# -*- coding: utf-8 eval: (blacken-mode 1) -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # April 22 2022, Christian Hopps # # Copyright (c) 2022, LabN Consulting, L.L.C # """A module that implements pytest fixtures. To use in your project, in your conftest.py add: from munet.testing.fixtures import * """ import contextlib import logging import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Union import pytest import pytest_asyncio from ..base import BaseMunet from ..base import Bridge from ..base import get_event_loop from ..cleanup import cleanup_current from ..native import L3NodeMixin from ..parser import async_build_topology from ..parser import get_config from .util import async_pause_test from .util import pause_test @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def achdir(ndir: Union[str, Path], desc=""): odir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(ndir) if desc: logging.debug("%s: chdir from %s to %s", desc, odir, ndir) try: yield finally: if desc: logging.debug("%s: chdir back from %s to %s", desc, ndir, odir) os.chdir(odir) @contextlib.contextmanager def chdir(ndir: Union[str, Path], desc=""): odir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(ndir) if desc: logging.debug("%s: chdir from %s to %s", desc, odir, ndir) try: yield finally: if desc: logging.debug("%s: chdir back from %s to %s", desc, ndir, odir) os.chdir(odir) def get_test_logdir(nodeid=None, module=False): """Get log directory relative pathname.""" xdist_worker = os.getenv("PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER", "") mode = os.getenv("PYTEST_XDIST_MODE", "no") # nodeid: all_protocol_startup/test_all_protocol_startup.py::test_router_running # may be missing "::testname" if module is True if not nodeid: nodeid = os.environ["PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST"].split(" ")[0] cur_test = nodeid.replace("[", "_").replace("]", "_") if module: idx = cur_test.rfind("::") path = cur_test if idx == -1 else cur_test[:idx] testname = "" else: path, testname = cur_test.split("::") testname = testname.replace("/", ".") path = path[:-3].replace("/", ".") # We use different logdir paths based on how xdist is running. if mode == "each": if module: return os.path.join(path, "worker-logs", xdist_worker) return os.path.join(path, testname, xdist_worker) assert mode in ("no", "load", "loadfile", "loadscope"), f"Unknown dist mode {mode}" return path if module else os.path.join(path, testname) def _push_log_handler(desc, logpath): logpath = os.path.abspath(logpath) logging.debug("conftest: adding %s logging at %s", desc, logpath) root_logger = logging.getLogger() handler = logging.FileHandler(logpath, mode="w") fmt = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)5s: %(name)s: %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(fmt) root_logger.addHandler(handler) return handler def _pop_log_handler(handler): root_logger = logging.getLogger() logging.debug("conftest: removing logging handler %s", handler) root_logger.removeHandler(handler) @contextlib.contextmanager def log_handler(desc, logpath): handler = _push_log_handler(desc, logpath) try: yield finally: _pop_log_handler(handler) # ================= # Sessions Fixtures # ================= @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session") def session_autouse(): if "PYTEST_TOPOTEST_WORKER" not in os.environ: is_worker = False elif not os.environ["PYTEST_TOPOTEST_WORKER"]: is_worker = False else: is_worker = True # We dont want to kill all munet and we don't have the rundir here yet # This was more useful back when we used to leave processes around a lot # more. # if not is_worker: # # This is unfriendly to multi-instance # cleanup_previous() # We never pop as we want to keep logging _push_log_handler("session", "/tmp/unet-test/pytest-session.log") yield if not is_worker: cleanup_current() # =============== # Module Fixtures # =============== @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="module") def module_autouse(request): root_path = os.environ.get("MUNET_RUNDIR", "/tmp/unet-test") logpath = get_test_logdir(request.node.nodeid, True) logpath = os.path.join(root_path, logpath, "pytest-exec.log") with log_handler("module", logpath): sdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(request.fspath)) with chdir(sdir, "module autouse fixture"): yield if BaseMunet.g_unet: raise Exception("Base Munet was not cleaned