Fork 0

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import os.path
import shutil
import sys
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from unittest import mock
import cfgv
import pytest
import re_assert
import pre_commit.constants as C
from pre_commit.clientlib import CONFIG_SCHEMA
from pre_commit.clientlib import load_manifest
from pre_commit.envcontext import envcontext
from pre_commit.hook import Hook
from pre_commit.languages import golang
from pre_commit.languages import helpers
from pre_commit.languages import node
from pre_commit.languages import python
from pre_commit.languages import ruby
from pre_commit.languages import rust
from pre_commit.languages.all import languages
from pre_commit.prefix import Prefix
from pre_commit.repository import all_hooks
from pre_commit.repository import install_hook_envs
from pre_commit.util import cmd_output
from pre_commit.util import cmd_output_b
from testing.fixtures import make_config_from_repo
from testing.fixtures import make_repo
from testing.fixtures import modify_manifest
from testing.util import cwd
from testing.util import get_resource_path
from testing.util import skipif_cant_run_coursier
from testing.util import skipif_cant_run_docker
from testing.util import skipif_cant_run_swift
from testing.util import xfailif_windows
def _norm_out(b):
return b.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')
def _hook_run(hook, filenames, color):
return languages[hook.language].run_hook(hook, filenames, color)
def _get_hook_no_install(repo_config, store, hook_id):
config = {'repos': [repo_config]}
config = cfgv.validate(config, CONFIG_SCHEMA)
config = cfgv.apply_defaults(config, CONFIG_SCHEMA)
hooks = all_hooks(config, store)
hook, = [hook for hook in hooks if hook.id == hook_id]
return hook
def _get_hook(repo_config, store, hook_id):
hook = _get_hook_no_install(repo_config, store, hook_id)
install_hook_envs([hook], store)
return hook
def _test_hook_repo(
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, repo_path)
config = make_config_from_repo(path, **(config_kwargs or {}))
hook = _get_hook(config, store, hook_id)
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, args, color=color)
assert ret == expected_return_code
assert _norm_out(out) == expected
def test_conda_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'conda_hooks_repo',
'sys-exec', [os.devnull],
def test_conda_with_additional_dependencies_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'conda_hooks_repo',
'additional-deps', [os.devnull],
'hooks': [{
'id': 'additional-deps',
'args': ['-c', 'import tzdata; print("OK")'],
'additional_dependencies': ['python-tzdata'],
def test_local_conda_additional_dependencies(store):
config = {
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'local-conda',
'name': 'local-conda',
'entry': 'python',
'language': 'conda',
'args': ['-c', 'import tzdata; print("OK")'],
'additional_dependencies': ['python-tzdata'],
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'local-conda')
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, (), color=False)
assert ret == 0
assert _norm_out(out) == b'OK\n'
def test_python_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'python_hooks_repo',
'foo', [os.devnull],
f'[{os.devnull!r}]\nHello World\n'.encode(),
def test_python_hook_default_version(tempdir_factory, store):
# make sure that this continues to work for platforms where default
# language detection does not work
returns_default = mock.Mock(return_value=C.DEFAULT)
lang = languages['python']._replace(get_default_version=returns_default)
with mock.patch.dict(languages, python=lang):
test_python_hook(tempdir_factory, store)
def test_python_hook_args_with_spaces(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'python_hooks_repo',
b"['i have spaces', 'and\"\\'quotes', '$and !this']\n"
b'Hello World\n',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'foo',
'args': ['i have spaces', 'and"\'quotes', '$and !this'],
def test_python_hook_weird_setup_cfg(in_git_dir, tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'python_hooks_repo',
'foo', [os.devnull],
f'[{os.devnull!r}]\nHello World\n'.encode(),
def test_python_venv(tempdir_factory, store): # pragma: no cover (no venv)
tempdir_factory, store, 'python_venv_hooks_repo',
'foo', [os.devnull],
f'[{os.devnull!r}]\nHello World\n'.encode(),
def test_switch_language_versions_doesnt_clobber(tempdir_factory, store):
# We're using the python3 repo because it prints the python version
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python3_hooks_repo')
def run_on_version(version, expected_output):
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
config['hooks'][0]['language_version'] = version
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'python3-hook')
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, [], color=False)
assert ret == 0
assert _norm_out(out) == expected_output
run_on_version('python2', b'2\n[]\nHello World\n')
