## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in. EXTRA_DIST = service.fedora service.forking service.redhat service.suse sysv.lsb sysv.redhat MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in CLEANFILES = haveged haveged.service do_subst = sed -e 's,[@]SBIN_DIR[@],$(sbindir),g' src_tmpl = @HA_DISTRO@ unit_dir = @HA_UNITD@ if ENABLE_NOINIT ## user will install manually. install-exec-hook: @echo "no init script installed"; endif if ENABLE_SYSV ## legacy init script - installation via automake defaults initdir = $(sysconfdir)/init.d init_SCRIPTS = haveged haveged: $(src_tmpl) Makefile $(do_subst) < $(srcdir)/$(src_tmpl) > haveged; endif if ENABLE_SYSTEMD ## systemd script - lookup unitdir if not specified install-exec-hook: $(do_subst) < $(srcdir)/$(src_tmpl) > haveged.service; install-data-hook: install-exec-hook if ENABLE_SYSTEMD_LOOKUP install -p -D -m644 haveged.service $(DESTDIR)`pkg-config --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd`/haveged.service; else install -p -D -m644 haveged.service $(DESTDIR)$(unit_dir)/haveged.service; endif ## Defer systemd call to for cross-compile case ## systemctl enable haveged.service; endif