2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
from __future__ import annotations
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
import os.path
import re
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
import re_assert
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
import pre_commit.constants as C
from pre_commit import git
2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
from pre_commit.commands.install_uninstall import _hook_types
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
from pre_commit.commands.install_uninstall import CURRENT_HASH
from pre_commit.commands.install_uninstall import install
from pre_commit.commands.install_uninstall import install_hooks
from pre_commit.commands.install_uninstall import is_our_script
from pre_commit.commands.install_uninstall import PRIOR_HASHES
from pre_commit.commands.install_uninstall import uninstall
from pre_commit.parse_shebang import find_executable
from pre_commit.util import cmd_output
from pre_commit.util import make_executable
from pre_commit.util import resource_text
from testing.fixtures import add_config_to_repo
from testing.fixtures import git_dir
from testing.fixtures import make_consuming_repo
from testing.fixtures import remove_config_from_repo
from testing.fixtures import write_config
from testing.util import cmd_output_mocked_pre_commit_home
from testing.util import cwd
from testing.util import git_commit
2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
def test_hook_types_explicitly_listed():
assert _hook_types(os.devnull, ['pre-push']) == ['pre-push']
def test_hook_types_default_value_when_not_specified():
assert _hook_types(os.devnull, None) == ['pre-commit']
def test_hook_types_configured(tmpdir):
cfg = tmpdir.join('t.cfg')
cfg.write('default_install_hook_types: [pre-push]\nrepos: []\n')
assert _hook_types(str(cfg), None) == ['pre-push']
def test_hook_types_configured_nonsense(tmpdir):
cfg = tmpdir.join('t.cfg')
cfg.write('default_install_hook_types: []\nrepos: []\n')
# hopefully the user doesn't do this, but the code allows it!
assert _hook_types(str(cfg), None) == []
def test_hook_types_configuration_has_error(tmpdir):
cfg = tmpdir.join('t.cfg')
assert _hook_types(str(cfg), None) == ['pre-commit']
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_is_not_script():
assert is_our_script('setup.py') is False
def test_is_script():
assert is_our_script('pre_commit/resources/hook-tmpl')
def test_is_previous_pre_commit(tmpdir):
f = tmpdir.join('foo')
2025-02-09 21:28:40 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
assert is_our_script(f.strpath)
def test_install_pre_commit(in_git_dir, store):
assert not install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
assert os.access(in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-commit').strpath, os.X_OK)
assert not install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-push'])
assert os.access(in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-push').strpath, os.X_OK)
def test_install_hooks_directory_not_present(in_git_dir, store):
# Simulate some git clients which don't make .git/hooks #234
if in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks').exists(): # pragma: no cover (odd git)
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
assert in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-commit').exists()
def test_install_multiple_hooks_at_once(in_git_dir, store):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit', 'pre-push'])
assert in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-commit').exists()
assert in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-push').exists()
2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
uninstall(C.CONFIG_FILE, hook_types=['pre-commit', 'pre-push'])
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
assert not in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-commit').exists()
assert not in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-push').exists()
def test_install_refuses_core_hookspath(in_git_dir, store):
cmd_output('git', 'config', '--local', 'core.hooksPath', 'hooks')
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
def test_install_hooks_dead_symlink(in_git_dir, store):
hook = in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks').ensure_dir().join('pre-commit')
os.symlink('/fake/baz', hook.strpath)
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
assert hook.exists()
def test_uninstall_does_not_blow_up_when_not_there(in_git_dir):
2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
assert uninstall(C.CONFIG_FILE, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_uninstall(in_git_dir, store):
assert not in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-commit').exists()
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
assert in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-commit').exists()
2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
uninstall(C.CONFIG_FILE, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
assert not in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-commit').exists()
def _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, touch_file='foo', **kwargs):
open(touch_file, 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', touch_file)
return git_commit(
2025-02-09 21:35:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
# osx does this different :(
r' 1 file changed, 0 insertions\(\+\), 0 deletions\(-\)\n'
r' 0 files changed\n'
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
NORMAL_PRE_COMMIT_RUN = re_assert.Matches(
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
fr'^\[INFO\] Initializing environment for .+\.\n'
fr'Bash hook\.+Passed\n'
fr'\[master [a-f0-9]{{7}}\] commit!\n'
fr' create mode 100644 foo\n$',
def test_install_pre_commit_and_run(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_install_pre_commit_and_run_custom_path(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
cmd_output('git', 'mv', C.CONFIG_FILE, 'custom.yaml')
assert install('custom.yaml', store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_install_in_submodule_and_run(tempdir_factory, store):
src_path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
parent_path = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
cmd_output('git', 'submodule', 'add', src_path, 'sub', cwd=parent_path)
sub_pth = os.path.join(parent_path, 'sub')
with cwd(sub_pth):
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_install_in_worktree_and_run(tempdir_factory, store):
src_path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
path = tempdir_factory.get()
cmd_output('git', '-C', src_path, 'branch', '-m', 'notmaster')
cmd_output('git', '-C', src_path, 'worktree', 'add', path, '-b', 'master')
with cwd(path):
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_commit_am(tempdir_factory, store):
"""Regression test for #322."""