run_on_version('python3', b'3\n[]\nHello World\n')
def test_versioned_python_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'python3_hooks_repo',
f'3\n[{os.devnull!r}]\nHello World\n'.encode(),
@skipif_cant_run_coursier # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_run_a_coursier_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'coursier_hooks_repo',
['Hello World from coursier'], b'Hello World from coursier\n',
@skipif_cant_run_docker # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_run_a_docker_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'docker_hooks_repo',
['Hello World from docker'], b'Hello World from docker\n',
@skipif_cant_run_docker # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_run_a_docker_hook_with_entry_args(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'docker_hooks_repo',
['Hello World from docker'], b'Hello World from docker',
@skipif_cant_run_docker # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_run_a_failing_docker_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'docker_hooks_repo',
['Hello World from docker'],
mock.ANY, # an error message about `bork` not existing
@skipif_cant_run_docker # pragma: win32 no cover
@pytest.mark.parametrize('hook_id', ('echo-entrypoint', 'echo-cmd'))
def test_run_a_docker_image_hook(tempdir_factory, store, hook_id):
tempdir_factory, store, 'docker_image_hooks_repo',
['Hello World from docker'], b'Hello World from docker\n',
@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_run_a_node_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'node_hooks_repo',
'foo', [os.devnull], b'Hello World\n',
@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_run_a_node_hook_default_version(tempdir_factory, store):
# make sure that this continues to work for platforms where node is not
# installed at the system
returns_default = mock.Mock(return_value=C.DEFAULT)
lang = languages['node']._replace(get_default_version=returns_default)
with mock.patch.dict(languages, node=lang):
test_run_a_node_hook(tempdir_factory, store)
@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_run_versioned_node_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'node_versioned_hooks_repo',
'versioned-node-hook', [os.devnull], b'v9.3.0\nHello World\n',
@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_node_hook_with_npm_userconfig_set(tempdir_factory, store, tmpdir):
cfg = tmpdir.join('cfg')
with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG=str(cfg)):
test_run_a_node_hook(tempdir_factory, store)
def test_run_a_ruby_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'ruby_hooks_repo',
'ruby_hook', [os.devnull], b'Hello world from a ruby hook\n',
@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_run_versioned_ruby_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'ruby_versioned_hooks_repo',
b'2.5.1\nHello world from a ruby hook\n',
@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_run_ruby_hook_with_disable_shared_gems(
"""Make sure a Gemfile in the project doesn't interfere."""
tmpdir.join('Gemfile').write('gem "lol_hai"')
tmpdir.join('.bundle', 'config').write(
'BUNDLE_PATH: vendor/gem\n',
with cwd(tmpdir.strpath):
tempdir_factory, store, 'ruby_versioned_hooks_repo',
b'2.5.1\nHello world from a ruby hook\n',
def test_system_hook_with_spaces(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'system_hook_with_spaces_repo',
'system-hook-with-spaces', [os.devnull], b'Hello World\n',
@skipif_cant_run_swift # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_swift_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'swift_hooks_repo',
'swift-hooks-repo', [], b'Hello, world!\n',
def test_golang_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'golang_hooks_repo',
'golang-hook', [], b'hello world\n',
def test_golang_hook_still_works_when_gobin_is_set(tempdir_factory, store):
gobin_dir = tempdir_factory.get()
with envcontext((('GOBIN', gobin_dir),)):
test_golang_hook(tempdir_factory, store)
assert os.listdir(gobin_dir) == []
def test_rust_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'rust_hooks_repo',
'rust-hook', [], b'hello world\n',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dep', ('cli:shellharden:3.1.0', 'cli:shellharden'))
def test_additional_rust_cli_dependencies_installed(
tempdir_factory, store, dep,
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'rust_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
# A small rust package with no dependencies.
config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = [dep]
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'rust-hook')
binaries = os.listdir(
helpers.environment_dir(rust.ENVIRONMENT_DIR, C.DEFAULT), 'bin',
# normalize for windows
binaries = [os.path.splitext(binary)[0] for binary in binaries]
assert 'shellharden' in binaries
def test_additional_rust_lib_dependencies_installed(
tempdir_factory, store,
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'rust_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
