279 lines
9.6 KiB
279 lines
9.6 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
from time import monotonic
from typing import Callable
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import pytest
from textual.app import App
from textual.message import Message
from textual.widgets.text_area import Selection
from textual_textarea import TextEditor
def word_completer() -> Callable[[str], list[tuple[str, str]]]:
def _completer(prefix: str) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
words = [
return [(w, w) for w in words if w.startswith(prefix)]
return _completer
def word_completer_with_types() -> Callable[[str], list[tuple[tuple[str, str], str]]]:
def _completer(prefix: str) -> list[tuple[tuple[str, str], str]]:
words = [
return [((w, "word"), w) for w in words if w.startswith(prefix)]
return _completer
def member_completer() -> Callable[[str], list[tuple[str, str]]]:
mock = MagicMock()
mock.return_value = [("completion", "completion")]
return mock
async def test_autocomplete(
app: App, word_completer: Callable[[str], list[tuple[str, str]]]
) -> None:
messages: list[Message] = []
async with app.run_test(message_hook=messages.append) as pilot:
ta = app.query_one("#ta", expect_type=TextEditor)
ta.word_completer = word_completer
while ta.word_completer is None:
await pilot.pause()
start_time = monotonic()
await pilot.press("s")
while ta.completion_list.is_open is False:
if monotonic() - start_time > 10:
print("\n".join([str(m) for m in messages]))
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "word"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True
assert ta.completion_list.option_count == 10
first_offset = ta.completion_list.styles.offset
await pilot.press("e")
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "word"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True
assert ta.completion_list.option_count == 7
assert ta.completion_list.styles.offset == first_offset
await pilot.press("z") # sez, no matches
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active is None
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is False
# backspace when the list is not open doesn't re-open it
await pilot.press("backspace")
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active is None
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is False
await pilot.press("l") # sel
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "word"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True
assert ta.completion_list.option_count == 3
assert ta.completion_list.styles.offset == first_offset
await pilot.press("backspace") # se
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "word"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True
assert ta.completion_list.option_count == 7
assert ta.completion_list.styles.offset == first_offset
await pilot.press("enter")
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active is None
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is False
assert ta.text == "season"
assert ta.selection.end[1] == 6
async def test_autocomplete_with_types(
app: App,
word_completer_with_types: Callable[[str], list[tuple[tuple[str, str], str]]],
) -> None:
messages: list[Message] = []
word_completer = word_completer_with_types
async with app.run_test(message_hook=messages.append) as pilot:
ta = app.query_one("#ta", expect_type=TextEditor)
ta.word_completer = word_completer
while ta.word_completer is None:
await pilot.pause()
start_time = monotonic()
await pilot.press("s")
while ta.completion_list.is_open is False:
if monotonic() - start_time > 10:
print("\n".join([str(m) for m in messages]))
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "word"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True
assert ta.completion_list.option_count == 10
first_offset = ta.completion_list.styles.offset
await pilot.press("e")
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "word"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True
assert ta.completion_list.option_count == 7
assert ta.completion_list.styles.offset == first_offset
await pilot.press("z") # sez, no matches
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active is None
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is False
# backspace when the list is not open doesn't re-open it
await pilot.press("backspace")
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active is None
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is False
await pilot.press("l") # sel
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "word"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True
assert ta.completion_list.option_count == 3
assert ta.completion_list.styles.offset == first_offset
await pilot.press("backspace") # se
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "word"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True
assert ta.completion_list.option_count == 7
assert ta.completion_list.styles.offset == first_offset
await pilot.press("enter")
await app.workers.wait_for_complete()
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input.completer_active is None
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is False
assert ta.text == "season"
assert ta.selection.end[1] == 6
async def test_autocomplete_paths(app: App, data_dir: Path) -> None:
messages: list[Message] = []
async with app.run_test(message_hook=messages.append) as pilot:
ta = app.query_one("#ta", expect_type=TextEditor)
test_path = str(data_dir / "test_validator")
ta.text = test_path
await pilot.pause()
ta.selection = Selection((0, len(test_path)), (0, len(test_path)))
start_time = monotonic()
await pilot.press("slash")
while ta.completion_list.is_open is False:
if monotonic() - start_time > 10:
print("\n".join([str(m) for m in messages]))
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "path"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True
assert ta.completion_list.option_count == 2
("foo bar", ["full_stop"], "bar."),
("foo 'bar'", ["full_stop"], "'bar'."),
("foo `bar`", ["full_stop"], "`bar`."),
('foo "bar"', ["full_stop"], '"bar".'),
("foo bar", ["colon"], "bar:"),
("foo bar", ["colon", "colon"], "bar::"),
('foo "bar"', ["colon", "colon"], '"bar"::'),
("foo bar", ["full_stop", "quotation_mark"], 'bar."'),
('foo "bar"', ["full_stop", "quotation_mark"], '"bar"."'),
async def test_autocomplete_members(
app: App,
member_completer: MagicMock,
text: str,
keys: list[str],
expected_prefix: str,
) -> None:
messages: list[Message] = []
async with app.run_test(message_hook=messages.append) as pilot:
ta = app.query_one("#ta", expect_type=TextEditor)
ta.member_completer = member_completer
while ta.member_completer is None:
await pilot.pause()
ta.text = text
ta.selection = Selection((0, len(text)), (0, len(text)))
await pilot.pause()
for key in keys:
await pilot.press(key)
start_time = monotonic()
while ta.completion_list.is_open is False:
if monotonic() - start_time > 10:
print("\n".join([str(m) for m in messages]))
await pilot.pause()
assert ta.text_input is not None
assert ta.text_input.completer_active == "member"
assert ta.completion_list.is_open is True