155 lines
4.9 KiB
155 lines
4.9 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import os.path
import re
import time
from unittest import mock
import re_assert
from pre_commit import git
from pre_commit.commands.try_repo import try_repo
from pre_commit.util import cmd_output
from testing.auto_namedtuple import auto_namedtuple
from testing.fixtures import git_dir
from testing.fixtures import make_repo
from testing.fixtures import modify_manifest
from testing.util import cwd
from testing.util import git_commit
from testing.util import run_opts
def try_repo_opts(repo, ref=None, **kwargs):
return auto_namedtuple(repo=repo, ref=ref, **run_opts(**kwargs)._asdict())
def _get_out(cap_out):
out = re.sub(r'\[INFO\].+\n', '', cap_out.get())
start, using_config, config, rest = out.split(f'{"=" * 79}\n')
assert using_config == 'Using config:\n'
return start, config, rest
def _add_test_file():
open('test-file', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
def _run_try_repo(tempdir_factory, **kwargs):
repo = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'modified_file_returns_zero_repo')
with cwd(git_dir(tempdir_factory)):
assert not try_repo(try_repo_opts(repo, **kwargs))
def test_try_repo_repo_only(cap_out, tempdir_factory):
with mock.patch.object(time, 'time', return_value=0.0):
_run_try_repo(tempdir_factory, verbose=True)
start, config, rest = _get_out(cap_out)
assert start == ''
config_pattern = re_assert.Matches(
'- repo: .+\n'
' rev: .+\n'
' hooks:\n'
' - id: bash_hook\n'
' - id: bash_hook2\n'
' - id: bash_hook3\n$',
assert rest == '''\
Bash hook............................................(no files to check)Skipped
- hook id: bash_hook
Bash hook................................................................Passed
- hook id: bash_hook2
- duration: 0s
Bash hook............................................(no files to check)Skipped
- hook id: bash_hook3
def test_try_repo_with_specific_hook(cap_out, tempdir_factory):
_run_try_repo(tempdir_factory, hook='bash_hook', verbose=True)
start, config, rest = _get_out(cap_out)
assert start == ''
config_pattern = re_assert.Matches(
'- repo: .+\n'
' rev: .+\n'
' hooks:\n'
' - id: bash_hook\n$',
assert rest == '''\
Bash hook............................................(no files to check)Skipped
- hook id: bash_hook
def test_try_repo_relative_path(cap_out, tempdir_factory):
repo = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'modified_file_returns_zero_repo')
with cwd(git_dir(tempdir_factory)):
relative_repo = os.path.relpath(repo, '.')
# previously crashed on cloning a relative path
assert not try_repo(try_repo_opts(relative_repo, hook='bash_hook'))
def test_try_repo_bare_repo(cap_out, tempdir_factory):
repo = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'modified_file_returns_zero_repo')
with cwd(git_dir(tempdir_factory)):
bare_repo = os.path.join(repo, '.git')
# previously crashed attempting modification changes
assert not try_repo(try_repo_opts(bare_repo, hook='bash_hook'))
def test_try_repo_specific_revision(cap_out, tempdir_factory):
repo = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
ref = git.head_rev(repo)
with cwd(git_dir(tempdir_factory)):
assert not try_repo(try_repo_opts(repo, ref=ref))
_, config, _ = _get_out(cap_out)
assert ref in config
def test_try_repo_uncommitted_changes(cap_out, tempdir_factory):
repo = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'script_hooks_repo')
# make an uncommitted change
with modify_manifest(repo, commit=False) as manifest:
manifest[0]['name'] = 'modified name!'
with cwd(git_dir(tempdir_factory)):
open('test-fie', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
assert not try_repo(try_repo_opts(repo))
start, config, rest = _get_out(cap_out)
assert start == '[WARNING] Creating temporary repo with uncommitted changes...\n' # noqa: E501
config_pattern = re_assert.Matches(
'- repo: .+shadow-repo\n'
' rev: .+\n'
' hooks:\n'
' - id: bash_hook\n$',
assert rest == 'modified name!...........................................................Passed\n' # noqa: E501
def test_try_repo_staged_changes(tempdir_factory):
repo = make_repo(tempdir_factory, 'modified_file_returns_zero_repo')
with cwd(repo):
open('staged-file', 'a').close()
open('second-staged-file', 'a').close()
cmd_output('git', 'add', '.')
with cwd(git_dir(tempdir_factory)):
assert not try_repo(try_repo_opts(repo, hook='bash_hook'))