# A small rust package with no dependencies.
deps = ['shellharden:3.1.0']
config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = deps
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'rust-hook')
binaries = os.listdir(
helpers.environment_dir(rust.ENVIRONMENT_DIR, C.DEFAULT), 'bin',
# normalize for windows
binaries = [os.path.splitext(binary)[0] for binary in binaries]
assert 'rust-hello-world' in binaries
assert 'shellharden' not in binaries
def test_missing_executable(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'not_found_exe',
'not-found-exe', [os.devnull],
b'Executable `i-dont-exist-lol` not found',
def test_run_a_script_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'script_hooks_repo',
'bash_hook', ['bar'], b'bar\nHello World\n',
def test_run_hook_with_spaced_args(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'arg_per_line_hooks_repo',
['foo bar', 'baz'],
b'arg: hello\narg: world\narg: foo bar\narg: baz\n',
def test_run_hook_with_curly_braced_arguments(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'arg_per_line_hooks_repo',
b"arg: hi {1}\narg: I'm {a} problem\n",
'hooks': [{
'id': 'arg-per-line',
'args': ['hi {1}', "I'm {a} problem"],
def test_intermixed_stdout_stderr(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'stdout_stderr_repo',
@pytest.mark.xfail(os.name == 'nt', reason='ptys are posix-only')
def test_output_isatty(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'stdout_stderr_repo',
b'stdin: False\nstdout: True\nstderr: True\n',
def _make_grep_repo(entry, store, args=()):
config = {
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'grep-hook',
'name': 'grep-hook',
'language': 'pygrep',
'entry': entry,
'args': args,
'types': ['text'],
return _get_hook(config, store, 'grep-hook')
def greppable_files(tmpdir):
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
cmd_output_b('git', 'init', '.')
tmpdir.join('f3').write_binary(b'[WARN] hi\n')
yield tmpdir
def test_grep_hook_matching(greppable_files, store):
hook = _make_grep_repo('ello', store)
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, ('f1', 'f2', 'f3'), color=False)
assert ret == 1
assert _norm_out(out) == b"f1:1:hello'hi\n"
def test_grep_hook_case_insensitive(greppable_files, store):
hook = _make_grep_repo('ELLO', store, args=['-i'])
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, ('f1', 'f2', 'f3'), color=False)
assert ret == 1
assert _norm_out(out) == b"f1:1:hello'hi\n"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('regex', ('nope', "foo'bar", r'^\[INFO\]'))
def test_grep_hook_not_matching(regex, greppable_files, store):
hook = _make_grep_repo(regex, store)
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, ('f1', 'f2', 'f3'), color=False)
assert (ret, out) == (0, b'')
def _norm_pwd(path):
# Under windows bash's temp and windows temp is different.
# This normalizes to the bash /tmp
return cmd_output_b(
'bash', '-c', f"cd '{path}' && pwd",
def test_cwd_of_hook(in_git_dir, tempdir_factory, store):
# Note: this doubles as a test for `system` hooks
tempdir_factory, store, 'prints_cwd_repo',
'prints_cwd', ['-L'], _norm_pwd(in_git_dir.strpath) + b'\n',
def test_lots_of_files(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'script_hooks_repo',
'bash_hook', [os.devnull] * 15000, mock.ANY,
def test_additional_dependencies_roll_forward(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python_hooks_repo')
config1 = make_config_from_repo(path)
hook1 = _get_hook(config1, store, 'foo')
with python.in_env(hook1.prefix, hook1.language_version):
assert 'mccabe' not in cmd_output('pip', 'freeze', '-l')[1]
# Make another repo with additional dependencies
config2 = make_config_from_repo(path)
config2['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = ['mccabe']
hook2 = _get_hook(config2, store, 'foo')
with python.in_env(hook2.prefix, hook2.language_version):
assert 'mccabe' in cmd_output('pip', 'freeze', '-l')[1]
# should not have affected original
with python.in_env(hook1.prefix, hook1.language_version):
assert 'mccabe' not in cmd_output('pip', 'freeze', '-l')[1]
def test_additional_ruby_dependencies_installed(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'ruby_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = ['tins']
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'ruby_hook')
with ruby.in_env(hook.prefix, hook.language_version):
output = cmd_output('gem', 'list', '--local')[1]
assert 'tins' in output
@xfailif_windows # pragma: win32 no cover
def test_additional_node_dependencies_installed(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'node_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
# Careful to choose a small package that's not depped by npm
config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = ['lodash']
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'foo')
with node.in_env(hook.prefix, hook.language_version):
output = cmd_output('npm', 'ls', '-g')[1]
assert 'lodash' in output
def test_additional_golang_dependencies_installed(
tempdir_factory, store,
