.TH "nvme_namespace_attach_ctrls" 9 "nvme_namespace_attach_ctrls" "October 2024" "libnvme API manual" LINUX .SH NAME nvme_namespace_attach_ctrls \- Attach namespace to controller(s) .SH SYNOPSIS .B "int" nvme_namespace_attach_ctrls .BI "(int fd " "," .BI "__u32 nsid " "," .BI "__u16 num_ctrls " "," .BI "__u16 *ctrlist " ");" .SH ARGUMENTS .IP "fd" 12 File descriptor of nvme device .IP "nsid" 12 Namespace ID to attach .IP "num_ctrls" 12 Number of controllers in ctrlist .IP "ctrlist" 12 List of controller IDs to perform the attach action .SH "RETURN" The nvme command status if a response was received (see \fIenum nvme_status_field\fP) or -1 with errno set otherwise.