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
# Make an unstaged change
open('unstaged', 'w').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
with open('unstaged', 'w') as foo_file:
foo_file.write('Oh hai')
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
def test_unicode_merge_commit_message(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', 'master', '-b', 'foo')
git_commit('-n', cwd=path)
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', 'master')
cmd_output('git', 'merge', 'foo', '--no-ff', '--no-commit', '-m', '☃')
# Used to crash
def test_install_idempotent(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def _path_without_us():
# Choose a path which *probably* doesn't include us
env = dict(os.environ)
2025-02-09 21:35:53 +01:00
exe = find_executable('pre-commit', env=env)
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
while exe:
parts = env['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
2025-02-09 21:25:12 +01:00
after = [
x for x in parts
if x.lower().rstrip(os.sep) != os.path.dirname(exe).lower()
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
if parts == after:
raise AssertionError(exe, parts)
env['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(after)
2025-02-09 21:35:53 +01:00
exe = find_executable('pre-commit', env=env)
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
return env['PATH']
def test_environment_not_sourced(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
assert not install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
# simulate deleting the virtualenv by rewriting the exe
hook = os.path.join(path, '.git/hooks/pre-commit')
with open(hook) as f:
src = f.read()
2025-02-09 21:31:27 +01:00
src = re.sub('\nINSTALL_PYTHON=.*\n', '\nINSTALL_PYTHON="/dne"\n', src)
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
with open(hook, 'w') as f:
# Use a specific homedir to ignore --user installs
homedir = tempdir_factory.get()
2025-02-09 21:35:53 +01:00
env = {
'HOME': homedir,
'PATH': _path_without_us(),
# Git needs this to make a commit
if os.name == 'nt' and 'PATHEXT' in os.environ: # pragma: no cover
env['PATHEXT'] = os.environ['PATHEXT']
ret, out = git_commit(env=env, check=False)
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
assert ret == 1
assert out == (
'`pre-commit` not found. '
'Did you forget to activate your virtualenv?\n'
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
FAILING_PRE_COMMIT_RUN = re_assert.Matches(
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
r'^\[INFO\] Initializing environment for .+\.\n'
r'Failing hook\.+Failed\n'
r'- hook id: failing_hook\n'
r'- exit code: 1\n'
def test_failing_hooks_returns_nonzero(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'failing_hook_repo')
with cwd(path):
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 1
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
EXISTING_COMMIT_RUN = re_assert.Matches(
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
fr'^legacy hook\n'
fr'\[master [a-f0-9]{{7}}\] commit!\n'
fr' create mode 100644 baz\n$',
def _write_legacy_hook(path):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, '.git/hooks'), exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(path, '.git/hooks/pre-commit'), 'w') as f:
2025-02-09 21:32:02 +01:00
f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\necho legacy hook\n')
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_install_existing_hooks_no_overwrite(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
# Make sure we installed the "old" hook correctly
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, touch_file='baz')
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
# Now install pre-commit (no-overwrite)
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
# We should run both the legacy and pre-commit hooks
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:45:51 +01:00
legacy = 'legacy hook\n'
assert output.startswith(legacy)
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_legacy_overwriting_legacy_hook(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
# this previously crashed on windows. See #1010
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
def test_install_existing_hook_no_overwrite_idempotent(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
# Install twice
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
# We should run both the legacy and pre-commit hooks
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:45:51 +01:00
legacy = 'legacy hook\n'
assert output.startswith(legacy)
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:28:40 +01:00
def test_install_with_existing_non_utf8_script(tmpdir, store):
cmd_output('git', 'init', str(tmpdir))
b'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n'
b'# garbage: \xa0\xef\x12\xf2\n'
b'echo legacy hook\n',
with tmpdir.as_cwd():
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
FAIL_OLD_HOOK = re_assert.Matches(
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
r'\[INFO\] Initializing environment for .+\.\n'
