired "{}"'.format( router2 ) # Remove update-delay timer on r2 to verify that it goes back to normal behavior router2.vtysh_cmd( """ configure terminal router bgp 65002 no update-delay """ ) # Clear neighbors on r2 and check that route install time on r2 does not delay router2.vtysh_cmd("""clear ip bgp *""") test_func = functools.partial(_bgp_check_route_install, router2) _, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=30, wait=1) assert result is None, 'Failed to remove update-delay delay timing "{}"'.format( router2 ) # Define global bgp update-delay with max-delay and establish-wait on r2 router2.vtysh_cmd( """ configure terminal bgp update-delay 20 10 """ ) # Check that r2 default instance and vrf1 have the max-delay and establish set test_func = functools.partial(_bgp_check_update_delay_and_wait, router2) _, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=30, wait=1) assert result is None, 'Failed to set update-delay in default instance "{}"'.format( router2 ) test_func = functools.partial(_bgp_check_vrf_update_delay_and_wait, router2) _, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=30, wait=1) assert result is None, 'Failed to set update-delay in vrf1 "{}"'.format(router2) # Clear neighbors on r2 and check route-install time is after the establish-wait timer router2.vtysh_cmd("""clear ip bgp *""") test_func = functools.partial(_bgp_check_route_install, router3) _, result = topotest.run_and_expect(test_func, None, count=30, wait=1) assert ( result is None ), 'Failed to installed advertised route after establish-wait timer espired "{}"'.format( router2 ) if __name__ == "__main__": args = ["-s"] + sys.argv[1:] sys.exit(pytest.main(args))