.TH "libnvme" 9 "struct nbft_info_host" "October 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME struct nbft_info_host \- Host Descriptor .SH SYNOPSIS struct nbft_info_host { .br .BI " unsigned char *id;" .br .BI " char *nqn;" .br .BI " bool host_id_configured;" .br .BI " bool host_nqn_configured;" .br .BI " enum nbft_info_primary_admin_host_flag primary;" .br .BI " }; .br .SH Members .IP "id" 12 Host ID (raw UUID, length = 16 bytes). .IP "nqn" 12 Host NQN. .IP "host_id_configured" 12 HostID Configured Flag: value of True indicates that \fIid\fP contains administratively-configured value, or driver default value if False. .IP "host_nqn_configured" 12 Host NQN Configured Flag: value of True indicates that \fInqn\fP contains administratively-configured value, or driver default value if False. .IP "primary" 12 Primary Administrative Host Descriptor, see \fIenum nbft_info_primary_admin_host_flag\fP.