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'golang_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
# A small go package
deps = ['github.com/golang/example/hello']
config['hooks'][0]['additional_dependencies'] = deps
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'golang-hook')
binaries = os.listdir(
helpers.environment_dir(golang.ENVIRONMENT_DIR, C.DEFAULT), 'bin',
# normalize for windows
binaries = [os.path.splitext(binary)[0] for binary in binaries]
assert 'hello' in binaries
def test_local_golang_additional_dependencies(store):
config = {
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'hello',
'name': 'hello',
'entry': 'hello',
'language': 'golang',
'additional_dependencies': ['github.com/golang/example/hello'],
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'hello')
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, (), color=False)
assert ret == 0
assert _norm_out(out) == b'Hello, Go examples!\n'
def test_local_rust_additional_dependencies(store):
config = {
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'hello',
'name': 'hello',
'entry': 'hello',
'language': 'rust',
'additional_dependencies': ['cli:hello-cli:0.2.2'],
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'hello')
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, (), color=False)
assert ret == 0
assert _norm_out(out) == b'Hello World!\n'
def test_fail_hooks(store):
config = {
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'fail',
'name': 'fail',
'language': 'fail',
'entry': 'make sure to name changelogs as .rst!',
'files': r'changelog/.*(?<!\.rst)$',
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'fail')
ret, out = _hook_run(
hook, ('changelog/123.bugfix', 'changelog/wat'), color=False,
assert ret == 1
assert out == (
b'make sure to name changelogs as .rst!\n'
def test_unknown_keys(store, fake_log_handler):
config = {
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'too-much',
'name': 'too much',
'hello': 'world',
'foo': 'bar',
'language': 'system',
'entry': 'true',
_get_hook(config, store, 'too-much')
expected = 'Unexpected key(s) present on local => too-much: foo, hello'
assert fake_log_handler.handle.call_args[0][0].msg == expected
def test_reinstall(tempdir_factory, store, log_info_mock):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
_get_hook(config, store, 'foo')
# We print some logging during clone (1) + install (3)
assert log_info_mock.call_count == 4
# Reinstall on another run should not trigger another install
_get_hook(config, store, 'foo')
assert log_info_mock.call_count == 0
def test_control_c_control_c_on_install(tempdir_factory, store):
"""Regression test for #186."""
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
hooks = [_get_hook_no_install(config, store, 'foo')]
class MyKeyboardInterrupt(KeyboardInterrupt):
# To simulate a killed install, we'll make PythonEnv.run raise ^C
# and then to simulate a second ^C during cleanup, we'll make shutil.rmtree
# raise as well.
with pytest.raises(MyKeyboardInterrupt):
with mock.patch.object(
helpers, 'run_setup_cmd', side_effect=MyKeyboardInterrupt,
with mock.patch.object(
shutil, 'rmtree', side_effect=MyKeyboardInterrupt,
install_hook_envs(hooks, store)
# Should have made an environment, however this environment is broken!
hook, = hooks
assert hook.prefix.exists(
helpers.environment_dir(python.ENVIRONMENT_DIR, hook.language_version),
# However, it should be perfectly runnable (reinstall after botched
# install)
install_hook_envs(hooks, store)
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, (), color=False)
assert ret == 0
def test_invalidated_virtualenv(tempdir_factory, store):
# A cached virtualenv may become invalidated if the system python upgrades
# This should not cause every hook in that virtualenv to fail.
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'foo')
# Simulate breaking of the virtualenv
libdir = hook.prefix.path(
helpers.environment_dir(python.ENVIRONMENT_DIR, hook.language_version),
'lib', hook.language_version,
paths = [
os.path.join(libdir, p) for p in ('site.py', 'site.pyc', '__pycache__')
cmd_output_b('rm', '-rf', *paths)
# pre-commit should rebuild the virtualenv and it should be runnable
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'foo')
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, (), color=False)
assert ret == 0
def test_really_long_file_paths(tempdir_factory, store):
base_path = tempdir_factory.get()
really_long_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'really_long' * 10)
cmd_output_b('git', 'init', really_long_path)
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'python_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
with cwd(really_long_path):
_get_hook(config, store, 'foo')
def test_config_overrides_repo_specifics(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'bash_hook')
assert hook.files == ''
# Set the file regex to something else
config['hooks'][0]['files'] = '\\.sh$'
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'bash_hook')
assert hook.files == '\\.sh$'
