2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
from __future__ import annotations
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
import contextlib
import os.path
2025-02-09 21:35:17 +01:00
import re
import tempfile
import xml.etree.ElementTree
import zipfile
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
from typing import Generator
from typing import Sequence
import pre_commit.constants as C
from pre_commit.envcontext import envcontext
from pre_commit.envcontext import PatchesT
from pre_commit.envcontext import Var
from pre_commit.hook import Hook
from pre_commit.languages import helpers
from pre_commit.prefix import Prefix
from pre_commit.util import clean_path_on_failure
ENVIRONMENT_DIR = 'dotnetenv'
BIN_DIR = 'bin'
get_default_version = helpers.basic_get_default_version
2025-02-09 21:33:32 +01:00
health_check = helpers.basic_health_check
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
def get_env_patch(venv: str) -> PatchesT:
return (
('PATH', (os.path.join(venv, BIN_DIR), os.pathsep, Var('PATH'))),
def in_env(prefix: Prefix) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
directory = helpers.environment_dir(ENVIRONMENT_DIR, C.DEFAULT)
envdir = prefix.path(directory)
with envcontext(get_env_patch(envdir)):
2025-02-09 21:35:17 +01:00
def _nuget_config_no_sources() -> Generator[str, None, None]:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
nuget_config = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'nuget.config')
with open(nuget_config, 'w') as f:
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
' <packageSources>'
' <clear />'
' </packageSources>'
yield nuget_config
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
def install_environment(
prefix: Prefix,
version: str,
additional_dependencies: Sequence[str],
) -> None:
helpers.assert_version_default('dotnet', version)
helpers.assert_no_additional_deps('dotnet', additional_dependencies)
envdir = prefix.path(helpers.environment_dir(ENVIRONMENT_DIR, version))
with clean_path_on_failure(envdir):
build_dir = 'pre-commit-build'
# Build & pack nupkg file
'dotnet', 'pack',
'--configuration', 'Release',
'--output', build_dir,
2025-02-09 21:35:17 +01:00
nupkg_dir = prefix.path(build_dir)
nupkgs = [x for x in os.listdir(nupkg_dir) if x.endswith('.nupkg')]
if not nupkgs:
raise AssertionError('could not find any build outputs to install')
for nupkg in nupkgs:
with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(nupkg_dir, nupkg)) as f:
nuspec, = (x for x in f.namelist() if x.endswith('.nuspec'))
with f.open(nuspec) as spec:
tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(spec)
namespace = re.match(r'{.*}', tree.getroot().tag)
if not namespace:
raise AssertionError('could not parse namespace from nuspec')
tool_id_element = tree.find(f'.//{namespace[0]}id')
if tool_id_element is None:
raise AssertionError('expected to find an "id" element')
tool_id = tool_id_element.text
if not tool_id:
raise AssertionError('"id" element missing tool name')
2025-02-09 21:33:32 +01:00
# Install to bin dir
2025-02-09 21:35:17 +01:00
with _nuget_config_no_sources() as nuget_config:
'dotnet', 'tool', 'install',
'--configfile', nuget_config,
'--tool-path', os.path.join(envdir, BIN_DIR),
'--add-source', build_dir,
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
2025-02-09 21:22:51 +01:00
# Clean the git dir, ignoring the environment dir
clean_cmd = ('git', 'clean', '-ffxd', '-e', f'{ENVIRONMENT_DIR}-*')
helpers.run_setup_cmd(prefix, clean_cmd)
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
def run_hook(
hook: Hook,
file_args: Sequence[str],
color: bool,
2025-02-09 21:32:53 +01:00
) -> tuple[int, bytes]:
2025-02-09 21:22:17 +01:00
with in_env(hook.prefix):
return helpers.run_xargs(hook, hook.cmd, file_args, color=color)