r'Bash hook\.+Passed\n',
def test_failing_existing_hook_returns_1(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
# Write out a failing "old" hook
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, '.git/hooks'), exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(path, '.git/hooks/pre-commit'), 'w') as f:
f.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\necho "fail!"\nexit 1\n')
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
# We should get a failure from the legacy hook
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 1
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_install_overwrite_no_existing_hooks(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
assert not install(
C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'], overwrite=True,
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_install_overwrite(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
assert not install(
C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'], overwrite=True,
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_uninstall_restores_legacy_hooks(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
# Now install and uninstall pre-commit
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
assert uninstall(C.CONFIG_FILE, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
# Make sure we installed the "old" hook correctly
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, touch_file='baz')
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_replace_old_commit_script(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
# Install a script that looks like our old script
pre_commit_contents = resource_text('hook-tmpl')
new_contents = pre_commit_contents.replace(
2025-02-09 21:28:40 +01:00
CURRENT_HASH.decode(), PRIOR_HASHES[-1].decode(),
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, '.git/hooks'), exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(path, '.git/hooks/pre-commit'), 'w') as f:
# Install normally
assert install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_uninstall_doesnt_remove_not_our_hooks(in_git_dir):
pre_commit = in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks').ensure_dir().join('pre-commit')
pre_commit.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash\necho 1\n')
2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
assert uninstall(C.CONFIG_FILE, hook_types=['pre-commit']) == 0
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
assert pre_commit.exists()
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
PRE_INSTALLED = re_assert.Matches(
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
fr'Bash hook\.+Passed\n'
fr'\[master [a-f0-9]{{7}}\] commit!\n'
fr' create mode 100644 foo\n$',
def test_installs_hooks_with_hooks_True(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'], hooks=True)
ret, output = _get_commit_output(
tempdir_factory, pre_commit_home=store.directory,
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_install_hooks_command(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
install_hooks(C.CONFIG_FILE, store)
ret, output = _get_commit_output(
tempdir_factory, pre_commit_home=store.directory,
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_installed_from_venv(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
# No environment so pre-commit is not on the path when running!
# Should still pick up the python from when we installed
ret, output = _get_commit_output(
'HOME': os.path.expanduser('~'),
'PATH': _path_without_us(),
'TERM': os.environ.get('TERM', ''),
# Windows needs this to import `random`
'SYSTEMROOT': os.environ.get('SYSTEMROOT', ''),
# Windows needs this to resolve executables
'PATHEXT': os.environ.get('PATHEXT', ''),
# Git needs this to make a commit
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def _get_push_output(tempdir_factory, remote='origin', opts=()):
return cmd_output_mocked_pre_commit_home(
'git', 'push', remote, 'HEAD:new_branch', *opts,
2025-02-09 21:35:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_pre_push_integration_failing(tempdir_factory, store):
upstream = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'failing_hook_repo')
path = tempdir_factory.get()
cmd_output('git', 'clone', upstream, path)
with cwd(path):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-push'])
# commit succeeds because pre-commit is only installed for pre-push
assert _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)[0] == 0
assert _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, touch_file='zzz')[0] == 0
retc, output = _get_push_output(tempdir_factory)
assert retc == 1
assert 'Failing hook' in output
assert 'Failed' in output
assert 'foo zzz' in output # both filenames should be printed
assert 'hook id: failing_hook' in output
def test_pre_push_integration_accepted(tempdir_factory, store):
upstream = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
path = tempdir_factory.get()
cmd_output('git', 'clone', upstream, path)
with cwd(path):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-push'])
