2025-02-16 10:09:15 +01:00
.TH "nvme_init_ctrl_list" 9 "nvme_init_ctrl_list" "June 2023" "libnvme API manual" LINUX
2025-02-15 08:44:15 +01:00
nvme_init_ctrl_list \- Initialize an nvme_ctrl_list structure from an array.
.B "void" nvme_init_ctrl_list
.BI "(struct nvme_ctrl_list *cntlist " ","
.BI "__u16 num_ctrls " ","
.BI "__u16 *ctrlist " ");"
.IP "cntlist" 12
The controller list structure to initialize
.IP "num_ctrls" 12
The number of controllers in the array, \fIctrlist\fP.
.IP "ctrlist" 12
An array of controller identifiers in CPU native endian.
This is intended to be used with any command that takes a controller list
argument. See \fBnvme_ns_attach_ctrls\fP and \fBnvme_ns_detach\fP.