up/deleted") @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def event_loop(): """Create an instance of the default event loop for the session.""" loop = get_event_loop() try: logging.info("event_loop_fixture: yielding with new event loop watcher") yield loop finally: loop.close() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def rundir_module(): root_path = os.environ.get("MUNET_RUNDIR", "/tmp/unet-test") d = os.path.join(root_path, get_test_logdir(module=True)) logging.debug("conftest: test module rundir %s", d) return d async def _unet_impl( _rundir, _pytestconfig, unshare=None, top_level_pidns=None, param=None ): try: # Default is not to unshare inline if not specified otherwise unshare_default = False pidns_default = True if isinstance(param, (tuple, list)): pidns_default = bool(param[2]) if len(param) > 2 else True unshare_default = bool(param[1]) if len(param) > 1 else False param = str(param[0]) elif isinstance(param, bool): unshare_default = param param = None if unshare is None: unshare = unshare_default if top_level_pidns is None: top_level_pidns = pidns_default logging.info("unet fixture: basename=%s unshare_inline=%s", param, unshare) _unet = await async_build_topology( config=get_config(basename=param) if param else None, rundir=_rundir, unshare_inline=unshare, top_level_pidns=top_level_pidns, pytestconfig=_pytestconfig, ) except Exception as error: logging.debug( "unet fixture: unet build failed: %s\nparam: %s", error, param, exc_info=True, ) pytest.fail(f"unet fixture: unet build failed: {error}") try: tasks = await _unet.run() except Exception as error: logging.debug("unet fixture: unet run failed: %s", error, exc_info=True) await _unet.async_delete() pytest.fail(f"unet fixture: unet run failed: {error}") logging.debug("unet fixture: containers running") # Pytest is supposed to always return even if exceptions try: yield _unet except Exception as error: logging.error("unet fixture: yield unet unexpected exception: %s", error) logging.debug("unet fixture: module done, deleting unet") await _unet.async_delete() # No one ever awaits these so cancel them logging.debug("unet fixture: cleanup") for task in tasks: task.cancel() # Reset the class variables so auto number is predictable logging.debug("unet fixture: resetting ords to 1") L3NodeMixin.next_ord = 1 Bridge.next_ord = 1 @pytest.fixture(scope="module") async def unet(request, rundir_module, pytestconfig): # pylint: disable=W0621 """A unet creating fixutre. The request param is either the basename of the config file or a tuple of the form: (basename, unshare, top_level_pidns), with the second and third elements boolean and optional, defaulting to False, True. """ param = request.param if hasattr(request, "param") else None sdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(request.fspath)) async with achdir(sdir, "unet fixture"): async for x in _unet_impl(rundir_module, pytestconfig, param=param): yield x @pytest.fixture(scope="module") async def unet_share(request, rundir_module, pytestconfig): # pylint: disable=W0621 """A unet creating fixutre. This share variant keeps munet from unsharing the process to a new namespace so that root level commands and actions are execute on the host, normally they are executed in the munet namespace which allowing things like scapy inline in tests to work. The request param is either the basename of the config file or a tuple of the form: (basename, top_level_pidns), the second value is a boolean. """ param = request.param if hasattr(request, "param") else None if isinstance(param, (tuple, list)): param = (param[0], False, param[1]) sdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(request.fspath)) async with achdir(sdir, "unet_share fixture"): async for x in _unet_impl( rundir_module, pytestconfig, unshare=False, param=param ): yield x @pytest.fixture(scope="module") async def unet_unshare(request, rundir_module, pytestconfig): # pylint: disable=W0621 """A unet creating fixutre. This unshare variant has the top level munet unshare the process inline so that root level commands and actions are execute in a new namespace. This allows things like scapy inline in tests to work. The request param is either the basename of the config file or a tuple of the form: (basename, top_level_pidns), the second value is a boolean. """ param = request.param if hasattr(request, "param") else None if isinstance(param, (tuple, list)): param = (param[0], True, param[1]) sdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(request.fspath)) async with achdir(sdir, "unet_unshare fixture"): async for x in _unet_impl( rundir_module, pytestconfig, unshare=True, param=param ): yield x # ================= # Function Fixtures # ================= @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") async def function_autouse(request): async with achdir( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(request.fspath)), "func.fixture" ): yield @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) async def check_for_pause(request, pytestconfig): # When we unshare inline we can't pause in the pytest_runtest_makereport hook # so do it here. if BaseMunet.g_unet and BaseMunet.g_unet.unshare_inline: pause = bool(pytestconfig.getoption("--pause")) if pause: await async_pause_test(f"XXX before test '{request.node.name}'") yield @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def stepf(pytestconfig): class Stepnum: """Track the stepnum in closure.""" num = 0 def inc(self): self.num += 1 pause = pytestconfig.getoption("pause") stepnum = Stepnum() def stepfunction(desc=""): desc = f": {desc}" if desc else "" if pause: pause_test(f"before step {stepnum.num}{desc}") logging.info("STEP %s%s", stepnum.num, desc) stepnum.inc() return stepfunction @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="function") async def astepf(pytestconfig): class Stepnum: """Track the stepnum in closure.""" num = 0 def inc(self): self.num += 1 pause = pytestconfig.getoption("pause") stepnum = Stepnum() async def stepfunction(desc=""): desc = f": {desc}" if desc else "" if pause: await async_pause_test(f"before step {stepnum.num}{desc}") logging.info("STEP %s%s", stepnum.num, desc) stepnum.inc() return stepfunction @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def rundir(): root_path = os.environ.get("MUNET_RUNDIR", "/tmp/unet-test") d = os.path.join(root_path, get_test_logdir(module=False)) logging.debug("conftest: test function rundir %s", d) return d # Configure logging @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True, tryfirst=True) def pytest_runtest_setup(item): root_path = os.environ.get("MUNET_RUNDIR", "/tmp/unet-test") d = os.path.join(root_path, get_test_logdir(nodeid=item.nodeid, module=False)) config = item.config logging_plugin = config.pluginmanager.get_plugin("logging-plugin") filename = Path(d, "pytest-exec.log") logging_plugin.set_log_path(str(filename)) logging.debug("conftest: test function setup: rundir %s", d) yield @pytest.fixture async def unet_perfunc(request, rundir, pytestconfig): # pylint: disable=W0621 param = request.param if hasattr(request, "param") else None async for x in _unet_impl(rundir, pytestconfig, param=param): yield x @pytest.fixture async def unet_perfunc_unshare(request, rundir, pytestconfig): # pylint: disable=W0621 """Build unet per test function with an optional topology basename parameter. The fixture can be parameterized to choose different config files. For example, use as follows to run the test with unet_perfunc configured first with a config file named `cfg1.yaml` then with config file `cfg2.yaml` (where the actual files could end with `json` or `toml` rather than `yaml`). @pytest.mark.parametrize( "unet_perfunc", ["cfg1", "cfg2]", indirect=["unet_perfunc"] ) def test_example(unet_perfunc) """ param = request.param if hasattr(request, "param") else None async for x in _unet_impl(rundir, pytestconfig, unshare=True, param=param): yield x @pytest.fixture async def unet_perfunc_share(request, rundir, pytestconfig): # pylint: disable=W0621 """Build unet per test function with an optional topology basename parameter. This share variant keeps munet from unsharing the process to a new namespace so that root level commands and actions are execute on the host, normally they are executed in the munet namespace which allowing things like scapy inline in tests to work. The fixture can be parameterized to choose different config files. For example, use as follows to run the test with unet_perfunc configured first with a config file named `cfg1.yaml` then with config file `cfg2.yaml` (where the actual files could end with `json` or `toml` rather than `yaml`). @pytest.mark.parametrize( "unet_perfunc", ["cfg1", "cfg2]", indirect=["unet_perfunc"] ) def test_example(unet_perfunc) """ param = request.param if hasattr(request, "param") else None async for x in _unet_impl(rundir, pytestconfig, unshare=False, param=param): yield x