assert _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)[0] == 0
retc, output = _get_push_output(tempdir_factory)
assert retc == 0
assert 'Bash hook' in output
assert 'Passed' in output
def test_pre_push_force_push_without_fetch(tempdir_factory, store):
upstream = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
path1 = tempdir_factory.get()
path2 = tempdir_factory.get()
cmd_output('git', 'clone', upstream, path1)
cmd_output('git', 'clone', upstream, path2)
with cwd(path1):
assert _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)[0] == 0
assert _get_push_output(tempdir_factory)[0] == 0
with cwd(path2):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-push'])
assert _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, msg='force!')[0] == 0
retc, output = _get_push_output(tempdir_factory, opts=('--force',))
assert retc == 0
assert 'Bash hook' in output
assert 'Passed' in output
def test_pre_push_new_upstream(tempdir_factory, store):
upstream = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
upstream2 = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
path = tempdir_factory.get()
cmd_output('git', 'clone', upstream, path)
with cwd(path):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-push'])
assert _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)[0] == 0
cmd_output('git', 'remote', 'rename', 'origin', 'upstream')
cmd_output('git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', upstream2)
retc, output = _get_push_output(tempdir_factory)
assert retc == 0
assert 'Bash hook' in output
assert 'Passed' in output
def test_pre_push_environment_variables(tempdir_factory, store):
config = {
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [
'id': 'print-remote-info',
'name': 'print remote info',
'entry': 'bash -c "echo remote: $PRE_COMMIT_REMOTE_NAME"',
'language': 'system',
'verbose': True,
upstream = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
clone = tempdir_factory.get()
cmd_output('git', 'clone', upstream, clone)
add_config_to_repo(clone, config)
with cwd(clone):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-push'])
cmd_output('git', 'remote', 'rename', 'origin', 'origin2')
retc, output = _get_push_output(tempdir_factory, remote='origin2')
assert retc == 0
assert '\nremote: origin2\n' in output
def test_pre_push_integration_empty_push(tempdir_factory, store):
upstream = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
path = tempdir_factory.get()
cmd_output('git', 'clone', upstream, path)
with cwd(path):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-push'])
retc, output = _get_push_output(tempdir_factory)
assert output == 'Everything up-to-date\n'
assert retc == 0
def test_pre_push_legacy(tempdir_factory, store):
upstream = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
path = tempdir_factory.get()
cmd_output('git', 'clone', upstream, path)
with cwd(path):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, '.git/hooks'), exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(path, '.git/hooks/pre-push'), 'w') as f:
'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n'
'set -eu\n'
'read lr ls rr rs\n'
'test -n "$lr" -a -n "$ls" -a -n "$rr" -a -n "$rs"\n'
'echo legacy\n',
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-push'])
assert _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)[0] == 0
retc, output = _get_push_output(tempdir_factory)
assert retc == 0
first_line, _, third_line = output.splitlines()[:3]
assert first_line == 'legacy'
assert third_line.startswith('Bash hook')
assert third_line.endswith('Passed')
def test_commit_msg_integration_failing(
commit_msg_repo, tempdir_factory, store,
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['commit-msg'])
retc, out = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert retc == 1
assert out == '''\
Must have "Signed off by:"...............................................Failed
- hook id: must-have-signoff
- exit code: 1
def test_commit_msg_integration_passing(
commit_msg_repo, tempdir_factory, store,
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['commit-msg'])
msg = 'Hi\nSigned off by: me, lol'
retc, out = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, msg=msg)
assert retc == 0
first_line = out.splitlines()[0]
assert first_line.startswith('Must have "Signed off by:"...')
assert first_line.endswith('...Passed')
def test_commit_msg_legacy(commit_msg_repo, tempdir_factory, store):
hook_path = os.path.join(commit_msg_repo, '.git/hooks/commit-msg')
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(hook_path), exist_ok=True)
with open(hook_path, 'w') as hook_file:
'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n'
'set -eu\n'
'test -e "$1"\n'
'echo legacy\n',
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['commit-msg'])
msg = 'Hi\nSigned off by: asottile'
retc, out = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, msg=msg)
assert retc == 0
first_line, second_line = out.splitlines()[:2]
assert first_line == 'legacy'
assert second_line.startswith('Must have "Signed off by:"...')
