#!/usr/bin/python # SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC # # Copyright (c) 2020 by VMware, Inc. ("VMware") # Used Copyright (c) 2018 by Network Device Education Foundation, # Inc. ("NetDEF") in this file. # """ Following tests are covered to test bgp aggregation functionality: 1. Verify route summarisation with summary-only for redistributed as well as locally generated routes. 2. Verify route summarisation with as-set for redistributed routes. """ import os import sys import time import pytest # Save the Current Working Directory to find configuration files. CWD = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(CWD, "../")) # pylint: disable=C0413 # Import topogen and topotest helpers from lib.topogen import Topogen, get_topogen # Import topoJson from lib, to create topology and initial configuration from lib.common_config import ( start_topology, write_test_header, write_test_footer, reset_config_on_routers, verify_rib, create_static_routes, check_address_types, step, create_route_maps, create_prefix_lists, ) from lib.topolog import logger from lib.bgp import ( verify_bgp_convergence, create_router_bgp, verify_bgp_rib, verify_bgp_community, ) from lib.topojson import build_config_from_json pytestmark = [pytest.mark.bgpd, pytest.mark.staticd] # Global variables BGP_CONVERGENCE = False ADDR_TYPES = check_address_types() NETWORK_1_1 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::1:0/120"} NETWORK_1_2 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::2:0/120"} NETWORK_1_3 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::3:0/120"} NETWORK_1_4 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::4:0/120"} NETWORK_1_5 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::5:0/120"} NETWORK_2_1 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::1:0/124"} NETWORK_2_2 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::5:0/120"} NETWORK_2_3 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::6:0/120"} NETWORK_2_4 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::7:0/120"} NETWORK_3_1 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::8:0/120"} NETWORK_4_1 = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:2::1:0/120"} NEXT_HOP = {"ipv4": "Null0", "ipv6": "Null0"} AGGREGATE_NW = {"ipv4": "", "ipv6": "10:1::/96"} COMMUNITY = [ "0:1 0:10 0:100", "0:2 0:20 0:200", "0:3 0:30 0:300", "0:4 0:40 0:400", "0:5 0:50 0:500", "0:1 0:2 0:3 0:4 0:5 0:10 0:20 0:30 0:40 0:50 0:100 0:200 0:300 0:400 0:500", "0:3 0:4 0:5 0:30 0:40 0:50 0:300 0:400 0:500", "0:6 0:60 0:600", "0:7 0:70 0:700", "0:3 0:4 0:5 0:6 0:30 0:40 0:50 0:60 0:300 0:400 0:500 0:600", ] def setup_module(mod): """ Sets up the pytest environment * `mod`: module name """ testsuite_run_time = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) logger.info("Testsuite start time: {}".format(testsuite_run_time)) logger.info("=" * 40) logger.info("Running setup_module to create topology") # This function initiates the topology build with Topogen... json_file = "{}/bgp_aggregation.json".format(CWD) tgen = Topogen(json_file, mod.__name__) global topo topo = tgen.json_topo # ... and here it calls Mininet initialization functions. # Starting topology, create tmp files which are loaded to routers # to start daemons and then start routers start_topology(tgen) # Creating configuration from JSON build_config_from_json(tgen, topo) # Don't run this test if we have any failure. if tgen.routers_have_failure(): pytest.skip(tgen.errors) # Api call verify whether BGP is converged ADDR_TYPES = check_address_types() for _ in ADDR_TYPES: BGP_CONVERGENCE = verify_bgp_convergence(tgen, topo) assert BGP_CONVERGENCE is True, "setup_module :Failed \n Error:" " {}".format( BGP_CONVERGENCE ) logger.info("Running setup_module() done") def teardown_module(mod): """ Teardown the pytest environment * `mod`: module name """ logger.info("Running teardown_module to delete topology") tgen = get_topogen() # Stop toplogy and Remove tmp files tgen.stop_topology() logger.info( "Testsuite end time: {}".format(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))) ) logger.info("=" * 40) ##################################################### # # Tests starting # ##################################################### def test_route_summarisation_with_summary_only_p1(request): """ Verify route summarisation with summary-only for redistributed as well as locally generated routes. """ tgen = get_topogen() tc_name = request.node.name reset_config_on_routers(tgen) write_test_header(tc_name) # Don"t run this test if we have any failure. if tgen.routers_have_failure(): pytest.skip(tgen.errors) step("Configure static routes on router R1 and redistribute in " "BGP process.") for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_1_1[addr_type], NETWORK_1_2[addr_type], NETWORK_1_3[addr_type], ], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP[addr_type], } ] } } input_redistribute = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": {"redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}]} } } } } } step("Configuring {} static routes on router R1 ".format(addr_type)) result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_static) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Configuring redistribute static for {} address-family on router R1 ".format( addr_type ) ) result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_redistribute) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step("Verify that Static routes are redistributed in BGP process") for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_1_1[addr_type], NETWORK_1_2[addr_type], NETWORK_1_3[addr_type], ] } ] } } result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step("Advertise some prefixes using network command") step( "Additionally advertise & and " "10:1::4:0/120 & 10:1::5:0/120 from R4 to R1." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_advertise = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_2_1[addr_type], NETWORK_2_2[addr_type], NETWORK_2_3[addr_type], NETWORK_2_4[addr_type], ] } ] } } } } }, "r4": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_1_4[addr_type], NETWORK_1_5[addr_type], ] } ] } } } } }, } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_advertise) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify that advertised prefixes using network command are being " "advertised in BGP process" ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_advertise = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_2_1[addr_type], NETWORK_2_2[addr_type], NETWORK_2_3[addr_type], NETWORK_2_4[addr_type], ] } ] } } } } } } result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_advertise) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step("Configure aggregate-address to summarise all the advertised routes.") for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: route_aggregate = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "aggregate_address": [ { "network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type], "summary": True, } ] } } } } } } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, route_aggregate) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify that we see 1 summarised route and remaining suppressed " "routes on advertising router R1 and only 1 summarised route on " "receiving router R3 for both AFIs." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static_agg = { "r1": {"static_routes": [{"network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]}]} } input_static = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_1_1[addr_type], NETWORK_1_2[addr_type], NETWORK_1_3[addr_type], ] } ] } } result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static_agg, protocol="bgp") assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) result = verify_rib( tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static, protocol="bgp", expected=False ) assert ( result is not True ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n " "Routes are still present \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_static_agg, protocol="bgp") assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_static) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) for action, value in zip(["removed", "add"], [True, False]): step( "{} static routes as below: " "(no) ip route and (no) ip route" "(no) ipv6 route 10:1::1:0/120 and (no) ip route 10:1::2:0/120".format( action ) ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [NETWORK_1_1[addr_type], NETWORK_1_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP[addr_type], "delete": value, } ] } } result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_static) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify that there is no impact on R3, as summarised route remains " "intact. However suppressed routes on R1 disappear and re-appear " "based on {} static routes.".format(action) ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static_1 = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ {"network": [NETWORK_1_1[addr_type], NETWORK_1_2[addr_type]]} ] } } input_static_2 = { "r1": {"static_routes": [{"network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]}]} } if value: result = verify_rib( tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_static_1, expected=False ) assert ( result is not True ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Routes are still present \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) else: result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_static_1) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static_2, protocol="bgp") assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "{} prefixes using network command as below:" "(no) network and (no) network" "(no) network 10:1::6:0/120 and (no) network 10:1::7:0/120".format(action) ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_advertise = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_2_3[addr_type], NETWORK_2_4[addr_type], ], "delete": value, } ] } } } } } } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_advertise) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify that there is no impact on R3, as summarised route remains " "intact. However suppressed routes on R1 disappear and re-appear " "based on {} of network command.".format(action) ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_advertise_1 = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_2_3[addr_type], NETWORK_2_4[addr_type], ] } ] } } } } } } input_advertise_2 = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ {"network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]} ] } } } } } } if value: result = verify_bgp_rib( tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_advertise_1, expected=False ) assert result is not True, ( "Testcase {} : Failed \n " "Routes are still present \n Error: {}".format(tc_name, result) ) else: result = verify_bgp_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_advertise_1) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_advertise_2) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Add a new network each one from out of aggregation range and " "other within aggregation range. " ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ {"network": NETWORK_3_1[addr_type], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP[addr_type]} ] } } result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_static) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_advertise = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": NETWORK_4_1[addr_type], } ] } } } } } } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_advertise) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify that when a network within aggregation range is added, " "there is no impact on receiving router. However if a network " "outside aggregation range is added/removed, R3 receives and " "withdraws it accordingly." