139 lines
3.5 KiB
139 lines
3.5 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import shutil
import pytest
from pre_commit_hooks.pretty_format_json import main
from pre_commit_hooks.pretty_format_json import parse_num_to_int
from testing.util import get_resource_path
def test_parse_num_to_int():
assert parse_num_to_int('0') == 0
assert parse_num_to_int('2') == 2
assert parse_num_to_int('\t') == '\t'
assert parse_num_to_int(' ') == ' '
('filename', 'expected_retval'), (
('not_pretty_formatted_json.json', 1),
('unsorted_pretty_formatted_json.json', 1),
('non_ascii_pretty_formatted_json.json', 1),
('pretty_formatted_json.json', 0),
def test_main(filename, expected_retval):
ret = main([get_resource_path(filename)])
assert ret == expected_retval
('filename', 'expected_retval'), (
('not_pretty_formatted_json.json', 1),
('unsorted_pretty_formatted_json.json', 0),
('non_ascii_pretty_formatted_json.json', 1),
('pretty_formatted_json.json', 0),
def test_unsorted_main(filename, expected_retval):
ret = main(['--no-sort-keys', get_resource_path(filename)])
assert ret == expected_retval
('filename', 'expected_retval'), (
('not_pretty_formatted_json.json', 1),
('unsorted_pretty_formatted_json.json', 1),
('non_ascii_pretty_formatted_json.json', 1),
('pretty_formatted_json.json', 1),
('tab_pretty_formatted_json.json', 0),
def test_tab_main(filename, expected_retval):
ret = main(['--indent', '\t', get_resource_path(filename)])
assert ret == expected_retval
def test_non_ascii_main():
ret = main((
assert ret == 0
def test_autofix_main(tmpdir):
srcfile = tmpdir.join('to_be_json_formatted.json')
# now launch the autofix on that file
ret = main(['--autofix', str(srcfile)])
# it should have formatted it
assert ret == 1
# file was formatted (shouldn't trigger linter again)
ret = main([str(srcfile)])
assert ret == 0
def test_orderfile_get_pretty_format():
ret = main((
'--top-keys=alist', get_resource_path('pretty_formatted_json.json'),
assert ret == 0
def test_not_orderfile_get_pretty_format():
ret = main((
'--top-keys=blah', get_resource_path('pretty_formatted_json.json'),
assert ret == 1
def test_top_sorted_get_pretty_format():
ret = main((
'--top-keys=01-alist,alist', get_resource_path('top_sorted_json.json'),
assert ret == 0
def test_badfile_main():
ret = main([get_resource_path('ok_yaml.yaml')])
assert ret == 1
def test_diffing_output(capsys):
resource_path = get_resource_path('not_pretty_formatted_json.json')
expected_retval = 1
a = os.path.join('a', resource_path)
b = os.path.join('b', resource_path)
expected_out = f'''\
--- {a}
+++ {b}
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
- "foo":
- "bar",
- "alist": [2, 34, 234],
- "blah": null
+ "alist": [
+ 2,
+ 34,
+ 234
+ ],
+ "blah": null,
+ "foo": "bar"
actual_retval = main([resource_path])
actual_out, actual_err = capsys.readouterr()
assert actual_retval == expected_retval
assert actual_out == expected_out
assert actual_err == ''