/** * @file test_structure.c * @author Michal Vasko * @brief unit tests for structure extensions support * * Copyright (c) 2022 CESNET, z.s.p.o. * * This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause */ #define _UTEST_MAIN_ #include "utests.h" #include "libyang.h" static void test_schema(void **state) { struct lys_module *mod; struct lysc_ext_instance *e; char *printed = NULL; const char *data, *info; /* valid data */ data = "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:a; prefix a;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "sx:structure struct {" " must \"/n2/l\";" " status deprecated;" " description desc;" " reference no-ref;" " typedef my-type {type string;}" " grouping my-grp {leaf gl {type my-type;}}" " container n1 {leaf l {config false; type uint32;}}" " list n2 {leaf l {type leafref {path /n1/l;}}}" " uses my-grp;" "}}"; UTEST_ADD_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, &mod); assert_non_null(e = mod->compiled->exts); assert_int_equal(LY_ARRAY_COUNT(mod->compiled->exts), 1); /* valid augment data */ data = "module b {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:b; prefix b;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "import a {prefix a;}" "sx:augment-structure \"/a:struct/a:n1\" {" " status obsolete;" " reference none;" " leaf aug-leaf {type string;}" "}}"; UTEST_ADD_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, &mod); assert_non_null(e = mod->compiled->exts); assert_int_equal(LY_ARRAY_COUNT(mod->compiled->exts), 1); /* yang compiled print */ info = "module a {\n" " namespace \"urn:tests:extensions:structure:a\";\n" " prefix a;\n" "\n" " ietf-yang-structure-ext:structure \"struct\" {\n" " must \"/n2/l\";\n" " status deprecated;\n" " description\n" " \"desc\";\n" " reference\n" " \"no-ref\";\n" " container n1 {\n" " status deprecated;\n" " leaf l {\n" " type uint32;\n" " status deprecated;\n" " }\n" " leaf aug-leaf {\n" " type string;\n" " status obsolete;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " list n2 {\n" " min-elements 0;\n" " max-elements 4294967295;\n" " ordered-by user;\n" " status deprecated;\n" " leaf l {\n" " type leafref {\n" " path \"/n1/l\";\n" " require-instance true;\n" " type uint32;\n" " }\n" " status deprecated;\n" " }\n" " }\n" " leaf gl {\n" " type string;\n" " status deprecated;\n" " }\n" " }\n" "}\n"; assert_non_null(mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(UTEST_LYCTX, "a")); assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG_COMPILED, 0)); assert_string_equal(printed, info); free(printed); info = "module b {\n" " namespace \"urn:tests:extensions:structure:b\";\n" " prefix b;\n" "\n" " ietf-yang-structure-ext:augment-structure \"/a:struct/a:n1\";\n" "}\n"; assert_non_null(mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(UTEST_LYCTX, "b")); assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG_COMPILED, 0)); assert_string_equal(printed, info); free(printed); /* no substatements */ data = "module c {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:c; prefix c;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "sx:structure struct;}"; info = "module c {\n" " namespace \"urn:tests:extensions:structure:c\";\n" " prefix c;\n" "\n" " ietf-yang-structure-ext:structure \"struct\";\n" "}\n"; UTEST_ADD_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, &mod); assert_non_null(e = mod->compiled->exts); assert_int_equal(LY_ARRAY_COUNT(mod->compiled->exts), 1); assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lys_print_mem(&printed, mod, LYS_OUT_YANG_COMPILED, 0)); assert_string_equal(printed, info); free(printed); } static void test_schema_invalid(void **state) { const char *data; /* structure */ data = "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:a; prefix self;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "sx:structure struct {import yang;}}"; UTEST_INVALID_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, LY_EVALID); CHECK_LOG_CTX("Invalid keyword \"import\" as a child of \"sx:structure struct\" extension instance.", "/a:{extension='sx:structure'}/struct", 0); data = "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:a; prefix self;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "container b { sx:structure struct { container x { leaf x {type