#!/usr/bin/python # SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC # # test_bgp_roles_capability.py # Part of NetDEF Topology Tests # # Copyright (c) 2022 by Eugene Bogomazov # Copyright (c) 2017 by # Network Device Education Foundation, Inc. ("NetDEF") # """ test_bgp_roles_capability: test bgp roles negotiation """ import json import os import sys import functools import pytest CWD = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(CWD, "../")) # pylint: disable=C0413 from lib import topotest from lib.topogen import Topogen, TopoRouter, get_topogen from lib.topolog import logger pytestmark = [pytest.mark.bgpd] topodef = {f"s{i}": ("r1", f"r{i}") for i in range(2, 7)} @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def tgen(request): tgen = Topogen(topodef, request.module.__name__) tgen.start_topology() router_list = tgen.routers() for rname, router in router_list.items(): router.load_config(TopoRouter.RD_ZEBRA, "zebra.conf") router.load_config(TopoRouter.RD_BGP, "bgpd.conf") tgen.start_router() yield tgen tgen.stop_topology() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def skip_on_failure(tgen): if tgen.routers_have_failure(): pytest.skip("skipped because of previous test failure") def find_neighbor_status(router, neighbor_ip): return json.loads(router.vtysh_cmd(f"show bgp neighbors {neighbor_ip} json"))[ neighbor_ip ] def check_role_mismatch(router, neighbor_ip): return is_role_mismatch(find_neighbor_status(router, neighbor_ip)) def is_role_mismatch(neighbor_status): return ( neighbor_status["bgpState"] != "Established" and neighbor_status.get("lastErrorCodeSubcode") == "020B" # <2, 11> and "Role Mismatch" in neighbor_status.get("lastNotificationReason", "") ) def check_session_established(router, neighbor_ip): neighbor_status = find_neighbor_status(router, neighbor_ip) return neighbor_status["bgpState"] == "Established" def test_correct_pair(tgen): # provider-customer pair router = tgen.gears["r1"] neighbor_ip = "" check_r2_established = functools.partial( check_session_established, router, neighbor_ip ) success, result = topotest.run_and_expect( check_r2_established, True, count=20, wait=3 ) assert success, "Session with r2 is not Established" neighbor_status = find_neighbor_status(router, neighbor_ip) assert neighbor_status["localRole"] == "provider" assert neighbor_status["remoteRole"] == "customer" assert ( neighbor_status["neighborCapabilities"].get("role") == "advertisedAndReceived" ) def test_role_pair_mismatch(tgen): # provider-peer mistmatch router = tgen.gears["r3"] neighbor_ip = "" check_r3_mismatch = functools.partial(check_role_mismatch, router, neighbor_ip) success, result = topotest.run_and_expect(check_r3_mismatch, True, count=20, wait=3) assert success, "Session between r1 and r3 was not correctly closed" def test_single_role_advertising(tgen): # provider-undefined pair; we set role router = tgen.gears["r1"] neighbor_ip = "" check_r4_established = functools.partial( check_session_established, router, neighbor_ip ) success, result = topotest.run_and_expect( check_r4_established, True, count=20, wait=3 ) assert success, "Session with r4 is not Established" neighbor_status = find_neighbor_status(router, neighbor_ip) assert neighbor_status["localRole"] == "provider" assert neighbor_status["remoteRole"] == "undefined" assert neighbor_status["neighborCapabilities"].get("role") == "advertised" def test_single_role_receiving(tgen): # provider-undefined pair; we receive role router = tgen.gears["r4"] neighbor_ip = "" check_r1_established = functools.partial( check_session_established, router, neighbor_ip ) success, result = topotest.run_and_expect( check_r1_established, True, count=20, wait=3 ) assert success, "Session with r1 is not Established" neighbor_status = find_neighbor_status(router, neighbor_ip) assert neighbor_status["localRole"] == "undefined" assert neighbor_status["remoteRole"] == "provider" assert neighbor_status["neighborCapabilities"].get("role") == "received" def test_role_strict_mode(tgen): # provider-undefined pair with strict-mode router = tgen.gears["r5"] neighbor_ip = "" check_r5_mismatch = functools.partial(check_role_mismatch, router, neighbor_ip) success, result = topotest.run_and_expect(check_r5_mismatch, True, count=20, wait=3) assert success, "Session between r1 and r5 was not correctly closed" def test_correct_pair_peer_group(tgen): # provider-customer pair (using peer-groups) router = tgen.gears["r1"] neighbor_ip = "" check_r6_established = functools.partial( check_session_established, router, neighbor_ip ) success, _ = topotest.run_and_expect(check_r6_established, True, count=20, wait=3) assert success, "Session with r6 is not Established" neighbor_status = find_neighbor_status(router, neighbor_ip) assert neighbor_status["localRole"] == "provider" assert neighbor_status["remoteRole"] == "customer" assert ( neighbor_status["neighborCapabilities"].get("role") == "advertisedAndReceived" ) if __name__ == "__main__": args = ["-s"] + sys.argv[1:] sys.exit(pytest.main(args))