93 lines
3.3 KiB
93 lines
3.3 KiB
import os.path
from unittest import mock
import pre_commit.constants as C
from pre_commit.commands.init_templatedir import init_templatedir
from pre_commit.envcontext import envcontext
from pre_commit.util import cmd_output
from testing.fixtures import git_dir
from testing.fixtures import make_consuming_repo
from testing.util import cmd_output_mocked_pre_commit_home
from testing.util import cwd
from testing.util import git_commit
def test_init_templatedir(tmpdir, tempdir_factory, store, cap_out):
target = str(tmpdir.join('tmpl'))
init_templatedir(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, target, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
lines = cap_out.get().splitlines()
assert lines[0].startswith('pre-commit installed at ')
assert lines[1] == (
'[WARNING] `init.templateDir` not set to the target directory'
assert lines[2].startswith(
'[WARNING] maybe `git config --global init.templateDir',
with envcontext((('GIT_TEMPLATE_DIR', target),)):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
retcode, output = git_commit(
assert retcode == 0
assert 'Bash hook....' in output
def test_init_templatedir_already_set(tmpdir, tempdir_factory, store, cap_out):
target = str(tmpdir.join('tmpl'))
tmp_git_dir = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
with cwd(tmp_git_dir):
cmd_output('git', 'config', 'init.templateDir', target)
C.CONFIG_FILE, store, target, hook_types=['pre-commit'],
lines = cap_out.get().splitlines()
assert len(lines) == 1
assert lines[0].startswith('pre-commit installed at')
def test_init_templatedir_not_set(tmpdir, store, cap_out):
# set HOME to ignore the current `.gitconfig`
with envcontext((('HOME', str(tmpdir)),)):
with tmpdir.join('tmpl').ensure_dir().as_cwd():
# we have not set init.templateDir so this should produce a warning
C.CONFIG_FILE, store, '.', hook_types=['pre-commit'],
lines = cap_out.get().splitlines()
assert len(lines) == 3
assert lines[1] == (
'[WARNING] `init.templateDir` not set to the target directory'
def test_init_templatedir_expanduser(tmpdir, tempdir_factory, store, cap_out):
target = str(tmpdir.join('tmpl'))
tmp_git_dir = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
with cwd(tmp_git_dir):
cmd_output('git', 'config', 'init.templateDir', '~/templatedir')
with mock.patch.object(os.path, 'expanduser', return_value=target):
C.CONFIG_FILE, store, target, hook_types=['pre-commit'],
lines = cap_out.get().splitlines()
assert len(lines) == 1
assert lines[0].startswith('pre-commit installed at')
def test_init_templatedir_hookspath_set(tmpdir, tempdir_factory, store):
target = tmpdir.join('tmpl')
tmp_git_dir = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
with cwd(tmp_git_dir):
cmd_output('git', 'config', '--local', 'core.hooksPath', 'hooks')
C.CONFIG_FILE, store, target, hook_types=['pre-commit'],
assert target.join('hooks/pre-commit').exists()