2025-02-09 21:20:03 +01:00
def test_post_commit_integration(tempdir_factory, store):
path = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
2025-02-09 21:35:53 +01:00
config = {
'repos': [
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'post-commit',
'name': 'Post commit',
'entry': 'touch post-commit.tmp',
'language': 'system',
'always_run': True,
'verbose': True,
'stages': ['post-commit'],
2025-02-09 21:20:03 +01:00
write_config(path, config)
with cwd(path):
assert not os.path.exists('post-commit.tmp')
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['post-commit'])
assert os.path.exists('post-commit.tmp')
2025-02-09 21:25:12 +01:00
def test_post_merge_integration(tempdir_factory, store):
path = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
2025-02-09 21:35:53 +01:00
config = {
'repos': [
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'post-merge',
'name': 'Post merge',
'entry': 'touch post-merge.tmp',
'language': 'system',
'always_run': True,
'verbose': True,
'stages': ['post-merge'],
2025-02-09 21:25:12 +01:00
write_config(path, config)
with cwd(path):
# create a simple diamond of commits for a non-trivial merge
open('init', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
open('master', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', '-b', 'branch', 'HEAD^')
open('branch', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', 'master')
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['post-merge'])
retc, stdout, stderr = cmd_output_mocked_pre_commit_home(
'git', 'merge', 'branch',
assert retc == 0
assert os.path.exists('post-merge.tmp')
2025-02-09 21:39:47 +01:00
def test_pre_rebase_integration(tempdir_factory, store):
path = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
config = {
'repos': [
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'pre-rebase',
'name': 'Pre rebase',
'entry': 'touch pre-rebase.tmp',
'language': 'system',
'always_run': True,
'verbose': True,
'stages': ['pre-rebase'],
write_config(path, config)
with cwd(path):
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-rebase'])
open('foo', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', '-b', 'branch')
open('bar', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', 'master')
open('baz', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', 'branch')
cmd_output('git', 'rebase', 'master', 'branch')
assert os.path.exists('pre-rebase.tmp')
2025-02-09 21:30:35 +01:00
def test_post_rewrite_integration(tempdir_factory, store):
path = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
2025-02-09 21:35:53 +01:00
config = {
'repos': [
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'post-rewrite',
'name': 'Post rewrite',
'entry': 'touch post-rewrite.tmp',
'language': 'system',
'always_run': True,
'verbose': True,
'stages': ['post-rewrite'],
2025-02-09 21:30:35 +01:00
write_config(path, config)
with cwd(path):
open('init', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['post-rewrite'])
assert not os.path.exists('post-rewrite.tmp')
git_commit('--amend', '-m', 'ammended message')
assert os.path.exists('post-rewrite.tmp')
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_post_checkout_integration(tempdir_factory, store):
path = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
2025-02-09 21:35:53 +01:00
config = {
'repos': [
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'post-checkout',
'name': 'Post checkout',
'entry': 'bash -c "echo ${PRE_COMMIT_TO_REF}"',
'language': 'system',
'always_run': True,
'verbose': True,
'stages': ['post-checkout'],
{'repo': 'meta', 'hooks': [{'id': 'identity'}]},
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
write_config(path, config)
with cwd(path):
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
# add a file only on `feature`, it should not be passed to hooks
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', '-b', 'feature')
open('some_file', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', 'master')
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['post-checkout'])
retc, _, stderr = cmd_output('git', 'checkout', 'feature')
assert stderr is not None
assert retc == 0
assert git.head_rev(path) in stderr
assert 'some_file' not in stderr
2025-02-09 21:20:03 +01:00
def test_skips_post_checkout_unstaged_changes(tempdir_factory, store):
path = git_dir(tempdir_factory)
config = {
'repo': 'local',
'hooks': [{
'id': 'fail',
'name': 'fail',
'entry': 'fail',
'language': 'fail',
'always_run': True,
'stages': ['post-checkout'],
write_config(path, config)
with cwd(path):
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'])
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['post-checkout'])
# make an unstaged change so staged_files_only fires
open('file', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', 'file')
with open('file', 'w') as f:
f.write('unstaged changes')
retc, out = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, all_files=False)
assert retc == 0
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_prepare_commit_msg_integration_failing(
failing_prepare_commit_msg_repo, tempdir_factory, store,
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['prepare-commit-msg'])
retc, out = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert retc == 1
assert out == '''\
Add "Signed off by:".....................................................Failed
- hook id: add-signoff
- exit code: 1
def test_prepare_commit_msg_integration_passing(
prepare_commit_msg_repo, tempdir_factory, store,
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['prepare-commit-msg'])
retc, out = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, msg='Hi')
assert retc == 0
first_line = out.splitlines()[0]
assert first_line.startswith('Add "Signed off by:"...')
