.TH "libnvme" 9 "struct nvme_fabrics_uri" "October 2024" "API Manual" LINUX .SH NAME struct nvme_fabrics_uri \- Parsed URI structure .SH SYNOPSIS struct nvme_fabrics_uri { .br .BI " char *scheme;" .br .BI " char *protocol;" .br .BI " char *userinfo;" .br .BI " char *host;" .br .BI " int port;" .br .BI " char **path_segments;" .br .BI " char *query;" .br .BI " char *fragment;" .br .BI " }; .br .SH Members .IP "scheme" 12 Scheme name (typically 'nvme') .IP "protocol" 12 Optional protocol/transport (e.g. 'tcp') .IP "userinfo" 12 Optional user information component of the URI authority .IP "host" 12 Host transport address .IP "port" 12 The port subcomponent or 0 if not specified .IP "path_segments" 12 NULL-terminated array of path segments .IP "query" 12 Optional query string component (separated by '?') .IP "fragment" 12 Optional fragment identifier component (separated by '#')