def _create_repo_with_tags(tempdir_factory, src, tag):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, src)
cmd_output_b('git', 'tag', tag, cwd=path)
return path
def test_tags_on_repositories(in_tmpdir, tempdir_factory, store):
tag = 'v1.1'
git1 = _create_repo_with_tags(tempdir_factory, 'prints_cwd_repo', tag)
git2 = _create_repo_with_tags(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo', tag)
config1 = make_config_from_repo(git1, rev=tag)
hook1 = _get_hook(config1, store, 'prints_cwd')
ret1, out1 = _hook_run(hook1, ('-L',), color=False)
assert ret1 == 0
assert out1.strip() == _norm_pwd(in_tmpdir)
config2 = make_config_from_repo(git2, rev=tag)
hook2 = _get_hook(config2, store, 'bash_hook')
ret2, out2 = _hook_run(hook2, ('bar',), color=False)
assert ret2 == 0
assert out2 == b'bar\nHello World\n'
def local_python_config():
# Make a "local" hooks repo that just installs our other hooks repo
repo_path = get_resource_path('python_hooks_repo')
manifest = load_manifest(os.path.join(repo_path, C.MANIFEST_FILE))
hooks = [
dict(hook, additional_dependencies=[repo_path]) for hook in manifest
return {'repo': 'local', 'hooks': hooks}
@pytest.mark.xfail( # pragma: win32 no cover
sys.platform == 'win32',
def test_local_python_repo(store, local_python_config):
hook = _get_hook(local_python_config, store, 'foo')
# language_version should have been adjusted to the interpreter version
assert hook.language_version != C.DEFAULT
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, ('filename',), color=False)
assert ret == 0
assert _norm_out(out) == b"['filename']\nHello World\n"
def test_default_language_version(store, local_python_config):
config: Dict[str, Any] = {
'default_language_version': {'python': 'fake'},
'default_stages': ['commit'],
'repos': [local_python_config],
# `language_version` was not set, should default
hook, = all_hooks(config, store)
assert hook.language_version == 'fake'
# `language_version` is set, should not default
config['repos'][0]['hooks'][0]['language_version'] = 'fake2'
hook, = all_hooks(config, store)
assert hook.language_version == 'fake2'
def test_default_stages(store, local_python_config):
config: Dict[str, Any] = {
'default_language_version': {'python': C.DEFAULT},
'default_stages': ['commit'],
'repos': [local_python_config],
# `stages` was not set, should default
hook, = all_hooks(config, store)
assert hook.stages == ['commit']
# `stages` is set, should not default
config['repos'][0]['hooks'][0]['stages'] = ['push']
hook, = all_hooks(config, store)
assert hook.stages == ['push']
def test_hook_id_not_present(tempdir_factory, store, fake_log_handler):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
config['hooks'][0]['id'] = 'i-dont-exist'
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
_get_hook(config, store, 'i-dont-exist')
assert fake_log_handler.handle.call_args[0][0].msg == (
f'`i-dont-exist` is not present in repository file://{path}. '
f'Typo? Perhaps it is introduced in a newer version? '
f'Often `pre-commit autoupdate` fixes this.'
def test_too_new_version(tempdir_factory, store, fake_log_handler):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with modify_manifest(path) as manifest:
manifest[0]['minimum_pre_commit_version'] = '999.0.0'
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
_get_hook(config, store, 'bash_hook')
msg = fake_log_handler.handle.call_args[0][0].msg
pattern = re_assert.Matches(
r'^The hook `bash_hook` requires pre-commit version 999\.0\.0 but '
r'version \d+\.\d+\.\d+ is installed. '
r'Perhaps run `pip install --upgrade pre-commit`\.$',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('version', ('0.1.0', C.VERSION))
def test_versions_ok(tempdir_factory, store, version):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with modify_manifest(path) as manifest:
manifest[0]['minimum_pre_commit_version'] = version
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
# Should succeed
_get_hook(config, store, 'bash_hook')
def test_manifest_hooks(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
config = make_config_from_repo(path)
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'bash_hook')
assert hook == Hook(
name='Bash hook',
'commit', 'merge-commit', 'prepare-commit-msg', 'commit-msg',
'post-commit', 'manual', 'post-checkout', 'push',
def test_perl_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
tempdir_factory, store, 'perl_hooks_repo',
'perl-hook', [], b'Hello from perl-commit Perl!\n',
def test_local_perl_additional_dependencies(store):
config = {
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'hello',
'name': 'hello',
'entry': 'perltidy --version',
'language': 'perl',
'additional_dependencies': ['SHANCOCK/Perl-Tidy-20200110.tar.gz'],
hook = _get_hook(config, store, 'hello')
ret, out = _hook_run(hook, (), color=False)
assert ret == 0
assert _norm_out(out).startswith(b'This is perltidy, v20200110')
def test_dotnet_hook(tempdir_factory, store, repo):
tempdir_factory, store, repo,
'dotnet example hook', [], b'Hello from dotnet!\n',