Fork 0
Daniel Baumann 9b2e8c29eb
Merging upstream version 2.12.0.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org>
2025-02-09 21:26:51 +01:00

169 lines
5 KiB

import concurrent.futures
import contextlib
import math
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Generator
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import MutableMapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import TypeVar
from pre_commit import parse_shebang
from pre_commit.util import cmd_output_b
from pre_commit.util import cmd_output_p
TArg = TypeVar('TArg')
TRet = TypeVar('TRet')
def _environ_size(_env: Optional[MutableMapping[str, str]] = None) -> int:
environ = _env if _env is not None else getattr(os, 'environb', os.environ)
size = 8 * len(environ) # number of pointers in `envp`
for k, v in environ.items():
size += len(k) + len(v) + 2 # c strings in `envp`
return size
def _get_platform_max_length() -> int: # pragma: no cover (platform specific)
if os.name == 'posix':
maximum = os.sysconf('SC_ARG_MAX') - 2048 - _environ_size()
maximum = max(min(maximum, 2 ** 17), 2 ** 12)
return maximum
elif os.name == 'nt':
return 2 ** 15 - 2048 # UNICODE_STRING max - headroom
# posix minimum
return 2 ** 12
def _command_length(*cmd: str) -> int:
full_cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
# win32 uses the amount of characters, more details at:
# https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit/pull/839
if sys.platform == 'win32':
return len(full_cmd.encode('utf-16le')) // 2
return len(full_cmd.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()))
class ArgumentTooLongError(RuntimeError):
def partition(
cmd: Sequence[str],
varargs: Sequence[str],
target_concurrency: int,
_max_length: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], ...]:
_max_length = _max_length or _get_platform_max_length()
# Generally, we try to partition evenly into at least `target_concurrency`
# partitions, but we don't want a bunch of tiny partitions.
max_args = max(4, math.ceil(len(varargs) / target_concurrency))
cmd = tuple(cmd)
ret = []
ret_cmd: List[str] = []
# Reversed so arguments are in order
varargs = list(reversed(varargs))
total_length = _command_length(*cmd) + 1
while varargs:
arg = varargs.pop()
arg_length = _command_length(arg) + 1
if (
total_length + arg_length <= _max_length and
len(ret_cmd) < max_args
total_length += arg_length
elif not ret_cmd:
raise ArgumentTooLongError(arg)
# We've exceeded the length, yield a command
ret.append(cmd + tuple(ret_cmd))
ret_cmd = []
total_length = _command_length(*cmd) + 1
ret.append(cmd + tuple(ret_cmd))
return tuple(ret)
def _thread_mapper(maxsize: int) -> Generator[
Callable[[Callable[[TArg], TRet], Iterable[TArg]], Iterable[TRet]],
None, None,
if maxsize == 1:
yield map
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(maxsize) as ex:
yield ex.map
def xargs(
cmd: Tuple[str, ...],
varargs: Sequence[str],
color: bool = False,
target_concurrency: int = 1,
_max_length: int = _get_platform_max_length(),
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
"""A simplified implementation of xargs.
color: Make a pty if on a platform that supports it
target_concurrency: Target number of partitions to run concurrently
cmd_fn = cmd_output_p if color else cmd_output_b
retcode = 0
stdout = b''
cmd = parse_shebang.normalize_cmd(cmd)
except parse_shebang.ExecutableNotFoundError as e:
return e.to_output()[:2]
# on windows, batch files have a separate length limit than windows itself
if (
sys.platform == 'win32' and
cmd[0].lower().endswith(('.bat', '.cmd'))
): # pragma: win32 cover
# this is implementation details but the command gets translated into
# full/path/to/cmd.exe /c *cmd
cmd_exe = parse_shebang.find_executable('cmd.exe')
# 1024 is additionally subtracted to give headroom for further
# expansion inside the batch file
_max_length = 8192 - len(cmd_exe) - len(' /c ') - 1024
partitions = partition(cmd, varargs, target_concurrency, _max_length)
def run_cmd_partition(
run_cmd: Tuple[str, ...],
) -> Tuple[int, bytes, Optional[bytes]]:
return cmd_fn(
*run_cmd, retcode=None, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, **kwargs,
threads = min(len(partitions), target_concurrency)
with _thread_mapper(threads) as thread_map:
results = thread_map(run_cmd_partition, partitions)
for proc_retcode, proc_out, _ in results:
retcode = max(retcode, proc_retcode)
stdout += proc_out
return retcode, stdout