104 lines
2.9 KiB
104 lines
2.9 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import pytest
from pre_commit_hooks.trailing_whitespace_fixer import main
('input_s', 'expected'),
('foo \nbar \n', 'foo\nbar\n'),
('bar\t\nbaz\t\n', 'bar\nbaz\n'),
def test_fixes_trailing_whitespace(input_s, expected, tmpdir):
path = tmpdir.join('file.md')
assert main((str(path),)) == 1
assert path.read() == expected
def test_ok_no_newline_end_of_file(tmpdir):
filename = tmpdir.join('f')
ret = main((str(filename),))
assert filename.read_binary() == b'foo\nbar'
assert ret == 0
def test_ok_with_dos_line_endings(tmpdir):
filename = tmpdir.join('f')
ret = main((str(filename),))
assert filename.read_binary() == b'foo\r\nbar\r\nbaz\r\n'
assert ret == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ext', ('md', 'Md', '.md', '*'))
def test_fixes_markdown_files(tmpdir, ext):
path = tmpdir.join('test.md')
'foo \n' # leaves alone
'bar \n' # less than two so it is removed
'baz \n' # more than two so it becomes two spaces
'\t\n' # trailing tabs are stripped anyway
'\n ', # whitespace at the end of the file is removed
ret = main((str(path), f'--markdown-linebreak-ext={ext}'))
assert ret == 1
assert path.read() == (
'foo \n'
'baz \n'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arg', ('--', 'a.b', 'a/b', ''))
def test_markdown_linebreak_ext_badopt(arg):
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
main(['--markdown-linebreak-ext', arg])
assert excinfo.value.code == 2
def test_prints_warning_with_no_markdown_ext(capsys, tmpdir):
f = tmpdir.join('f').ensure()
assert main((str(f), '--no-markdown-linebreak-ext')) == 0
out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
assert out == '--no-markdown-linebreak-ext now does nothing!\n'
def test_preserve_non_utf8_file(tmpdir):
non_utf8_bytes_content = b'<a>\xe9 \n</a>\n'
path = tmpdir.join('file.txt')
ret = main([str(path)])
assert ret == 1
assert path.size() == (len(non_utf8_bytes_content) - 1)
def test_custom_charset_change(tmpdir):
# strip spaces only, no tabs
path = tmpdir.join('file.txt')
path.write('\ta \t \n')
ret = main([str(path), '--chars', ' '])
assert ret == 1
assert path.read() == '\ta \t\n'
def test_custom_charset_no_change(tmpdir):
path = tmpdir.join('file.txt')
path.write('\ta \t\n')
ret = main([str(path), '--chars', ' '])
assert ret == 0
def test_markdown_with_custom_charset(tmpdir):
path = tmpdir.join('file.md')
path.write('\ta \t \n')
ret = main([str(path), '--chars', ' ', '--markdown-linebreak-ext', '*'])
assert ret == 1
assert path.read() == '\ta \t \n'