string;}}}}}"; UTEST_INVALID_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, LY_EVALID); CHECK_LOG_CTX("Ext plugin \"ly2 structure v1\": " "Extension sx:structure must not be used as a non top-level statement in \"container\" statement.", "/a:b/{extension='sx:structure'}/struct", 0); data = "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:a; prefix self;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "sx:structure { container x { leaf x {type string;}}}}"; UTEST_INVALID_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, LY_EVALID); CHECK_LOG_CTX("Parsing module \"a\" failed.", NULL, 0); CHECK_LOG_CTX("Extension instance \"sx:structure\" missing argument element \"name\".", NULL, 0); data = "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:a; prefix self;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "sx:structure struct { container x { leaf x {type string;}}}" "sx:structure struct { container y { leaf y {type string;}}}}"; UTEST_INVALID_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, LY_EVALID); CHECK_LOG_CTX("Ext plugin \"ly2 structure v1\": Extension sx:structure is instantiated multiple times.", "/a:{extension='sx:structure'}/struct", 0); data = "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:a; prefix self;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "sx:structure struct { container x { leaf x {type string;}}}" "choice struct { container y { leaf y {type string;}}}}"; UTEST_INVALID_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, LY_EVALID); CHECK_LOG_CTX("Ext plugin \"ly2 structure v1\": Extension sx:structure collides with a choice with the same identifier.", "/a:{extension='sx:structure'}/struct", 0); /* augment-structure */ data = "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:a; prefix a;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "sx:structure struct {" " container n1 {leaf l {config false; type uint32;}}" " list n2 {leaf l {type string;}}" "}" "container n1 {leaf l2 {type uint8;}}}"; UTEST_ADD_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, NULL); data = "module b {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:b; prefix b;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "import a {prefix a;}" "sx:augment-structure \"/a:n1\" {" " leaf aug-leaf {type string;}" "}}"; UTEST_INVALID_MODULE(data, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, LY_ENOTFOUND); CHECK_LOG_CTX("Augment extension target node \"/a:n1\" from module \"b\" was not found.", "/b:{extension='sx:augment-structure'}/{augment='/a:n1'}", 0); } static void test_parse(void **state) { struct lys_module *mod; struct lysc_ext_instance *e; struct lyd_node *tree = NULL; const char *yang; const char *xml = "" "test" "25" ""; const char *json = "{\"a:x\":{\"x\":\"test\",\"b:x2\":25}}"; yang = "module a {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:a; prefix a;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "sx:structure struct { container x { leaf x { type string;}}}}"; UTEST_ADD_MODULE(yang, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, &mod); yang = "module b {yang-version 1.1; namespace urn:tests:extensions:structure:b; prefix b;" "import ietf-yang-structure-ext {prefix sx;}" "import a {prefix a;}" "sx:augment-structure \"/a:struct/a:x\" {" " leaf x2 {type uint32;}" "}}"; UTEST_ADD_MODULE(yang, LYS_IN_YANG, NULL, NULL); /* get extension after recompilation */ assert_non_null(e = mod->compiled->exts); assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, ly_in_new_memory(xml, &UTEST_IN)); assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lyd_parse_ext_data(e, NULL, UTEST_IN, LYD_XML, LYD_PARSE_STRICT, LYD_VALIDATE_PRESENT, &tree)); CHECK_LYD_STRING_PARAM(tree, xml, LYD_XML, LYD_PRINT_SHRINK | LYD_PRINT_WITHSIBLINGS); lyd_free_all(tree); ly_in_memory(UTEST_IN, json); assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, lyd_parse_ext_data(e, NULL, UTEST_IN, LYD_JSON, LYD_PARSE_STRICT, LYD_VALIDATE_PRESENT, &tree)); CHECK_LYD_STRING_PARAM(tree, json, LYD_JSON, LYD_PRINT_SHRINK | LYD_PRINT_WITHSIBLINGS); lyd_free_all(tree); } int main(void) { const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { UTEST(test_schema), UTEST(test_schema_invalid), UTEST(test_parse), }; return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL); }