assert first_line.endswith('...Passed')
commit_msg_path = os.path.join(
prepare_commit_msg_repo, '.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG',
with open(commit_msg_path) as f:
assert 'Signed off by: ' in f.read()
def test_prepare_commit_msg_legacy(
prepare_commit_msg_repo, tempdir_factory, store,
hook_path = os.path.join(
prepare_commit_msg_repo, '.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg',
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(hook_path), exist_ok=True)
with open(hook_path, 'w') as hook_file:
'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n'
'set -eu\n'
'test -e "$1"\n'
'echo legacy\n',
install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['prepare-commit-msg'])
retc, out = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, msg='Hi')
assert retc == 0
first_line, second_line = out.splitlines()[:2]
assert first_line == 'legacy'
assert second_line.startswith('Add "Signed off by:"...')
commit_msg_path = os.path.join(
prepare_commit_msg_repo, '.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG',
with open(commit_msg_path) as f:
assert 'Signed off by: ' in f.read()
def test_pre_merge_commit_integration(tempdir_factory, store):
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
output_pattern = re_assert.Matches(
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
r'^\[INFO\] Initializing environment for .+\n'
r'Bash hook\.+Passed\n'
2025-02-09 21:30:35 +01:00
r"Merge made by the '(ort|recursive)' strategy.\n"
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
r' foo \| 0\n'
r' 1 file changed, 0 insertions\(\+\), 0 deletions\(-\)\n'
r' create mode 100644 foo\n$',
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
ret = install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-merge-commit'])
assert ret == 0
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', 'master', '-b', 'feature')
cmd_output('git', 'checkout', 'master')
ret, output, _ = cmd_output_mocked_pre_commit_home(
'git', 'merge', '--no-ff', '--no-edit', 'feature',
assert ret == 0
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:10:22 +01:00
def test_install_disallow_missing_config(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
ret = install(
C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'],
overwrite=True, skip_on_missing_config=False,
assert ret == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 1
def test_install_allow_missing_config(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
ret = install(
C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'],
overwrite=True, skip_on_missing_config=True,
assert ret == 0
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory)
assert ret == 0
expected = (
'`.pre-commit-config.yaml` config file not found. '
'Skipping `pre-commit`.'
assert expected in output
def test_install_temporarily_allow_mising_config(tempdir_factory, store):
path = make_consuming_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
with cwd(path):
ret = install(
C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=['pre-commit'],
overwrite=True, skip_on_missing_config=False,
assert ret == 0
env = dict(os.environ, PRE_COMMIT_ALLOW_NO_CONFIG='1')
ret, output = _get_commit_output(tempdir_factory, env=env)
assert ret == 0
expected = (
'`.pre-commit-config.yaml` config file not found. '
'Skipping `pre-commit`.'
assert expected in output
2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
def test_install_uninstall_default_hook_types(in_git_dir, store):
cfg_src = 'default_install_hook_types: [pre-commit, pre-push]\nrepos: []\n'
assert not install(C.CONFIG_FILE, store, hook_types=None)
assert os.access(in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-commit').strpath, os.X_OK)
assert os.access(in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-push').strpath, os.X_OK)
assert not uninstall(C.CONFIG_FILE, hook_types=None)
assert not in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-commit').exists()
assert not in_git_dir.join('.git/hooks/pre-push').exists()