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static = {"r1": {"static_routes": [{"network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]}]}} result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static, protocol="bgp") assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) input_advertise_2 = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "advertise_networks": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_4_1[addr_type], AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type], ] } ] } } } } } } result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_advertise_2, protocol="bgp") assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) for action, value in zip(["Delete", "Re-add"], [True, False]): step("{} aggregation command from R1.".format(action)) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: route_aggregate = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "aggregate_address": [ { "network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type], "summary": True, "delete": value, } ] } } } } } } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, route_aggregate) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify on both routers that summarised route is withdrawn from R1 " "and R3 when aggregate-address command is removed and appears again " "when aggregate-address command is re-added. Check for both AFIs." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static_agg = { "r1": {"static_routes": [{"network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]}]} } if value: result = verify_rib( tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_static_agg, expected=False ) assert ( result is not True ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Aggregated route is still present \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) result = verify_rib( tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static_agg, expected=False ) assert ( result is not True ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Aggregated route is still present \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) else: result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_static_agg) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static_agg) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) write_test_footer(tc_name) def test_route_summarisation_with_as_set_p1(request): """ Verify route summarisation with as-set for redistributed routes. """ tgen = get_topogen() tc_name = request.node.name reset_config_on_routers(tgen) write_test_header(tc_name) # Don"t run this test if we have any failure. if tgen.routers_have_failure(): pytest.skip(tgen.errors) step("Configure static routes on router R1 and redistribute in " "BGP process.") for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_1_1[addr_type], NETWORK_1_2[addr_type], NETWORK_1_3[addr_type], NETWORK_1_4[addr_type], NETWORK_1_5[addr_type], ], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP[addr_type], } ] } } input_redistribute = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": {"redistribute": [{"redist_type": "static"}]} } } } } } step("Configuring {} static routes on router R1 ".format(addr_type)) result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_static) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Configuring redistribute static for {} address-family on router R1 ".format( addr_type ) ) result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_redistribute) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step("Verify that Static routes are redistributed in BGP process") for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [ NETWORK_1_1[addr_type], NETWORK_1_2[addr_type], NETWORK_1_3[addr_type], NETWORK_1_4[addr_type], NETWORK_1_5[addr_type], ] } ] } } result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Configure a route-map to attach a unique community attribute value " "to each of these prefixes, while re-distributing static." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: for ( pfx, seq_id, network, ) in zip( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], [NETWORK_1_1, NETWORK_1_2, NETWORK_1_3, NETWORK_1_4, NETWORK_1_5], ): prefix_list = { "r1": { "prefix_lists": { addr_type: { "pf_list_{}_{}".format(addr_type, pfx): [ { "seqid": seq_id, "network": network[addr_type], "action": "permit", } ] } } } } result = create_prefix_lists(tgen, prefix_list) assert result is True, "Test case {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step("Create route-map for applying prefix-list on r1") for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: for pfx, comm_id in zip([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]): route_map = { "r1": { "route_maps": { "rmap_{}".format(addr_type): [ { "action": "permit", "match": { addr_type: { "prefix_lists": "pf_list_{}_{}".format( addr_type, pfx ) } }, "set": {"community": {"num": COMMUNITY[comm_id]}}, } ] } } } result = create_route_maps(tgen, route_map) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step("Re-configure redistribute static with route-map") for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_redistribute = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "redistribute": [ { "redist_type": "static", "attribute": { "route-map": "rmap_{}".format(addr_type) }, } ] } } } } } } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, input_redistribute) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step("Configure aggregate-address to summarise all the advertised routes.") for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: route_aggregate = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "aggregate_address": [ {"network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type], "as_set": True} ] } } } } } } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, route_aggregate) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify that we see summarised route on router R3 with all the " "community attribute values combined with that aggregate route." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_dict = {"community": COMMUNITY[5]} result = verify_bgp_community( tgen, addr_type, "r3", [AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]], input_dict ) assert result is True, "Test case {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Remove static routes as below: " "(no) ip route blackhole " "(no) ip route blackhole " "(no) ipv6 route 10:1::1:0/120 blackhole " "(no) ipv6 route 10:1::2:0/120 blackhole " ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [NETWORK_1_1[addr_type], NETWORK_1_2[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP[addr_type], "delete": True, } ] } } result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_static) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify on R3 that whenever we remove the static routes, we still" " see aggregated route however the corresponding community attribute" "values are withdrawn." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_dict = {"community": COMMUNITY[6]} result = verify_bgp_community( tgen, addr_type, "r3", [AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]], input_dict ) assert result is True, "Test case {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Add/remove a new network with community value, each one from out of " "aggregation range and other within aggregation range. " ) step( "Add a new network each one from out of aggregation range and " "other within aggregation range. " ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static = { "r1": { "static_routes": [ { "network": [NETWORK_3_1[addr_type], NETWORK_4_1[addr_type]], "next_hop": NEXT_HOP[addr_type], } ] } } result = create_static_routes(tgen, input_static) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: for ( pfx, seq_id, network, ) in zip([6, 7], [60, 70], [NETWORK_3_1, NETWORK_4_1]): prefix_list = { "r1": { "prefix_lists": { addr_type: { "pf_list_{}_{}".format(addr_type, pfx): [ { "seqid": seq_id, "network": network[addr_type], "action": "permit", } ] } } } } result = create_prefix_lists(tgen, prefix_list) assert result is True, "Test case {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step("Create route-map for applying prefix-list on r1") for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: for pfx, comm_id in zip([6, 7], [7, 8]): route_map = { "r1": { "route_maps": { "rmap_{}".format(addr_type): [ { "action": "permit", "match": { addr_type: { "prefix_lists": "pf_list_{}_{}".format( addr_type, pfx ) } }, "set": {"community": {"num": COMMUNITY[comm_id]}}, } ] } } } result = create_route_maps(tgen, route_map) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify on R3 when route is added within the summary range, aggregated" " route also has associated community value added. However if the route" " is beyond the summary range the aggregated route would have no impact" ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_dict = {"community": COMMUNITY[9]} result = verify_bgp_community( tgen, addr_type, "r3", [AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]], input_dict ) assert result is True, "Test case {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) for action, value in zip(["Delete", "Re-add"], [True, False]): step("{} aggregation command from R1.".format(action)) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: route_aggregate = { "r1": { "bgp": { "address_family": { addr_type: { "unicast": { "aggregate_address": [ { "network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type], "as_set": True, "delete": value, } ] } } } } } } result = create_router_bgp(tgen, topo, route_aggregate) assert result is True, "Testcase {} :Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) step( "Verify that when as-set command is removed, we do not see community " "attribute added to summarised route on R3. However when as-set option " "is re-added, all the community attribute values must appear with " "summarised route." ) for addr_type in ADDR_TYPES: input_static_agg = { "r1": {"static_routes": [{"network": AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]}]} } if value: result = verify_rib( tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_static_agg, expected=False ) assert ( result is not True ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Aggregated route is still present \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) result = verify_rib( tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static_agg, expected=False ) assert ( result is not True ), "Testcase {} : Failed \n Aggregated route is still present \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) else: result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r1", input_static_agg) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) result = verify_rib(tgen, addr_type, "r3", input_static_agg) assert result is True, "Testcase {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) input_dict = {"community": COMMUNITY[9]} result = verify_bgp_community( tgen, addr_type, "r3", [AGGREGATE_NW[addr_type]], input_dict ) assert result is True, "Test case {} : Failed \n Error: {}".format( tc_name, result ) write_test_footer(tc_name) if __name__ == "__main__": args = ["-s"] + sys.argv[1:] sys.exit(pytest.main(args))