Fork 0
Daniel Baumann 3124f89aed
Adding upstream version 10.1.1.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org>
2025-02-05 10:03:58 +01:00

160 lines
5.9 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 eval: (blacken-mode 1) -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# April 22 2022, Christian Hopps <chopps@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2022, LabN Consulting, L.L.C
"""A module that implements pytest hooks.
To use in your project, in your conftest.py add:
from munet.testing.hooks import *
import logging
import os
import sys
import traceback
import pytest
from ..args import add_testing_args
from ..base import BaseMunet # pylint: disable=import-error
from ..cli import cli # pylint: disable=import-error
from .util import pause_test
# ===================
# Hooks (non-fixture)
# ===================
def pytest_addoption(parser):
def pytest_configure(config):
if "PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER" not in os.environ:
os.environ["PYTEST_XDIST_MODE"] = config.getoption("dist", "no")
os.environ["PYTEST_IS_WORKER"] = ""
is_xdist = os.environ["PYTEST_XDIST_MODE"] != "no"
is_worker = False
os.environ["PYTEST_IS_WORKER"] = os.environ["PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER"]
is_xdist = True
is_worker = True
# Turn on live logging if user specified verbose and the config has a CLI level set
if config.getoption("--verbose") and not is_xdist and not config.getini("log_cli"):
if config.getoption("--log-cli-level", None) is None:
# By setting the CLI option to the ini value it enables log_cli=1
cli_level = config.getini("log_cli_level")
if cli_level is not None:
config.option.log_cli_level = cli_level
have_tmux = bool(os.getenv("TMUX", ""))
have_screen = not have_tmux and bool(os.getenv("STY", ""))
have_xterm = not have_tmux and not have_screen and bool(os.getenv("DISPLAY", ""))
have_windows = have_tmux or have_screen or have_xterm
have_windows_pause = have_tmux or have_xterm
xdist_no_windows = is_xdist and not is_worker and not have_windows_pause
for winopt in ["--shell", "--stdout", "--stderr"]:
b = config.getoption(winopt)
if b and xdist_no_windows:
f"{winopt} use requires byobu/TMUX/XTerm "
f"under dist {os.environ['PYTEST_XDIST_MODE']}"
elif b and not is_xdist and not have_windows:
pytest.exit(f"{winopt} use requires byobu/TMUX/SCREEN/XTerm")
cli_pause = (
or config.getoption("--pause")
or config.getoption("--pause-at-end")
or config.getoption("--pause-on-error")
if config.getoption("--capture") == "fd" and cli_pause:
"CLI is not compatible with `--capture=fd`, "
"please run again with `-s` or other `--capture` value"
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
"""Pause or invoke CLI as directed by config."""
isatty = sys.stdout.isatty()
pause = bool(item.config.getoption("--pause"))
skipped = False
if call.excinfo is None:
error = False
elif call.excinfo.typename == "Skipped":
skipped = True
error = False
pause = False
error = True
modname = item.parent.module.__name__
exval = call.excinfo.value
"test %s/%s failed: %s: stdout: '%s' stderr: '%s'",
exval.stdout if hasattr(exval, "stdout") else "NA",
exval.stderr if hasattr(exval, "stderr") else "NA",
if not pause:
pause = item.config.getoption("--pause-on-error")
if error and isatty and item.config.getoption("--cli-on-error"):
if not BaseMunet.g_unet:
logging.error("Could not launch CLI b/c no munet exists yet")
print(f"\nCLI-ON-ERROR: {call.excinfo.typename}")
print(f"CLI-ON-ERROR:\ntest {modname}/{item.name} failed: {exval}")
if hasattr(exval, "stdout") and exval.stdout:
print("stdout: " + exval.stdout.replace("\n", "\nstdout: "))
if hasattr(exval, "stderr") and exval.stderr:
print("stderr: " + exval.stderr.replace("\n", "\nstderr: "))
if pause:
if skipped:
item.skip_more_pause = True
elif hasattr(item, "skip_more_pause"):
elif call.when == "setup":
if error:
item.skip_more_pause = True
# we can't asyncio.run() (which pause does) if we are not unhsare_inline
# at this point, count on an autouse fixture to pause instead in this
# case
if BaseMunet.g_unet and BaseMunet.g_unet.unshare_inline:
pause_test(f"before test '{item.nodeid}'")
# check for a result to try and catch setup (or module setup) failure
# e.g., after a module level fixture fails, we do not want to pause on every
# skipped test.
elif call.when == "teardown" and call.excinfo:
"Caught exception during teardown: %s\n:Traceback:\n%s",
pause_test(f"after teardown after test '{item.nodeid}'")
elif call.when == "teardown" and call.result:
pause_test(f"after test '{item.nodeid}'")
elif error:
item.skip_more_pause = True
print(f"\nPAUSE-ON-ERROR: {call.excinfo.typename}")
print(f"PAUSE-ON-ERROR:\ntest {modname}/{item.name} failed: {exval}")
if hasattr(exval, "stdout") and exval.stdout:
print("stdout: " + exval.stdout.replace("\n", "\nstdout: "))
if hasattr(exval, "stderr") and exval.stderr:
print("stderr: " + exval.stderr.replace("\n", "\nstderr: "))
pause_test(f"PAUSE-ON-ERROR: '{item.nodeid}'")