.TH "libnvme" 9 "struct nvmf_disc_log_entry" "November 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME struct nvmf_disc_log_entry \- Discovery Log Page entry .SH SYNOPSIS struct nvmf_disc_log_entry { .br .BI " __u8 trtype;" .br .BI " __u8 adrfam;" .br .BI " __u8 subtype;" .br .BI " __u8 treq;" .br .BI " __le16 portid;" .br .BI " __le16 cntlid;" .br .BI " __le16 asqsz;" .br .BI " __le16 eflags;" .br .BI " __u8 rsvd12[20];" .br .BI " char trsvcid[NVMF_TRSVCID_SIZE];" .br .BI " __u8 rsvd64[192];" .br .BI " char subnqn[NVME_NQN_LENGTH];" .br .BI " char traddr[NVMF_TRADDR_SIZE];" .br .BI " union nvmf_tsas tsas;" .br .BI " }; .br .SH Members .IP "trtype" 12 Transport Type (TRTYPE): Specifies the NVMe Transport type. See \fIenum nvmf_trtype\fP. .IP "adrfam" 12 Address Family (ADRFAM): Specifies the address family. See \fIenum nvmf_addr_family\fP. .IP "subtype" 12 Subsystem Type (SUBTYPE): Specifies the type of the NVM subsystem that is indicated in this entry. See \fIenum nvme_subsys_type\fP. .IP "treq" 12 Transport Requirements (TREQ): Indicates requirements for the NVMe Transport. See \fIenum nvmf_treq\fP. .IP "portid" 12 Port ID (PORTID): Specifies a particular NVM subsystem port. Different NVMe Transports or address families may utilize the same Port ID value (e.g. a Port ID may support both iWARP and RoCE). .IP "cntlid" 12 Controller ID (CNTLID): Specifies the controller ID. If the NVM subsystem uses a dynamic controller model, then this field shall be set to FFFFh. If the NVM subsystem uses a static controller model, then this field may be set to a specific controller ID (values 0h to FFEFh are valid). If the NVM subsystem uses a static controller model and the value indicated is FFFEh, then the host should remember the Controller ID returned as part of the Fabrics Connect command in order to re-establish an association in the future with the same controller. .IP "asqsz" 12 Admin Max SQ Size (ASQSZ): Specifies the maximum size of an Admin Submission Queue. This applies to all controllers in the NVM subsystem. The value shall be a minimum of 32 entries. .IP "eflags" 12 Entry Flags (EFLAGS): Indicates additional information related to the current entry. See \fIenum nvmf_disc_eflags\fP. .IP "rsvd12" 12 Reserved .IP "trsvcid" 12 Transport Service Identifier (TRSVCID): Specifies the NVMe Transport service identifier as an ASCII string. The NVMe Transport service identifier is specified by the associated NVMe Transport binding specification. .IP "rsvd64" 12 Reserved .IP "subnqn" 12 NVM Subsystem Qualified Name (SUBNQN): NVMe Qualified Name (NQN) that uniquely identifies the NVM subsystem. For a subsystem, if that Discovery subsystem has a unique NQN (i.e., the NVM Subsystem NVMe Qualified Name (SUBNQN) field in that Discovery subsystem's Identify Controller data structure contains a unique NQN value), then the value returned shall be that unique NQN. If the Discovery subsystem does not have a unique NQN, then the value returned shall be the well-known Discovery Service NQN (nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress.discovery). .IP "traddr" 12 Transport Address (TRADDR): Specifies the address of the NVM subsystem that may be used for a Connect command as an ASCII string. The Address Family field describes the reference for parsing this field. .IP "tsas" 12 Transport specific attribute settings